Prof. Dr. Stefan Feuser
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology
Department for Classical Archaeology1
Römerstr. 164
D-53117 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 73 9590

Academic Profile
Stefan Feuser's current research focus is on cities and urbanism in the Greek and Roman Mediterranean. Firstly, he investigates port cities, their layout, architecture and maritime installations, modes of inclusion and exclusion in ports, social status and dependencies of work forces as well as ecologic dependencies of the maritime sphere. Secondly, he works on time and temporal practices in cities of the Greek and Roman Mediterranean to understand the temporalities of asymmetric dependencies in the context of religious practices and to reconstruct spaces of social chronotypes depending on occupation, economic-social status, gender, and age.
Habilitation, University of Rostock, Germany
Ph.D. in Classical Archaeology, University of Münster, Germany
MA in Classical Archaeology, Ancient History and Proto and Prehistory, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
since 2022
Heisenberg-Professor of Classical Archaeology, University of Bonn, Germany
Professor of Classical Archaeology, Kiel University, Germany
Assistant Professor, University of Rostock, Germany
Research Associate, German Archaeological Institute, Germany
Research Associate, University of Münster, Germany
Appointment to the Heisenberg program of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
Feodor Lynen research fellowship for advanced researchers, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
William M. Calder III Fellowship, American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, USA
Fellow for Hellenic Studies at the Center for Hellenic Studies (CHS), Harvard University; USA
Travel fellowship, German Archaeological Institute, Germany
Virtual Worlds in Teaching Archaeology, co-funded by the EU
The Temporality of Ancient Cities. Three exemplary case studies, German Research Foundation (DFG)
Layout, chronology and spatial integration of imperial thermal baths in the microregion of Pergamon. The Cleopatra Ilıca, Gerda Henkel Foundation
Ancient Cities. Creating a Digital Learning Environment on Cultural Heritage, Strategic partnership, ERASMUS+ program
Images and imaginations of Roman harbours. Cross-genre documentation and contextualised analysis of Roman port images, German Research Foundation (DFG)
2021. As editor. With S. Merten and K. Wesselmann. Teaching Classics in the Digital Age. Kiel.
2021. "Seasonality and the Sea." In The Archaeology of Seasonality, edited by A. Lichtenberger and R. Raja, 59–72. Turnhout.
2021. "Hafenort und Mikroregion. Überlegungen zum Paradigma der Konnektivität." In Häfen, Stadt, Mikroregion. Beiträge der Arbeitsgruppe 5 'Hafenorte' des Forschungsclusters 6 'Connecting Cultures. Formen, Wege und Räume kultureller Interaktion' und einer Tagung am 26. und 27. Mai 2017 an der Abteilung Istanbul des DAI, edited by U. Mania, 1–7. Wiesbaden.
2020. Hafenstädte im östlichen Mittelmeerraum vom Hellenismus bis in die römische Kaiserzeit. Städtebau, Funktion und Wahrnehmung. Berlin.
2020. With M. Spathi. "The Sanctuary of Artemis Limnatis in Messene: Natural Setting and Human Action." In Hellenistic Architecture and Human Action. A Case of Reciprocal Influence, edited by A. Haug and A. Müller, 25–39. Leiden
2018. "Images and Imaginations of Roman Imperial Harbours." In Harbours as Objects of Interdisciplinary Research – Archaeology + History + Geoscience, edited by C. von Carnap-Bornheim, F. Daim, P. Ettel, and U. Warnke, 209–219. Mainz.