02. September 2024

Lunch Talk “Beyond Slavery and Freedom” Lunch Talk with the editors “Beyond Slavery and Freedom”

Lunch Talk with the editors and authors of the Special Issue “Beyond Slavery and Freedom”, published in the Journal of Global Slavery.

Lunch Talk
Lunch Talk © BCDSS
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We cordially invite you to join us for a Special Issue Lunch Talk with the editors and authors of the Special Issue “Beyond Slavery and Freedom,” edited by Pia Wiegmink and Jutta Wimmler and published a few weeks ago in the Journal of Global Slavery. It also features work by Sinah Kloß, Ricardo Márquez García, Christian Schwermann, Elena Smolarz & Julia Winnebeck.

The Special Issue demonstrates the variety of research done at the cluster. This will be an informal event to discuss openly the content of the contributions, the different approaches to the topic, and the overall framing and we are particularly interested in hearing how other BCDSS researchers rethink the binary slavery/freedom in their work.

The editors: Pia Wiegmink & Jutta Wimmler
The contributors: Sinah Kloß, Ricardo Márquez García, Christian Schwermann, Elena Smolarz & Julia Winnebeck

The introduction to the Special Issue is freely available, but you can also access the individual contributions from within the university network/via VPN. https://brill.com/view/journals/jgs/9/1-2/jgs.9.issue-1-2.xml

The Lunch Talk will take place on September 11, 2024, from 12:00-14:00 in the conference room, University of Bonn, Niebuhrstraße 5, 53113 Bonn. Snacks and drinks will be provided!

More information on the Special Issue of the Journal of Global Slavery.

All welcome! No prior registration required.

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