02. August 2023

New Article by BCDSS MA Student Ankit Chowdhury Publication by BCDSS MA student Ankit Chowdhury

We'd like to congratulate Ankit Chowdhury, master’s student of Dependency and Slavery Studies at the BCDSS, on his first publication in a journal, 'Journal of People's History and Culture'.

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Congratulations to Ankit Chowdhury, master’s student of Dependency and Slavery Studies at the BCDSS, on his first publication in a journal, 'Journal of People's History and Culture'. He also co-wrote an article for the latest DEPENDENT issue.

He has a major in history with a minor in political science from Kolkata, India. His research interests are the Indian labor market and Indian indentureship in the Caribbean, while he is also interested in post-colonial and de-colonial studies.

For the full article, go here.

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