Institutional Collaboration Partners in the University

Together with our University of Bonn collaboration partners we pool the joint expertise and networks and build on successful formats such as our joint activities.

BCDSS Partners at the University of Bonn

Bonn Center for Reconciliation Studies

Contact: Prof. Dr. Christine Krüger, Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Söffner

Website: Bonn Center for Reconciliation Studies


  • Joint conference on "Visualizations of War Captivity – Performativity, Reconciliation, Irreconciability" (October 2024)

Center for Historical Peace Studies

Contact: Prof. Dr. Michael Rohrschneider

Website: Center for Historical Peace Studies


  • Joint confernece on "Mars or Pax? 'Rhenish' Transitions between War and Peace" (September 2024)

Center for Provenance Research, Art and Cultural Poperty Law

Contact: Prof. Dr. Lucy Wasensteiner, Prof. Dr. Matthias Weller, Prof. Dr. Christoph Zuschlag

Website: Center for Provenance Research, Art and Cultural Poperty Law

Center for Religion and Society

Contact: Prof. Dr. Adrian Hermann, Prof. Dr. Martin Keßler, Prof. Dr. Klaus von Stosch

Website: Center for Religion and Society


  • Adrian Hermann is a BCDSS Investigator

Centre Ernst Robert Curtius (CERC)

Contact: Prof. Dr. Peter Geiss, Prof. Dr. Anke Grutschus

Website: Centre Ernst Robert Curtius

Department of Media Studies

Contact: Prof. Dr. Kathrin Friedrich, Prof. Dr. Britta Hartmann, Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter

Website: Department of Media Studies


  • Britta Hartmann and Jens Schröter are BCDSS Investigators

Global Heritage Lab

Contact: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Binter

Website: Global Heritage Lab


  • Joint stand together with TRA Present Pasts at the University of Bonn Science Festival 2024: "Colonial Past vs Cultural Encounter"
  • Co-funded conference together with TRA Present Pasts on "Interwoven Dependencies. Redressing Fashion and the Heritage of Mission" (April 2025)
  • Julia Binter is a BCDSS Investigator

Power and Domination. Bonn Center for Premodern Orders and their Forms of Communication

Contact: Prof. Dr. Matthias Becher, Prof. Dr. Elke Brüggen

Website: Power and Domination. Bonn Center for Premodern Orders and their Forms of Communication


  • Matthias Becher and Elke Brüggen are BCDSS Principal Investigators

Transdisciplinary Research Area: Present Pasts

Contact: Prof. Dr. Matthias Becher, Prof. Dr. Karoline Noack

Website: Transdisciplinary Research Area: Present Pasts


  • Joint stand at the University of Bonn Science Festival 2023: "Child Labor - Between Exploitation and Emancipation"
  • Joint stand together with the Global Heritage Lab at the University of Bonn Science Festival 2024: "Colonial Past vs Cultural Encounter"
  • Co-funded fellowship "Dependency, Cultural Heritage and Sustainability" for Sophia Labadi (2025)
  • Co-funded conference together with the Global Heritage Lab on "Interwoven Dependencies. Redressing Fashion and the Heritage of Mission" (April 2025)
  • Matthias Becher and Karoline Noack are BCDSS Principal Investigators
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