In seinem Brief an Philemon setzt sich der Apostel Paulus dafür ein, dass ein Sklave bekommt, was die christliche Taufformel ihm verspricht: „… da ist nicht ...
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The main reason for the existence of military orders was to protect Christendom and contribute to its growth. In the context of the ongoing conflict between ...
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This talk reflects upon the contested definitions of ‘rightful’ dependency in early nineteenth-century Panjab, focusing specifically upon the overlapping bonds ...
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The vogue for "ethnicity" in many fields of historical study has reified a concept for which there is little direct evidence in the historical record before ...
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Karen Woods Weierman’s recent book, The Case of the Slave-Child, Med: Free Soil in Antislavery Boston, restores the complicated history of antislavery Boston’s ...
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Animals played a central role in the history of transatlantic slavery that has only recently attracted scholarly interest. Of vital importance to plantation ...
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The aim of this talk is to reflect on the consequences of fluctuating levels of asymmetrical dependencies on the symbolic productions of the political and ...
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On Tuesday 30. November Holger Droessler, who is Assistant Professor of History at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, will present his new book "Coconut ...
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The conference "Humboldt-Kolleg: Slavery, Freedom, Sustainability, and Pandemicis" is organized by Roberto Hofmeister Pich and supported by the Alexander von ...
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On December 1st, 2021 the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies will introduce the MA programs “Dependency and Slavery Studies” and “Slavery Studies” ...
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