Projects Funded by
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst / Universities Australia

© DAAD/Universities Australia
Expired Projects
Child Slaveries in the Early Modern World: Gender, Trauma, and Trafficking in Transcultural Perspective (1500–1800)
The project is in collaboration with the Australian Catholic University (ACU) Melbourne and explores practices of child slavery and knowledge about children, slavery, gender, and trauma in the early modern world, illuminating historical shifts and global convergences in Asia, South America, West Africa and the Atlantic. It aims to contribute new research into the global history of slavery and its legacies.
Grant Holders: Prof. Dr. Claudia Jarzebowski1, Lisa Phongsavath2, Joseph Biggerstaff3
ACU Partners: Prof. Dr. Susan Broomhall, Dr. Kristie Flannery, Dr. Jessica O'Leary
Project Term: 2023–2024