BCDSS Section at the ULB

The BCDSS library is a growing interdisciplinary collection of publications on various aspects of slavery and other forms of social dependencies across all times, regions and cultures. Above that, it also accumulates publications on related topics, i.e. labor, gender, inequality, identity, colonialism, racism, religion, etc.

The collection is located at the Main University Library Bonn (ULB) and can be found under the signatures BEY. It includes printed books and e-books, which can be searched and accessed via the Bonnus database1.


Library Coordinator

Avatar Kaplan

Leon Kaplan

Student Assistant


Niebuhrstraße 5

53113 Bonn

Opening Hours

For the current opening hours of the ULB, see here5


Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Adenauerallee 39-41, 53113 Bonn
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