Projects Funded by
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Current Projects
Race and Freedom: Africans in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth on the Eve of Modernity
Grant Holder: Dr. Vitali Byl1
Project Term: 2024–2026
Connecting Late Antiquities (CLA)
Grant Holder: Prof. Dr. Julia Hillner2
Staff: Dr. Jessica van 't Westeinde3, Dr. Jeroen Wijnendaele4
Project Term: 2023–2025
Project Website5
Die konstantinische Bischofskirche von Ostia: Struktur – Entwicklung – Kontext [The Constantinian Episcopal Church of Ostia: Structure – Development – Context]
Grant Holder: Prof Dr. Sabine Feist6
Project Term: 2023–2025
Pillars of Royal Rule. Queens and Princes in the Eastfrankish-German realm (9th to the beginning of the 12th century)
Grant Holder: Prof. Dr. Matthias Becher7
Project Term: 2022–2025
Dynamics of Power. Courtly Elites Acting in the Realm of Rulership as Reflected in Middle High German Literature
Grant Holder: Prof. Dr. Elke Brüggen8
Project Term: 2022–2025
TERRSOC: 'Reading' Ancient Landscapes
Grant Holder: Prof. Dr. Bethany Walker9
Project Term: 2022–2025
Die Akten des Konzils von Ephesus 431. Übersetzung, Einleitung, Kommentierung und Register [The Records of the Council of Ephesus 431: Translation, Introduction, Commentary and Index]
Grant Holder: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Kinzig10
Project Term: since 2016
Expired Projects
Balancing the Center and the Local: Mobilization and Production Strategies of the Inca and Colonial State in Cochabamba, Bolivia
Grant Holder: Prof. Dr. Karoline Noack11
Project Term: 2022–2024
Atlas zur Sklavereigeschichte der französischen und spanischen Territorien Santo Domingos vom 16. Jahrhundert bis Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts [Atlas on the History of Slavery in the French and Spanish Territories of Santo Domingo from the 16th Century to the End of the 18th Century]
Grant Holder: Prof. Dr. Michael Zeuske12
Project Term: 2020–2024
Grant to finance the conference "Competing Memories: The Politics of Remembering Enslavement, Emancipation and Indentureship in the Caribbean"
Grant Holder: Dr. Sinah Kloß13
Project Term: 29–31 March 2023
Grant Holder: Prof. Dr. Stephan Conermann14 et al.
Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Christoph Witzenrath15
Researchers: Stanislav Mohylny16, PD Dr. Gül Şen17, Dr. Veruschka Wagner18
Project Terms: 2017–2020 and 2020–2023
Die Monte Abatone-Nekropole von Cerveteri [The Monte Abatone Necropolis in Cerveteri]
Grant Holder: Prof. Dr. Martin Bentz19
Staff: Dr. Dennis Beck20
Project Term: 2019–2022
Gesellschaft und Kultur der Mamlukenzeit (1250–1517) [Society and Culture of the Mamluk Period (1250–1517)]
Grant Holder: Prof. Dr. Stephan Conermann14
Project Term: 2011–2022
Das Haus in der Stadt vor 1300 [The House in the City Before 1300]
Grant Holder: Prof. Dr. Elke Brüggen8
Project Term: 2018–2021
Reiternomadische Reiche in Innerasien im diachronen Vergleich – Sicherung und Ausübung von Herrschaft im Spiegel der Baudenkmäler und Schriftquellen [A Diachronic Comparison of Equestrian Nomadic Empires in Inner Asia – Securing and Exercising Rule as Reflected in Architectural Monuments and Written Sources]
Grant Holder: Prof. Dr. Jan H. Bemmann21
Project Term: 2016–2021
Kaiser und Könige. Macht und Herrschaft im Reflexionsmedium deutschsprachiger Literatur des Mittelalters [Emperors and Kings. Power and Dominion in the Medium of Reflection in German-Language Literature of the Middle Ages]
Grant Holder: Prof. Dr. Elke Brüggen8
Project Term: 2016–2021
Was wusste ein osmanischer Sultan vom Russischen Reich? Der Bericht über die Gesandtschaft von Mustafa Rasih (st. 1804/05) nach St. Petersburg (1792–1794) [What Did an Ottoman Sultan Know about the Russian Empire? The Report on the Legation of Mustafa Rasih (d. 1804/05) to St. Petersburg (1792–1794)]
Grant Holder: Prof. Dr. Stephan Conermann14
Project Term: 2017–2020
Macht und Herrschaft in indo-persischen historiographischen Texten aus der Zeit des Delhisultanates (1206–1526) [Power and Dominion in Indo-Persian Historiographical Texts from the Time of the Delhi Sultanate (1206–1526)]
Grant Holder: Prof. Dr. Stephan Conermann14
Project Term: 2016–2020
Drei Reiseberichte von Frauen aus der späten Kadscharenzeit. Historischer Kontext – narrative Strategien – weibliche Autorenschaft [Three Travelogues by Women from the Late KajarPperiod. Historical Context – Narrative Strategies – Female Authorship]
Grant Holder: Prof. Dr. Stephan Conermann14
Project Term: 2015–2019