10. March 2025

New Co-edited Volume in DSS Series New Co-edited Volume in DSS Series

"Transforming Spirit Bodies - Materialization and Embodied Dependencies in South America"

Congratulations to BCDSS Research Group Leader Dr. Sinah Kloß and PhD Researchers Lena Muders and Taynã Tagliati on their new co-edited volume in the BCDSS Book Series "Dependency and Slavery Studies" (DSS)

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Transforming Spirit Bodies: Materialization and Embodied Dependencies in South America is an edited volume that focuses on the bodies and embodiments of spirits, their (im-)materialities, and their bodily transformations. The anthropological, sociological and archaeological contributions draw attention to the embodied experiences of asymmetrical dependencies among humans and spirits and how experiences of (inter-)dependence are negotiated in their interactions. Suggesting that more-than-human entities significantly contribute to agency in social interactions and power negotiations, the volume further highlights the ambivalent yet undeniable relationship between spirits and materiality. During the processes of materialization and dematerialization, in which spirit bodies transform and are transformed, more-than-human entities may share substances and agency with humans. Not only having material but also social dimensions, these dynamics are influenced by relations of power and dependency. Following posthumanist approaches, this volume therefore challenges the anthropocentric views that continue to dominate scholarly analysis of power relations, dependency, and coercion.

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