Prof. Dr. Anna Kollatz
University of Heidelberg
Albert-Ueberle-Str. 3
D-69120 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 6221 54 2969

Academic Profile
Ann Kollatz works on history, society and literature of the Islamic world with special interest in the Mamluk Sultanate (1250-1517) and the Mediterranean region in general, as well as in the Indian subcontinent, up to the transition into the 19th century. Her main research foci are on ethnically and religiously diverse societies, the functions of historiographical writing and forms of social dependency up to the early modern period.
Her first book dealt with the Majalis-i Jahangiri, an 'emperor's hagiography' in the form of conversation notes from the Mughal court. Her second book project is the first monographic study concerning the Mamluk historiographer Ibn Iyas al-Hanafi. Recently, Anna started working on satirical press and caricatures/cartoons in Egypt from the 1920s–40s.
1 book, 3 edited volumes, 18 academic papers, 13 reviews.
Habilitation and Venia Legendi in Islamic Studies, University of Bonn
Ph.D. Studies in Islamic Studies, Bonn International Graduate Schools – Oriental and Asian Studies (BIGS-OAS), University of Bonn, Germany
M.A. Studies in Islamic Studies, Arabic History and Literature, Political Science, University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
since 2022
Professor of Islamic Studies, University of Heidelberg
Research Associate, Department of Islamic Studies and Middle Eastern Languages, University of Bonn
Interim Professor, Department of Islamic Studies and Middle Eastern Languages, University of Bonn
Board Member and Research Associate, Research Center "Macht und Herrschaft. Vomoderne Konfiguration in Transkultureller Perspekive," University of Bonn
Research Associate, DFG project "Inspiration und Tradition – Synkretismus am Mogulhof unter Ǧahāngīr und seine Darstellung in Maǧālis-i Ǧahāngīrī (ca. 1608–11) von ʿAbd al-Sattār b. Qāsim Lāhōrī," University of Bonn
Student Assistant, University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
Stipend Maria-von-Linden Program, University of Bonn, Germany
- Board Member, Research Center "Macht und Herrschaft. Bonner Zentrum für vormoderne Ordnungen und ihre Kommunikationsformen"
- Section Editor (Islamic History), sehepunkte Rezensionsjournal
- Co-Editor, Narratio Aliena?
- Member of Bonner Zentrum für Transkulturelle Narratologie (Bonn Center for Transcultural Narratology)
- 2022. A Window to the Past? Tracing Ibn Iyās’s Narrative Ways of Worldmaking. Mamluk Studies 27. Göttingen: V&R unipress.
- 2022. "A Princess at Work. Historical Knowledge from the Inside of the Mughal Court." In The Role of Islamicate Courts of the Middle and Early Modern Periods in the Production and Transmission of Knowledge, edited by Christian Mauder, 143–173. Intellectual History of the Islamicate World (IHIW) 10(3). Leiden: Brill.
- 2022. "How to approach emic semantics of dependency in Islamic legal texts. Reflections on the Ḥanafī legal commentary al-Hidāya fī sharḥ bidāya al-mubtadī and its British-colonial translation." In Semantics and Lexical Fields of Strong Asymmetric Dependencies, edited by Jeannine Bischoff and Stephan Conermann, 179–203. Beyond Slavery and Freedom 1. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
- 2022. "Intellectual Changes triggered by transition? The case of Ibn Iyās and Ibn Ṭūlūn." In The Mamluk-Ottoman Transition: Continuity and Change in Egypt and Bilad al-Sham in the Sixteenth Century, vol. 2, edited by Stephan Conermann and Gül Sen, 381–408. Ottoman Studies 10. Göttingen: V&R unipress.
- 2022. As editor. Satire im Nahen Osten: Die 1920er Jahre im Spiegel ägyptischer und osmanischer Karikaturen. Geschichte und Wissenschaft im Unterricht (GWU).
- 2022. As editor. Mamluk Descendants. In search for the awlād al-nās. Mamluk Studies 29. Göttingen: V&R unipress.
- 2020. As editor. With Stephan Conermann. Macht bei Hofe. Narrative Darstellungen in ausgewählten Quellen. Ein interdisziplinärer Reader. Narratio Aliena? 11. Berlin: EB Verlag.
- 2019. As editor. With Eva Orthmann. The Ceremonial of Audience. Transcultural Approaches. Macht und Herrschaft 2. Göttingen: V&R unipress.
- 2021. Tracing Ibn Iyās’ Narrative: Intertextual Relations from ʿUqūd al-Juman to Badāʾiʿ az-Zuhūr. In Studies on the Mamluk Sultanate (1250–1517). Proceedings from the First German-Japanese Workshop. Tokyo, November 5–6, 2016 (Mamluk Studies 21), edited by Stephan Conermann/Toru Miura, 85–112. Göttingen: V&R unipress.
- 2019. Where is ‘the audience’? Who is ‘the audience’? Approaching Mughal spaces of social interaction. In The Ceremonial of Audience. Transcultural Approaches, edited by Eva Orthmann and Anna Kollatz (Macht und Herrschaft 2), 113–142. Göttingen: V&R unipress.
- 2019. Before the End. Legitimation and succession quarrel from the perspective of Nūr Jahān, edited by Tilmann Trausch, Norm und Praxis des Herrschaftsübergangs. Zeitgenössische und wissenschaftliche Perspektiven (Macht und Herrschaft 3), 225–262. Göttingen: V&R unipress.
- 2019. "Contextualizing the Majālis." In The Mughal Empire under Shah Jahan, edited by Ebba Koch, Ali Anooshahr, and Robert McChesney, 40–53. Mumbai: The Marg Foundation.
- 2019. With Stephan Conermann. "Some Remarks in the Diplomatic Relations between Cairo, Delhi/Dawlatābād and Aḥmadābād during the fourteenth and fifteenth Centuries." In Mamluk Cairo: a crossroads for embassies, edited by Frédéric Bauden and Malika Dekkiche, 621–637. Leiden: Brill.
- 2017. "ʿAbd al-Sattār." In Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History, vol. 11, edited by David Thomas and John Chestwood, 134–140. Leiden.
- 2016. Inspiration und Tradition. Strategien zur Beherrschung von Diversität am Mogulhof und ihre Darstellung in Maǧālis-i Ǧahāngīrī (ca. 1608-11) von ʿAbd al-Sattār b. Qāsim Lāhōrī. [Inspiration and Tradition. Ways of Mastering Diversity at the Mughal court and its Representation in the Majalis-i Jahangiri by Abd al-Sattar b. Qasim Lahori]. Berlin.