The Dissertation Award of the Arbeitskreis Historische Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung e.V. (AKHFG) honors Eva's contribution to the formation of the early modern gender. In her thesis "Taufe, Ehe, Tod – Verzeichnungspraktiken in frühneuzeitlichen Kirchenbüchern aus süddeutschen Gemeinden" she analyzes entries on baptisms, marriages, and burials in early modern parish records from southern Germany.
"Eva Maria Lehner evaluated 68 church records of congregations of different denominations from the 16th and 17th centuries. She locates the work at the intersection of an anthropologically oriented history of administration and knowledge and at the same time understands it as a contribution to historical intersectionality research. Through this unusual connection, she builds up a field of tension that allows her to gain important new insights into a supposedly well-researched research topic, the formation of the early modern gender order, from the brittle-seeming text type 'church book'." (from the statement of the jury of the AKHFG)
The association promotes historical women's and gender studies and aims to anchor them permanently in the scientific and cultural landscape of the Federal Republic, both inside and outside the universities, and to intensify scientific exchange between all those working on women's and gender history.
The Award was handed over at a digital ceremony on 3 December 2021 and comes with a prize money of 5000 euros.