Gender Reading Group (GRG)
The Gender Reading Group was created from the initiative of two PhD candidates belonging to RA E, Dita Auziņa1 and Danitza Márquez2. Since its inception in September last year, the group has brought together RA E members and interested BCDSS colleagues to discuss current debates in gender and intersectionality studies, and to reflect on approaches to gender, gender relations and the intersections between these and related categories in our research on slavery and (strong) asymmetrical dependencies.
To begin our activities with a common background, our first four sessions (September – November 2020) were focused on the discussion of some ‘canonical’ literature. The pre-selection of texts was done in collaboration with senior members of the RA. During the second phase (November 2020 – May 2021), in the spirit of interdisciplinarity, several participants organized their own thematic sessions. These sessions were framed by the particular interests of group members and aimed to address the theoretical challenges of their ongoing research. They provided active space for participants to work together and explore interpretations of gender relations and intersectionality from their diverse contexts and standpoints. During the third phase (in June 2021), members discussed texts produced by peer members, as well as the BCDSS concept paper in light of RA E’s objectives. As a result of our past endeavours, and thanks to the growing number of members in the RA, the group will continue to move forward in addressing the connections between gender, intersectionality, and (strong) asymmetrical dependencies in this productive format.
Up until now, most of the meetings have been held online in intervals of two or three weeks. A total of fifteen sessions have already taken place. For the winter term 2021/22 we plan to hold monthly sessions in hybrid form, restarting in November. The GRG is coordinated by PhD candidates and advised by senior members of RA E. As time goes by, and as Dita and Danitza resume their fieldwork, we are very happy to announce that our colleague Lisa Phongsavath3, PhD candidate, has now joined the coordination team. If you would like to take part in our sessions, please send an email to and, and we will add you to the mailing list. Below you can find an overview of our past sessions, including the topics and literature we covered. If you would like access to the readings, get in touch with us and we can send you to the Sciebo link.
Past Sessions
Part I: 'Key' Texts in Gender and Intersectionality Studies
Session 1 – 9 September 2020 (Dita A. and Danitza M.)
- Crenshaw, Kimberle. "Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics." In University of Chicago Legal Forum 1989(1): Article 8.
- Scott, Joan W. "Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis." In The American Historical Review 91(5) (1986): 1053–75.
Session 2 – 24 September 2020 (Dita A. and Danitza M.)
- Butler, Judith. "Subjects of Sex/Gender/Desire." In Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. Routledge & CRC Press.
- Connell, R. W. "Introduction to the Second Editio." In Masculinities, 2nd ed., xi–xxiv. University of California Press, 2005.
Session 3 – 6 October 2020 (Dita A. and Danitza M.)
- Connell, R. W. "Men’s Bodies." In Masculinities, 2nd ed., 45–66. University of California Press, 2005.
- Connell, R. W. "The Social Organization of Masculinity." In Masculinities, 2nd ed., 67–86. University of California Press, 2005.
- Doddington, David. "'Old Fellows': Age, Identity, and Solidarity in Slave Communities of the Antebellum South." In Journal of Global Slavery 3(3): 286–312.
Session 4 – 3 November 2020 (Dita A.)
- Bordo, Susan. "Feminism, Foucault and the Politics of the Body." In Feminist Theory and the Body: A Reader, edited by Margrit Shildrick and Janet Price. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1999.
- Foucault, Michel. "Part Two: The Repressive Hypothesis." In The History of Sexuality. Volume 1: An Introduction, 1st American Edition, 15–50. New York: Pantheon Books, 1978.
Part II: Case Studies
Session 5 – 17 November 2020 ("Case studies from Ancient China," Laurie V.)
- Pang-White, Ann A. "Introduction: Rereading the Canon." In The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Chinese Philosophy and Gender, edited by Ann A. Pang-White, 1–21. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016.
- Rosenlee, Li-Hsiang Lisa. "Yin-Yang, Gender Attributes, and Complementarity." In Confucianism and Women: A Philosophical Interpretation, 45–68. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2006.
Session 6 – 01 December 2020 ("Insights into the history of transgender and their 'passing' to the other sex," Alexander R.)
- Shilling, Chris. "Presenting." In Changing Bodies: Habit, Crisis and Creativity, 64–84. London: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2008.
- Vilain, Eric, Jonathan Ospina Betancurt, Nereida Bueno-Guerra, and Maria Jose MartinezPatiño. "Transgender Athletes in Elite Sport Competitions: Equity and Inclusivity." In Transgender Athletes in Competitive Sport, edited by Eric Anderson and Ann Travers, 2nd ed., 156–70. London: Routledge, 2017.
Session 7 – 14 December 2020 ("Perspectives on African gender studies," Malik A.)
- Oyèrónké Oyèwùmi on Gender and Motherhood at Rhodes University, 2016.
- Roberts, Mary Nooter. "The King Is a Woman: Shaping Power in Luba Royal Arts." In African Arts 46(3): 68–81.
- Semley, Lorelle D. "Prologue: 'Mother Is Gold, Father Is Glass': Power and Vulnerability in Atlantic Africa." In Mother Is Gold, Father Is Glass: Gender and Colonialism in a Yoruba Town, 1–12. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2010.
Session 8 – 25 January 2021 ("Age and gender in lived social relations I," Lisa P. & Laurie V.)
- Croll, Elisabeth J. "Gendered Moments and Inscripted Memories: Girlhood in Twentieth Century Chinese Autobiography:" In Gender & Memory, edited by Selma Leydesdorff, Luisa Passerini, and Paul Thompson, 1st ed., 16. New York: Routledge, 2017.
- Leow, Rachel. "Age as a Category of Gender Analysis: Servant Girls, Modern Girls, and Gender in Southeast Asia." In The Journal of Asian Studies 71(4): 975–90.
- Maza, Sarah. "The Kids Aren’t All Right: Historians and the Problem of Childhood." In The American Historical Review 125(4): 1261–85.
Session 9 – 08 February 2021 ("Age and gender in lived social relations II," Lisa P. & Laurie V.)
- Andaya, Barbara Watson. "Speaking to the Spirits: Thinking Comparatively about Women in Asian Indigenous Belief." In Gender in Focus, edited by Andreea Zamfira, Christian de Montlibert, and Daniela Radu, 1st ed., 41–63. Identities, Codes, Stereotypes and Politics. Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2018.
- Ripat, Pauline. "Roman Women, Wise Women, and Witches." In Phoenix 70(1/2): 104–28.
- Schmidt, Susanne. "Double Standard." In Midlife Crisis, 15–39. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2020.
- Schmidt, Susanne. "Introduction." In Midlife Crisis, 1–14. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2020.
Session 10 – 22 February 2021 ("Gender in precolonial/colonial Central Andes," Danitza M.)
- Horswell, Michael J. "Three: From Supay Huaca to Queer Mother.". In Decolonizing the Sodomite: Queer Tropes of Sexuality in Colonial Andean Culture, 114–66. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2005.
- Benavides, O. Hugo. "Review of Decolonizing the Sodomite: Queer Tropes of Sexuality in Colonial Andean Culture, by Michael J. Horswell." In The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 12(1): 255–57.
- Moral, Enrique. "Qu(e)Erying Sex and Gender in Archaeology: A Critique of the 'Third' and Other Sexual Categories." In Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 23(3): 788–809.
Session 11 – 08 March 2021 ("Gender and women in Medieval Europe," Caroline L.)
- Bennett, Judith M. "Less Money Than a Man Would Take." In History Matters, 82–107. Patriarchy and the Challenge of Feminism. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006.
- Bennett, Judith M. "Patriarchal Equilibrium." In History Matters, 54–81. Patriarchy and the Challenge of Feminism. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006.
- Bennett, Judith M. "Medievalism and Feminism." In Speculum 68(2): 309–31.
- Caviness, Madeline H. "Feminism, Gender Studies, and Medieval Studies:" In Diogenes 57(1): 30–45.
Session 12 – 22 March 2021 ("Gender and women in Classic Maya society," Sarah K.)
- Beaudry-Corbett, Marilyn. "Spindle Whorls: Household Specialization at Ceren." In Ancient Maya Women, edited by Traci Ardren, 52–67. AltaMira Press, 2002.
- Ardren, Traci. "Death Became Her: Images of Female Power from Yaxuna Burials." In Ancient Maya Women, edited by Traci Ardren, 68–88. AltaMira Press, 2002.
Session 13 – 18 May 2021 ("Cross-dressing in historical research," Julia H. and Royce M.)
- Hager, Lisa. "A Case for a Trans Studies Turn in Victorian Studies: 'Female Husbands' of the Nineteenth Century." In Victorian Review 44(1): 37–54.
- Mowat, Chris. "Don’t Be a Drag, Just Be a Priest: The Clothing and Identity of the Galli of Cybele in the Roman Republic and Empire." In Gender & History 33(2): 296–
313. - Carlà-Uhink, Filippo. "'Between the Human and the Divine': Cross-Dressing and Transgender Dynamics in the Graeco-Roman World." In TransAntiquity, edited by Domitilla Campanile, Filippo Carlà-Uhink, and Margherita Facella. Routledge, 2017.
Session 14 – 08 June 2021 ("Latest approaches to Gender studies concerning the 'Middle East,'" Zeynep G.)
- Alqaisiya, Walaa. "Palestine and the Will to Theorise Decolonial Queering." In Middle East Critique 29(1): 87–113.
- Argıt, Betül İpşirli. "Manumitted Female Palace Slaves and Their Material World." In Slaves and Slave Agency in the Ottoman Empire, 189–212. Ottoman Studies /
Osmanistische Studien 7. Bonn University Press, 2020. - Fay, Mary Ann. "Reimagining the Harem." In Unveiling the Harem, 23–44. Elite Women and the Paradox of Seclusion in Eighteenth-Century Cairo. Syracuse University Press,
Session 15 – 29 June 2021 (PhDs’ work-in-progress; Gender, Intersectionality, and the BCDSS’ Concept Paper)
- Venters, Laurie. "Fettered by Your Tresses: The Sexual Agency of Brothel Slaves in the Roman World," 2021.
- Winnebeck, Julia, Ove Sutter, Adrian Hermann, Christoph Antweiler, and Stephan Conermann. "On Asymmetrical Dependency." In BCDSS Concept Papers, edited by Abdelkader Al Ghouz, Jeannine Bischoff, and Stephan Conermann. BCDSS’s Publishing Series. Bonn: Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies.