Tamia Viteri Toledo
PhD Researcher
Room 3.016
Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies
Niebuhrstraße 5
D-53113 Bonn
Member of
- Research Area B - Embodied Dependencies1
- Research Group The Archaeology of Dependency (ArchDepth): Resources, Power and Status Differentiation2

Academic Profile
Power and Status Differentiation in the Construction of the Body in Funeral Urns of the Amazonian Napo Phase
My research project focuses in the construction and representation of the body in funeral ceramic urns of an Amazonian pre-columbian culture (Napo Phase) in the Upper Amazon of Ecuador. I seek to understand this material as a mean of visual communication, where the body is conceived as a support not only physical, but also symbolic on which certain social regulations are embodied, becoming the best strategy to exercise control and power over the individual as well as transgressions to rules.
The analysis integrates different vessels shapes such as anthropomorphic, zoomorphic and hybrid figures in differentiation to non-figurative urns. This stylistic variability may also provide clues about the Napo social-political structure, where processes of identity construction and status differentiation, may highlight certain social tensions or conflicts. Therefore, I try to understand how social interactions are shaped between human and non humans agents of their symbolic ecology, product of asymmetric and power relations.
since 2020
Ph.D. in Archaeology, Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies, University of Bonn, Germany
B.A. in Anthropology with a Major in Archaeology, Catholic University of Ecuador
since 2020
Research Associate in Research Group The Archaeology of Dependency (ArchDepth): Resources, Power, and Status Differentiation, University of Bonn, Germany
Archaeologyst of the Metropolitan Heritage Institute, Quito, Ecuador
Research Associate, School of Anthropology, Catholic University of Ecuador
Research Assistant, School of Anthropology, Catholic University of Ecuador
- 2019. "Las composiciones pictóricas en las urnas funerarias de la fase Napo. Una perspectiva iconográfica y etnoarqueológica." In Antropología. Cuadernos de Investigación 21: 91–110.
- 2018. "Análisis iconográfico de las urnas funerarias antropomorfas de la Fase Napo: Retratos del Pasado." In De Arqueología Hablamos las Mujeres. Perspectivas sobre el pasado ecuatoriano, edited by M. Cordero. Manta: ULEAM.
- 2016. With M. Villaverde. "Cocción cerámica asociada a la cultura 'la chimba,' ecuador: comparación experimental de dos tipos de horno." [Cooking Ceramics associated with the culture 'La Chimba,' Ecuador: experimental comparison of two types of kilns.] In Boletín de Arqueología Experimental 11: 129–149.
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/research/research-areas/research-area-b-embodied-dependencies
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/research/research-groups/the-archaeology-of-dependency-archdepth-resources-power-and-status-differentiation