Directed by Jules Rosskam, DESIRE LINES is an innovative blend of first-person interviews with transmen who are attracted to men layered upon a fictional storyline and never-before-seen archival gems. Through the film, a nuanced dialogue emerges asking how external forces shape our most private desires. The film shifts between elements of fantasy, fiction, and reality, using the letters and interviews of Lou Sullivan (who is widely seen as the first American transgender author and activist) as its historical backbone. It also features interviews with a wide range of transmen from across the U.S., openly reflecting on the development of their desires and highlighting their challenges with gender (non)conformity, fetishization, transphobia, safer sex, and sexual racism.
Don't miss the post-screening talk with film director Jules Rosskam!
He will join us via Zoom for an hour-long Q&A while everyone is invited to join our get-together in Studio 5 with drinks and snacks.
TIME: 14 November 2024
19:00: Screening
21:00: Refreshments and Q&A with director Jules Rosskam (in Studio 5, ground floor)
LOCATION: Kino in der Brotfabrik, Kreuzstraße 16, 53225 Bonn
REGISTRATION: To help us plan, kindly register for the discussion/reception by 13 November (below).