Dependency and Ancient History Writing Group
The Dependency and Ancient History Writing Group gather once a month during the academic calendar, in order to discuss and offer feedback on pre-circulated writing submitted by our membership. Our interests cover the premodern past as broadly construed, extending from the earliest historical evidence for human society to the high middle ages (c. 1100AD). We offer a friendly, welcoming and encouraging environment in which to test ideas and seek guidance from colleagues with a range of backgrounds, as well as to witness how other colleagues deal with the conceptual and methodological challenges involved in bringing together ancient evidence and the concept of asymmetrical dependency.
We accept members at any stage of their academic career from MA student onwards, and are open to discussing texts of any genre or stage of preparation, including (but not limited to) research proposals, to book chapters, to dissertation extracts or conference papers.
If you wish to participate, please contact James Harland ( to be included in our mailing list.
Our next session will be on 31 January 2024.