Universität Bonn

Bonn Center for Digital Humanities

Digital Documentation
BCDH supports archaeological and cultural studies projects worldwide in the documentation of excavations, monuments and artifacts
Digital Documentation
Digital text analysis
Virtual Reality
Computer Linguistics

Bonn Center for Digital Humanities (BCDH)

The Bonn Center for Digital Humanities (BCDH) is a central service facility that advises and supports all researchers from the humanities disciplines at the University of Bonn in the application and development of digital methods and tools. 

Together with the University and State Library (ULB)6 , the University Computer Centre (HRZ)7 and the Digital Science Center8, the Center offers a broad and demand-oriented portfolio of tools and services under the umbrella of the Faculty of Humanities and the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies (BCDSS)9. In addition, the institution advises researchers on issues related to the permanent preservation, provision, presentation, and licensing of research data in close cooperation with the Research Data Service Center10.

News and Updates
Contributions to the BCDSS cluster exhibition ‘Enmeshed and Entwined - Fabrics of Dependency’11
The digital exhibition ‘Enmeshed and Entwined - Fabrics of Dependency’ by the Cluster of Excellence ‘Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies’ opened on 29 October 2024.
Early Career Award at the AARG annual meeting 2024 in York12
Peter Heimermann and PD Dr Till Sonnemann took part in this year's Aerial Archaeology Research Group (AARG) conference in York, UK, from 12-13 September 2024. Peter Heimermann impressed the AARG jury with his poster contribution and won the Early Career Award, which was presented to him by the Chairman of the AARG, Dr Łukasz Banaszek.
Video about the Mongolia expedition from May 202413
Peter Heimermann and Till Sonnemann conducted drone flights in the Gobi and Central Mongolia
Survey results on the handling of archaeo-geophysical data in Germany14
NFDI4Objects - Survey Results on Data Management in Geophysical Prospecting in Archaeology

Annual Reports

Towards the end of the year BCDH offers an overview of the past activities in its annual report. 


As of July 3, 2023, the Bonn Center for Digital Humanities is located on the 4th floor of Maximilianstraße 22, 53111 Bonn, in direct vicinity of Bonn's central train station. When you arrive at the building's entry, please press the bell sign and then dial the last 5 digits of our phone numbers. This will call our office phone and we can open the door.

Please send packages to the address above. Our mailing address for letters (general mail): BCDH, Universität Bonn, Regina-Pacis-Weg 3, 53113 Bonn.

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© Sonnemann | BCDH
Kartendaten © OpenStreetMap18
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