17. June 2024

World of Roman Bonn New Website: World of Roman Bonn

New Website

We are pleased to announce that our Tour of Roman Bonn now has its own website - the World of Roman Bonn!


In addition to our regular on-site visits to Roman remains in the city, which have been a huge success for several years, the website presents information about the archaeological and historical record of Roman Bonn and relates it to themes pertinent to the research conducted at the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies, such as imperialism, military conquest, methods of surplus extraction, local responses to colonial rule, and, of course, slavery and freedom.

A big thank you goes to the Roman Bonn Team, Maja E. Baum, Giulia Cappucci, Dr. James M. Harland and Prof. Dr. Julia Hillner, as well as to Buğra N. Duman from the PR Team for the implementation.


Check out the website of the World of Roman Bonn

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