06. June 2024

The Visual Archives of Slavery: Legacies, Practices and Debates Roundtable Discussion: “The Visual Archives of Slavery: Legacies, Practices and Debates”

A Roundtable with Beatrix Ihde, Claudia Jarzebowski, Cheryl McIntosh, Birgit Münch, Pia Wiegmink and Patrick Zeidler

Researchers at the BCDSS work with and on visual material in their research on slaveries and dependencies. In this roundtable, a curator, an artist, and several researchers from the BCDSS will talk about visuality and dependency.

Roundtable Discussion - Visual Archives of Slavery
Roundtable Discussion - Visual Archives of Slavery © BCDSS
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The roundtable wants to explore the various ways in which visual cultures relate to ideas, institutions, and practices of bondage and their remembrance. Questions we would like to tackle are, for example:

  • Is it possible to identify recurring visual tropes of slavery and dependency across time and space and how are these tropes challenged by contemporary artists?

  • What are common problems of and debates around visual archives of slaveries and dependencies?

  • What should or could an ethical use of visual representations of slaveries and their violence look like?

  • How is slavery (still) represented in museum spaces and how have exhibition practices changed in recent years?  


Discussants: Beatrix Ihde, Claudia Jarzebowski, Cheryl McIntosh, Birgit Münch, Pia Wiegmink and Patrick Zeidler


This event is open to students, BCDSS researchers and everyone else who is interested in the topic. No registration required.


When: 4 July 2024, 12-2 PM

Where: BCDSS, Niebuhrstr. 5, Conference Room (0.018)

Contact: Pia Wiegmink (wiegmink@uni-bonn.de)

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