Contributions to Edited Volumes

Below you will find a list of contributions to edited volumes by our members that were published elsewhere in Germany and around the world. These contributions, too, reflect our research methods and wide-ranging interests in history, regional studies and cultural sciences.

© Colourbox


  • Berges, Ulrich. 2025. "The Semantics of Dependency in the Book of Isaiah and Beyond." In Control, Coercion, and Constraint: The Role of Religion in Overcoming and Creating Structures of Dependency, edited by Wolfram Kinzig and Barbara Loose, 27–44. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter1
  • Dietrich, Jan. 2025. "Freedom and Dependency in Ancient Israel and the Ancient Near East." In Control, Coercion, and Constraint: The Role of Religion in Overcoming and Creating Structures of Dependency, edited by Wolfram Kinzig and Barbara Loose, 11–26. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter2
  • Doney, Lewis. 2025. "Creating Dependency by Means of its Overcoming: A Case Study from the Rise of Tibetan Buddhism." In Control, Coercion, and Constraint: The Role of Religion in Overcoming and Creating Structures of Dependency, edited by Wolfram Kinzig and Barbara Loose, 89–108. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter3
  • Fagbore, Adam. 2025. "Regulating Mobility in Old and Middle Kingdom Egypt (2494 BC–1650 BC)." In Punishment, Labour and the Legitimation of Power, edited by Adam Fagbore, Nabhojeet Sen, and Kathrin Roscoe. Amsterdam: AUP.
  • Fagbore, Adam, Katherine Roscoe, and Nabhojeet Sen. 2025. "Punishment, Regulation, and Legitimation: A Trans-Cultural and Trans-Epochal Perspective on Labour Mobility." In Punishment, Labour and the Legitimation of Power, edited by Adam Fagbore, Nabhojeet Sen, and Kathrin Roscoe. Amsterdam: AUP.
  • Feist, Sabine. 2025. "Relics as Resource: Dependency from Holy Remains." In Control, Coercion, and Constraint: The Role of Religion in Overcoming and Creating Structures of Dependency, edited by Wolfram Kinzig and Barbara Loose, 127–154. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter4
  • Ginés-Blasi, Mònica. 2025. "Introduction: Concealment in Labour Coercion and Dependency in Asia." In Intentional Invisibilization in Modern Asian History: Concealing and Self-Concealed Agents, edited by Mònica Ginés-Blasi, 1–22. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter5
  • Gymnich, Marion. 2025. "'There is a Great Difference between Christianity and Religion at the South': References to Religion in Harriet Jacobs's Slave Narrative Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861)." In Control, Coercion, and Constraint: The Role of Religion in Overcoming and Creating Structures of Dependency, edited by Wolfram Kinzig and Barbara Loose, 109–126. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter6
  • Hegewald, Julia A. B. 2025. "Vīraśaiva and Jaina Rivalries in Medieval South India: Creating and Overcoming Structures of Dependency." In Control, Coercion, and Constraint: The Role of Religion in Overcoming and Creating Structures of Dependency, edited by Wolfram Kinzig and Barbara Loose, 155–178. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter7
  • Herrad, Imogen. 2025. "Language, Power and (In)Visibility. Reflections on Decolonizing Academic English." In Intentional Invisibilization in Modern Asian History: Concealing and Self-Concealed Agents, edited by Mònica Ginés-Blasi, 143–158. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter8
  • Kalb, Emma. 2025. "In and Out of Sight: Textual Traces of Slavery and the Enslaved in Mughal South Asia." In Intentional Invisibilization in Modern Asian History: Concealing and Self-Concealed Agents, edited by Mònica Ginés-Blasi, 121–140. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter9
  • Kinzig, Wolfram. 2025. "'I Abjure Satan, his Pomp, and his Service': Exchanging Religious Dependencies in the Early Church." In Control, Coercion, and Constraint: The Role of Religion in Overcoming and Creating Structures of Dependency, edited by Wolfram Kinzig and Barbara Loose, 45–64. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter10
  • Kinzig, Wolfram, and Barbara Loose. 2025. "Introduction." In Control, Coercion, and Constraint: The Role of Religion in Overcoming and Creating Structures of Dependency, edited by Wolfram Kinzig and Barbara Loose, 1–8. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter11
  • Kloß, Sinah Theres. 2025. "Beyond Subordination versus Emancipation: Caribbean Godna (Tattoos) as Means of Recreating Social Relations and Affective Bonds." In Control, Coercion, and Constraint: The Role of Religion in Overcoming and Creating Structures of Dependency, edited by Wolfram Kinzig and Barbara Loose, 205–224. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter12
  • Kloß, Sinah Theres, Lena Muders, and Taynã Tagliati. 2025. "Transforming Spirit Bodies: Materialization and Embodied Dependencies." In Transforming Spirit Bodies: Materialization and Embodied Dependencies in South America, edited by Sinah Theres Kloß, Lena Muders, and Taynã Tagliati, 1–28. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter13
  • Morenz, Ludwig D. 2025. "Can the Subaltern . . . Write? Rediscovering the 'He'-tribe from Serabit el Khadim and the Invention of Alphabetic Writing 4000 years ago." In Control, Coercion, and Constraint: The Role of Religion in Overcoming and Creating Structures of Dependency, edited by Wolfram Kinzig and Barbara Loose, 67–88. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter14
  • Nam, Subin. 2025. "The Forgotten Agent: Focusing on the 'Comfort Woman' Bae Bong-gi and her Faded History." In Intentional Invisibilization in Modern Asian History: Concealing and Self-Concealed Agents, edited by Mònica Ginés-Blasi, 73–92. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter15
  • Schermaier, Martin. 2025. "Dominium in se ipsum in Antique and Medieval Discourses on Liberty." In Control, Coercion, and Constraint: The Role of Religion in Overcoming and Creating Structures of Dependency, edited by Wolfram Kinzig and Barbara Loose, 265–296. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter16
  • Wimmler, Jutta. 2025. "Von Yucatán nach Berlin. Amerikanische Farbstoffe in Preußen, c. 1720–1764." In Berlins Weg in die Moderne: Koloniale Warenströme und Sehnsüchte, 1713–1918, edited by S. E. Wendt, F. Töppel, L.-R. Vowe, and K. Weber, 43–58. transcript Verlag. Full chapter17
  • Winnebeck, Julia. 2025. "Life in the Service of God: Penal Servitude and Dependent Labour in the Ecclesiastical Domain of Early Medieval Francia (c. 500–800)." In Punishment, Labour and the Legitimation of Power, edited by Adam Fagbore, Nabhojeet Sen, and Kathrin Roscoe, 193–212. Amsterdam: AUP.
  • Winnebeck, Julia. 2025. "Serving God: Structures of Dependency in the Ecclesial Realm." In Control, Coercion, and Constraint: The Role of Religion in Overcoming and Creating Structures of Dependency, edited by Wolfram Kinzig and Barbara Loose, 227–247. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter18



  • Allahverdiyeva, Turkana. 2024. "Slave Voices Unveiled: Practices of Slavery, Dynamics of Agency and Asymmetrical Dependency in the Early Modern Crimean Khanate." In Slavery, Law and Religion in the Early Modern Period, edited by Christoph Haar, 109–125. Brill | Schöningh. Full chapter19
  • Bayraktaroğlu, Bahar. 2024. "In the Shadows of War : Early Ottomans and the Controversy of One-Fifth Booty (Pençik)." In Slavery, Law and Religion in the Early Modern Period, edited by Christoph Haar, 87–108. Brill | Schöningh. Full chapter20
  • Bentz, Martin, and Patrick Zeidler. 2024. "Introduction." In Dependency and Social Inequality in Pre-Roman Italy, edited by Martin Bentz and Patrick Zeidler, 1–12. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter21
  • Gökçe, Zeynep Y. 2024. "Reading Asymmetrical Dependencies in the Narratives of Nineteenth-Century Women Travelers in Ottoman Lands." In Narratives of Dependency: Textual Representations of Slavery, Captivity, and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies, edited by Elke Brüggen and Marion Gymnich, 301–324. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter22
  • Gymnich, Marion. 2024. "Introduction – Narratives of Dependency: Examining the History of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies through the Lens of Narrative Texts." In Narratives of Dependency: Textual Representations of Slavery, Captivity, and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies, edited by Elke Brüggen and Marion Gymnich, 1–14. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter 23
  • Hammer, Honey. 2024. "'I Am the Champion Who Has No Peer!': The Language of Dependency in the Tomb 'Biographies' of Two Ancient Egyptian Nomarchs." In Narratives of Dependency: Textual Representations of Slavery, Captivity, and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies, edited by Elke Brüggen and Marion Gymnich, 15–32. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter24
  • Harland, James. 2024. "Historiography and Archaeology, the Adventus Saxonum, and the Politics of the Early Middle Ages." In Cremation in the Early Middle Ages, edited by Howard Williams and Femke Lippok. Oxford: Sidestone Press.
  • Hedtrich, Clara. 2024. "The Dark Side of Proximity: Advice and Betrayal in the Middle High German Rolandslied." In Narratives of Dependency: Textual Representations of Slavery, Captivity, and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies, edited by Elke Brüggen and Marion Gymnich, 79–104. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter25
  • Kloß, Sinah T. 2024. "Talking History: Ethnographic Interviews, Intersectional Identities, and Power Negotiations in Research Encounters." In Un-Mapping the Global South, edited by Gero Bauer, Nicole Hirschfelder, and Fernando Resende. Transdisciplinary Studies. New York: Routledge. 
  • Kloß, Sinah T. 2024. "Tattooed Dependencies: Sensory Memory, Structural Violence and Narratives of Suffering among Caribbean Hindu Women." In Narratives of Dependency: Textual Representations of Slavery, Captivity, and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies, edited by Elke Brüggen and Marion Gymnich, 347–366. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter26
  • Kollatz, Anna. 2024. "Dependency Narrated in a Biographic Manual from the Mamluk Sultanate: The al-Ḍawʾ al-lāmiʿ fī aʿyān al-qarn al-tāsiʿ by al-Sakhāwī (1427–1497)." In Narratives of Dependency: Textual Representations of Slavery, Captivity, and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies, edited by Elke Brüggen and Marion Gymnich, 105–140. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter27
  • Lehner, Eva Marie. 2024. "Religion, Slavery and Resistance in Cape Town during the Dutch Colonial Period (1652–1795)." In Slavery, Law and Religion in the Early Modern Period, edited by Christoph Haar, 37–59. Brill | Schöningh. Full chapter28
  • Löhr, Hermut. 2024. "Transforming Exodus – Second Temple Liberation Narratives from the Perspective of Historical Narratology." In Narratives of Dependency: Textual Representations of Slavery, Captivity, and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies, edited by Elke Brüggen and Marion Gymnich, 47–64. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter29
  • Saur, Markus. 2024. "Narrating Dependency: The Relationship between David and Solomon of Jerusalem and Hiram of Tyre in Hebrew Bible Traditions." In Narratives of Dependency: Textual Representations of Slavery, Captivity, and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies, edited by Elke Brüggen and Marion Gymnich, 33–46. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter30
  • Şen, Gül. 2024. "Narrativity and Dependency: The Captivity of an Ottoman Official in Saint Petersburg (1771–1775)." In Narratives of Dependency: Textual Representations of Slavery, Captivity, and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies, edited by Elke Brüggen and Marion Gymnich, 161–178. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter31
  • Smith, David B. 2024. "'This is my Story, this is my Song:' Queer Presbyterians, Provocative Questions, Practical Politics, and a Case for Church History in the Development of Theologies of Justice." In Awake Emerging, and Connected: Meditations on Justice from a Missing Generation, edited by Victoria Turner, chapter 9. SCM Press.
  • Smolarz, Elena. 2024. "Context Matters – The Importance of the Narrative Situation and Actors who Transmit Information for Representations of Experienced Captivity: The Case of the Enslaved Russian Captive Iakov Zinov’ev (1838)." In Narratives of Dependency: Textual Representations of Slavery, Captivity, and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies, edited by Elke Brüggen and Marion Gymnich, 199–212. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter32
  • Wagner, Veruschka. 2024. "Slave Voices in Ottoman Court Records – A Narrative Analysis of the Istanbul Registers from the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries." In Narratives of Dependency: Textual Representations of Slavery, Captivity, and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies, edited by Elke Brüggen and Marion Gymnich, 141–160. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter33
  • Wiegmink, Pia. 2024. "Narrative, Affective Communities, and Abolitionist Cosmopolitanism in the American Gift Book The Liberty Bell (1839–1858)." In Narratives of Dependency: Textual Representations of Slavery, Captivity, and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies, edited by Elke Brüggen and Marion Gymnich, 213–234. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter34
  • Zeidler, Patrick. 2024. "(Not Only) Defeated and Enslaved. The Iconography of Captives in Etruscan Art and their Ambivalent Meaning." In Dependency and Social Inequality in Pre-Roman Italy, edited by Martin Bentz and Patrick Zeidler, 89–118. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter35
  • Zeuske, Michael. 2024. "Narrative Self-Representations of Enslaved People under Slavery Regimes – Myth or Reality?" In Narratives of Dependency: Textual Representations of Slavery, Captivity, and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies, edited by Elke Brüggen and Marion Gymnich, 235–300. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter36


  • Antweiler, Christoph. 2023. "Slavery." In Handbook of the Anthropocene. Humans between Heritage and Future, edited by Nathanaël Wallenhorst and Christoph Wulf, 1541–1545. Berlin: Springer. Full chapter37
  • Brüggen, Elke. 2023. "Captured, Abducted, Sold: The Muslim Rennewat in the Middle High German Epic Poem Willehalm." In Naming, Defining, Phrasing Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies. A Textual Approach, edited by Jeannine Bischoff, Stephan Conermann, and Marion Gymnich, 169–195. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter38
  • Burnard, Trevor. 2023. "Plantation Slavery in the British Caribbean." In The Palgrave Handbook of Global Slavery throughout History, edited by Damian A. Pargas and Juliane Schiel, 395–412. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Full chapter39
  • Chevaleyre, Claude. 2023. "Slavery in Late Ming China." In The Palgrave Handbook of Global Slavery throughout History, edited by Damian A. Pargas and Juliane Schiel, 297–317. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Full chapter40
  • Graf, Paul. 2023. "'Opio del pueblo': el acceso a recursos morales en la comunidad Clásica Tardía de Tzikin Tzakan, Petén, Guatemala." In XXXV Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, 2022, edited by Barbara Arroyo, Luis Méndez Salinas, and Gloria Ajú Álvarez, 809–824. Guatemala: Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología.
  • Großmann, Kristina. 2023. "Negotiating Plural Ecologies of Adat Land in Indonesia." In Plural Ecologies in Southeast Asia: Hierarchies, Conflicts, and Coexistence, edited by T. Duile, K. Großmann, M. Haug, and G. Sprenger, 98–111. London & New York: Routledge.
  • Großmann, Kristina. 2023. "Patronage Networks and the Hope for a Better Future: Coal Mining in Indonesia." In The Political Economy of Extractivism. Global Perspectives on the Seduction of Rent, edited by Hannes Warnecke-Berger and Jan Ickler, 123–136. Routledge. Full chapter41
  • Kalb, Emma. 2023. "Slavery in South Asia." In The Palgrave Handbook of Global Slavery throughout History, edited by Damian A. Pargas and Juliane Schiel, 517–534. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Full chapter42
  • Kloß, Sinah Theres. 2023. "'We Knew It!': Caribbean Hindu Responses to Restrictions of Touch during COVID-19." In CoronAsur: Asian Religions in the Covidian Age, edited by Emily Zoe Hertzman, Natalie Lang, Erica M. Larson, and Carola E. Lorea, 129–133. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. Full chapter43 
  • Köstlbauer, Josef. 2023. "Slavery in the Holy Roman Empire." In The Palgrave Handbook of Global Slavery throughout History, edited by Damian A. Pargas and Juliane Schiel, 259–277. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Full chapter44
  • Leetsch, Jennifer. 2023 "Loneliness and Contested Communities in Mary Prince’s Slave Narrative The History of Mary Prince, a West Indian Slave, Related by Herself (1831)." In The Routledge History of Loneliness, edited by Katie Barclay, Elaine Chalus, and Deborah Simonton. London/New York: Routledge.
  • Lehner, Eva Marie. 2023. "Geschlecht, Gewalt und Sexualität in der Vormoderne. Das(Nicht-)Dokumentieren von Sexualität und Gewalt in frühneuzeitlichen Quellen." In Geschlecht, Gewalt und Gesellschaft. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Geschichte und Gegenwart, edited by Eva Labouvie, 105–120. Bielefeld: transcript. Full chapter45
  • Lenski, Noel. 2023. "Slavery in the Roman Empire." In The Palgrave Handbook of Global Slavery throughout History, edited by Damian A. Pargas and Juliane Schiel, 87–107. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Full chapter46
  • Linscheid, Petra. 2023. With E. Nieveler. "Das Schwert - Symbol und Waffe." In Das Leben des Bodi – Eine Forschungsreiese ins frühe Mittelalter. Begleitband zur Ausstellung im LVR_LandesMuseum Bonn, edited by E. Nieveler, M. Schmauder, and Th. Valk, 102–107. Darmstadt. 
  • Mader, Christian. With M. Reindel and J. Isla. 2023. "Economic Directness in the Western Andes: A New Model of Socioeconomic Organization for the Paracas Culture in the First Millennium BC." In Latin American Antiquity 34(2): 385–403.
  • Mohylnyi, Stanislav. 2023. "Zaporozhian Bandits and the Cultures of Violence in the Middle of the Eighteenth Century." In Transottoman Biographies, 16th–20th c., edited by Denise Klein and Anna Vlachopoulou, 139–176. Göttingen: V&R unipress.
  • Noack, Karoline. 2023. "Mobilization as Dependency: The Global History of Thought about the Inka State and the Case of Mitimaes in the Cochabamba Valley, Bolivia, as a Hotspot of Early Glocalization." In Comparative and Global Framing of Enslavement, edited by Youval Rotman, Ehud R. Toledano, Rachel Zelnick-Abramovitz, and Stefan Conermann.
  • Noack, Karoline, and Kerstin Nowack. 2023. "The Question of Slavery in the Inca State." In The Palgrave Handbook of Global Slavery throughout History, edited by Damian A. Pargas and Juliane Schiel, 195–213. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Full chapter47
  • Pargas, Damian A. 2023. "Slavery in the US South." In The Palgrave Handbook of Global Slavery throughout History, edited by Damian A. Pargas and Juliane Schiel, 441–457. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Full chapter48
  • Pokkanali, Jahfar Shareef. "Mediating Śakti: Embodied Dependencies and Senses in Teyyam, Malabar, South India." In Embodied Dependencies and Freedoms: Artistic Communities and Patronage in Asia, edited by Julia A. B. Hegewald, 195–238. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter49
  • Şen, Gül. 2023. "Between Istanbul and Saint Petersburg: War Captivity as a Part of Diplomacy in the Eighteenth Century." In Ege Üniversitesi Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Enstitüsü III. Uluslararası Türkiye-Rusya İlişkileri Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabı. [Proceeding of the III International Symposium on Turkey-Russia Relations. Ege University - Turkic World Research Institute], edited by Vefa Kurban, Hamit Özman, and Recep Efe Çoban, 338–353. Ankara. 
  • Şen, Gül. 2023. "Between Two Spaces: Enslavement and Labor in the Early Modern Ottoman Navy." In Comparative and Global Framing of Enslavement, edited by Stephan Conermann, Youval Rotman, Ehud Toledano, and Rachel Zelnick-Abramovitz, 133–166. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. Full chapter50
  • Smolarz, Elena, and Hans-Heinrich Nolte. 2023. "Slavery and Serfdom in Muscovy and the Russian Empire." In The Palgrave Handbook of Global Slavery throughout History, edited by Damian A. Pargas and Juliane Schiel, 279–296. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Full chapter51
  • Venters, Laurie. 2023. "Fettered by your Tresses: The Sexual Agency of Brothel Slaves in the Roman World." In Legacies of Slavery and Contemporary Resistance, edited by David W. Bulla et al., 106–124. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Wagner, Veruschka. 2023. "Lives in Pieces: Female Slaves and Mobility in Early Modern Istanbul." In Transottoman Biographies, 16th–20th Centuries, edited by Denise Klein und Anna Vlachopoulous, 77–104, Göttingen: V&R unipress. 
  • Wimmler, Jutta. 2023. "Troublemakers in a State-Run Enterprise: Conflict Management and the Limits of Social Disciplining in the Königliches Lagerhaus Berlin, c. 1720–1760." In Formative Modernities in the Early Modern Atlantic and Beyond. Identities, Polities and Glocal Economies, edited by Werner Stangl and Veronika Hyden-Hanscho, 173–196. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
  • Zeuske, Michael. 2023. "Migration, Slavery, and Commodication." In The Oxford Handbook of Commodity History, edited by Jonathan Curry-Machado, Jean Stubbs, William Gervase Clarence-Smith, and Jelmer Vos, 311–334. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Full chapter52
  • Zeuske, Michael. 2023. "The Rise of Atlantic Slavery in the Americas." In The Palgrave Handbook of Global Slavery throughout History, edited by Damian A. Pargas and Juliane Schiel, 379–393. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Full chapter53
  • Zeuske, Michael. 2023. "The Second Slavery in the Americas." In The Palgrave Handbook of Global Slavery throughout History, edited by Damian A. Pargas and Juliane Schiel, 429–439. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Full chapter54


  • Conermann, Stephan. 2022. "Introduction: The Semantics of Slavery and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependency in Comparison." In Slavery and Other Forms of Asymmetrical Dependencies: Semantics, and Lexical Fields, edited by Jeannine Bischoff and Stephan Conermann, 1–10. De Gruyter. Full chapter55
  • Jarzebowski, Claudia. 2022. "Verglichene Körper: Normieren, Urteilen, Entrechten in der Vormoderne," in Verglichene Körper: Normieren, Urteilen, Entrechten in der Vormoderne [Compared Bodies: Norming, Judging, Disenfranchising in Premodern Times], edited by Cornelia Aust, Antje Flüchter, and Claudia Jarzebowski, 9–23. Steiner Verlag.
  • Kollatz, Anna. 2022. "How to Approach Emic Semantics of Dependency in Islamic Legal Texts: Reflections on the Ḥanafī Legal Commentary al-Hidāya fī sharḥ bidāya al-mubtadī and its British-Colonial Translation," in Slavery and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies: Semantics and Lexical Fields, edited by Jeannine Bischoff and Stephan Conermann, 179–204. De Gruyter. Full chapter56
  • Mader, Christian. With Markus Reindel and Johny Isla. 2022. "Camelids as Cargo Animals by the Paracas Culture (800–200 BC) in the Palpa Valleys of Southern Peru," in Caravans in Socio-Cultural Perspective: Past and Present, edited by Persis B. Clarkson and Calogero M. Santoro, 174–192. Routledge. Full chapter57
  • Morenz, Ludwig. 2022. "Tax Coercion as a Real and Metaphorical Yoke: On the Earliest State Administrative Practices Reflected in Ancient Egyptian Writing and Images. Around 3000 BC," in Slavery and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies: Semantics and Lexical Fields, edited by Jeannine Bischoff and Stephan Conermann, 73–98. De Gruyter. Full chapter58
  • Muders, Lena. With Anna-Maria Begerock, Mercedes González, and Louisa Hartmann. 2022. "Die vier Nachleben von Mumien und menschlichen Überresten. Beispiele aus dem vorspanischen Südamerika," in Human Remains: Ethische Herausforderungen für Forschung und Ausstellung, edited by Guido Fackler, Thomas M. Klotz, and Stefanie Menke, 119–134. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
  • Schermaier, Martin. 2022. "Familia and Dependency in Roman Law Texts," in Slavery and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies: Semantics and Lexical Fields, edited by Jeannine Bischoff and Stephan Conermann, 127–150. De Gruyter. Full chapter59
  • Schmitz, Winfried. 2022. "Dependent Rural Populations in Archaic and Classical Greece: Free, Slave, or Between Free and Slave?" in Slavery and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies: Semantics and Lexical Fields, edited by Jeannine Bischoff and Stephan Conermann, 99–126. De Gruyter. Full chapter60
  • Wagner, Veruschka. 2022. "Modes of Manumission: What Terms Used for Emancipation Tell Us about Dependencies in Ottoman Society," in Slavery and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies: Semantics and Lexical Fields, edited by Jeannine Bischoff and Stephan Conermann, 205–225. De Gruyter. Full chapter61
  • Zeuske, Michael. 2022. "Writing the History of Slavery." In Writing the History of Slavery, edited by David Stefan Doddington and Enrico Dal Lago. Bloomsbury Publishing.


  • Ansar, Anas. 2021. "In pursuit of resilience: Revisiting migration and gender-based violence amid Covid-19." In The Other Face of Globalisation, edited by Tasneem Siddiqui. Dhakan: RMMRU and University Press Limited. Full chapter62
  • Feist, Sabine. 2021. "Barrierefreier Zugang? Der Engelspfeiler von Öşk Vank." In Distant Worlds and Beyond. Special Issue Dedicated to the Graduate School Distant Worlds (2012‒2021), edited by Beatrice Baragli et al., 35–46. Heidelberg: Propylaeum
  • Grube, Nikolai. 2021. "Nostalgic Kings: The Rhetoric of Terminal Classic Maya Inscriptions." In Maya Kingship. Rupture and Transformation from Classic to Postclassic Times, edited by Tsubasa Okoshi, Arlen F. Chase, Philippe Nondédéo, and M. Charlotte Arnauld, 35–50. Gainesville: Florida University Press.
  • Grube, Nikolai, and Sergio Gómez Chavez. 2021. "Estudio Iconográfico Preliminar de las Caracolas Halladas en el Proyecto Tlalocan." In Teotihuacán, Ciudad de Agua, Ciudad de Fuego, edited by Matthew Robb, 266–271. Mexico City: Instituto de Antropología e Historia.
  • Gymnich, Marion. 2021. "Two Representations of Homelessness on British Television. Cathy Come Home and Call the Midwife." In Representing Poverty in the Anglophone Postcolonial World, edited by Verena Jain-Warden and Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp, 245–260. Göttingen: V&R unipress.
  • Gymnich, Marion, and Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp. 2021. "Representing Poverty and Precarity in a Postcolonial World: An Introduction." In Representing Poverty and Precarity in a Postcolonial World, edited by Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp, Marion Gymnich, and Klaus P. Schneider, 1–18. Leiden: Brill.
  • Hegewald, Julia. 2021. "Architecture and Urbanism as Means of Political Communication: The Case of Chandigarh." In Humanistische Anthropologie. Ethnologische Begegnungen in einer globalisierten Welt. Festschrift für Christoph Antweiler zu seinem fünfundsechzigsten Geburtstag von seinen Freund*innen und Kolleg*innen, edited by Trang-Dai Vu, Oliver Pye, Hans Dieter Ölschläger, and Günther Distelrath, 431–449 and figures XIX–XXV. Berlin: EB-Verlag.
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