News from the BCDSS
What's the latest news? View all BCDSS news announcements here.
New Publications by Ludwig D. Morenz1
Congratulations to BCDSS Principal Investigator Ludwig D. Morenz on his recent publication "The vulture and the headless man: Scenes of violence on a Predynastic prestige object from Gebelein" in Archéo-Nil Volume 34 published by Peeters Online Journals.
We would also like to announce his upcoming book Kultur und Macht im vorpharaonischen Ägypten: Visualisierungen von Herrschaft in der sozio-kulturellen Peripherie des Wadi el Malik und des Wadi Nac am während des Vierten Jahrtausends (Culture and Power in Pre-Pharaonic Egypt: Visualizing Claims to Sovereignty in the Socio-Cultural Periphery of Wadi el Malik and Wadi Nac am during the Fourth Millennium) that will be published in German, English and Arabic by EB-VERLAG.
New publications by Klara Boyer-Rossol2
Congratulations to Postdoctoral Researcher Dr. Klara Boyer-Rossol who has published four books on Slavery in Africa during her time as a Research Fellow at the BCDSS.
Book Launch3
Join us for the launch of Enslavement in the Atlantic World Sites of Remembrance, Sites of Silence in France and Spain, Martinique and Cuba by BCDSS affiliate Ulrike Schmieder.
The author examines historical sites of enslavement and profit transfer, museums, monuments and commemorative ceremonies in France and Spain, Martinique and Cuba. In interviews in the European capitals and seaports, she has determined who has campaigned for or against the commemoration of the African prisoners. In the Caribbean, the author spoke with descendants of enslaved people about their memories of enslavement, experiences with racism, and local memorials. In this way, the legacy of enslavement and the racial inequality that shaped it came to light.
In the context of the cultural heritage boom, sites of remembrance related to slavery and colonialism have become arenas of social conflict. This became particularly evident in 2020 during the Black Lives Matter movement. During the International Decade for People of African Descent (2015–2024), discussions in Europe, Africa, and the Americas have focused on how slavery should be remembered, who should apologize to whom, and who should compensate whom.
This book is intended not only for researchers and students of history and related disciplines but also for anyone interested in the decolonization of memory culture and historical politics.
Date: Monday, 14 April
Time: 16.00
Location: Bonner Universitätsforum (Heussallee 18 - 24 · 53113 Bonn)
16:00 - 16:10 Uhr - Introduction by Ulrike Schmieder
16:10 - 16:30 Uhr - Presentation by Stephan Conermann
16:30 - 17:00 Uhr - Short input from the panelists (Julia Binter, Magnus Ressel and Teresa Göltl)
17:00 - 17:30 Uhr - Discussion, moderated by Stephan Conermann
17:30 - 18:00 Uhr - Q&A with the audience
18:00 - 19:00 Uhr - Reception
The Matis' Tattoo Celebration (90'): Film screening4
Join us on 25 March, 2025 for the screening of 'Matses Muxan Akadakit', a captivating movie about the Matis tattoo celebration directed by the indigenous Matis people.
CfP: Heterarchies and Power Dynamics in Post-Roman Europe (4th-10th century AD)5
The Transdisciplinary Research Area (TRA) Present Pasts invites interdisciplinary contributions from archaeology, history, art history, and related fields to uncover the diverse and nonlinear processes that influenced the transition from antiquity to the medieval world.
New Co-edited Volume in DSS Series6
Congratulations to BCDSS Research Group Leader Dr. Sinah Kloß and PhD Researchers Lena Muders and Taynã Tagliati on their new co-edited volume in the BCDSS Book Series "Dependency and Slavery Studies" (DSS)
"California, A Slave State": A Reading & Discussion with Jean Pfaelzer and Damian Pargas7
The event is part of our (UN-)ABHÄNGIGE ANSICHTEN series and in cooperation with Amerikahaus-NRW.
Labour, Freedom, Slavery8
Join us on April 29th when Theresa Wobbe, BCDSS alumna, will discuss the recently published book “Sklaverei, Freiheit und Arbeit: Soziohistorische Beiträge zur Rekonfiguration von Zwangsarbeit,” edited by herself, Léa Renard, and Marianne Braig. Theresa Wobbe will be joined by Claudia Jarzewobski, BCDSS Professor for Early Modern History and Dependency Studies, and Eva Marie Lehner, BCDSS Postdoctoral Researcher.
New Publication in the Series Dependency & Slavery Studies - Volume 16 Is Out Now!9
The new volume is edited by former BCDSS Fellow Mònica Ginés-Blasi and includes contributions by several BCDSS members.
Women's Agency in Academia10
Join us on March 10th, 2025, from 14:00-16:00, for what is promosing to be a powerful discussion on overcoming challenges related to gender identities within academic settings. The event aims to highlight the increasing presence of women in academia, demonstrate their strength and resilience in overcoming obstacles, and inspire younger academics who are embarking on their journeys in higher education.
This is an invitation to representatives of all genders. Men are particularly welcome to join the conversation!
With Prof. Dr. Chioma Daisy Onyige and Prof. Dr. Natalie Joy, we have two senior academics at the BCDSS of international calibre, who are happy to share their personal experiences. They will be joined by two equally remarkable researchers and alumnae of the Center for International Development (ZEF): Dr. Rabia Chaudhry and Dr. Dennis Avilés Irahola.
This hybrid event is jointly organised by the Center for Development Research (ZEF) and the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery (BCDSS) at the University of Bonn. The event location is ZEF (details below).
Please register for the event if you would like to take part remotely (details below).
Call for Papers: Special Issue "Slaveries and Human Remains"11
Together with Magali Bessone (University Paris 1 Sorbonne) and Ricardo Roque (University of Lisbon), BCDSS Postdoctoral Guest Researcher Dr. Klara Boyer Rossol is calling for papers on "Slaveries and Human Remains" for their co-edited special issue of the journal Slaveries & Post-Slaveries.
New co-edited Special Issue on 'Indentured Bodies/Embodiments of Indenture'12
Congratulations to Sinah Kloß and Jennifer Leetsch, researchers at the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies (BCDSS), on their co-edited special issue on indentureship and embodiment in the Journal of Indentureship and its Legacies
BCDSS Hoodies & T-Shirts are here!13
You can now try them on at Niebuhrstraße.
New Publication "Dependent: Global Perspectives on the History of Resources and Slavery"14
In the volume, edited by Martin Bentz, Nikolai Grube and Patrick Zeidler, seven of our cluster members illuminate "strong asymmetrical dependencies" related to fabrics from a cross-cultural and diachronic perspective. However, they also go beyond the resource of textile and examine the diverse spectrum of human dependency relationships in connection with basic foodstuffs and luxury foods. It is the companion volume to the BCDSS exhibition.
Congratulations to Prof. Dr. Pia Wiegmink!16
We are very happy to announce that BCDSS Prof. Dr. Pia Wiegmink is part of a joint research project entitled „Unfreedom, Voices, Redress: Plantation Cultures of the Western Pacific“ that has been granted 882,000 AUSD by the Australian Research Council!
Chief Investigators of the four-year project are Professor Penny Edmonds, of Flinders University, and Professor Deirdre Coleman, of University of Melbourne.
Professor Dr. Pia Wiegmink is Partner Investigator alongside Dr. Margaret Mishra (University of the South Pacific), Dr. Oliver Lueb (Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum, Cologne), and Ms Imelda Miller (Queensland Museum).
New Publication by Michael Zeuske17
Prof. Dr. Michael Zeuske presents the history of enslaved people in Africa, the Atlantic, and the Americas, with a focus on Latin America and the early capitalist-slave societies such as Cuba, Brazil, and the United States, which were based on what is now known as "second slavery." It examines how this history connects to the emergence of the term "Afro," highlighting that, although often considered an American creation, it is, in fact, of Cuban origin.
Dies Academicus: Enmeshed & Entwined: Fabrics of Dependency20
Exhibition curator Dr. Beatrix Ihde-Hoffmann will give a short introduction - in German - to the current BCDSS exhibition, on display at the Bonn University and State Library - ULB - until 20 December 2024.
Dies Academicus: Slavery and Abolition in Global Perspective21
Marking the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery (2 December), Henriette Rødland, Sean Kelley and Bahar Bayraktaroğlu will present their research perspectives on abolition at the University of Bonn's Dies Academicus on 4 December 2024 from 14:15 - 15:45.
Enmeshed & Entwined: FABRICS OF DEPENDENCY launches digitally!23
To find out what to expect, watch our three-minute exhibition trailer filmed during the setup of the exhibition.
Podcast Series by Research Group "Mutual Dependencies and Normative Production in Africa"24
The documentary podcast series by BCDSS Research Group Leader Dr. Raquel Razente Sirotti and her PhD Researchers Karolyne Mendes Mendonça Moreira and Mauro Armando Adelino Manhanguele from the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory (MPILHLT) in Frankfurt started last week.
Film Screening & Discussion: DESIRE LINES25
On November 14th, we will be carrying on with the "WHO'S GOT THE POWER?" film and discussion series in cooperation with Förderverein Filmkultur at Kino in der Brotfabrik, Bonn!
In time for Transgender Week, we will be screening DESIRE LINES, an award-winning hybrid documentary that sets out to reframe transmasculine sexuality and history.
Congratulations to Christine Mae Sarito26
Our PhD researcher has won the 2024 Phi Kappa Phi Love of Learning Award!
Resource Extractivism and Environmental (In)justice27
Roundtable Discussion at Volkshochschule Bonn in cooperation with BCDSS, BICC, IISG, ZEF
The Strong Asymmetrical Dependency Studies Reader, First Edition28
The most comprehensive collection of texts on Strong Asymmetrical Dependency Studies.
Guest Presentation: “Slaves wanted!” Wissens- und Techniktransfers zwischen Karibik und Westafrika um 170029
Lukas Wissel and Jutta Wimmler will be speaking in Klaus Weber and Andreas Bähr's research colloquium at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) on November 26th.
Guest Lecture: „Diese vorgeblichen Weisen“ - Der Afrikareisebericht des Abbé Proyart (1776) als Aufklärungskritik30
Dr. Jutta Wimmler will join Professor Kim Siebenhüner's Colloquium at the University of Jena for a lecture on January 25th, 2025.
© bcdss
Comparative approaches to power and dependency in the High Middle Ages31
Call for Papers & Workshop
BCDSS Exhibition Launch32
We are delighted to announce the opening of our BCDSS Exhibition "Verstrickt und Verwoben: Texturen der Abhängigkeit"/"Enmeshed and Entwined: Fabrics of Dependency" on Tuesday, 29 October 2024, at 18:00 at the Bonn University and State Library (ULB).
The Launch is followed by a Semester Kick-off Reception at the BCDSS (Niebuhrstr. 5) at 19:30. Everyone is welcome!
Please note: registration for both parts of the event is required by 22 October (link below) as there is only limited space!
New publication by Reasearch Group "Archdepth"33
With contributions by Christian Mader, Claire Conrad, Tamia Viteri Toledo, Paul Graf and Hanna Schubert
Lunch Talk with the editors “Beyond Slavery and Freedom”34
Lunch Talk with the editors and authors of the Special Issue “Beyond Slavery and Freedom”, published in the Journal of Global Slavery.
CfP: Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies - Perspectives from Asia, Past & Present35
Since the global turn, research about strong asymmetrical dependencies across time and space (among which, but not limited to slavery, bondage, labor and coercion) has greatly expanded both conceptually and geographically. Asia, however defined, is certainly not the blind spot it once was in labor and slavery studies anymore. Yet, despite the pluralization recently generated by global labor and global slavery studies, Asia still remains marginal in many respects. Slavery in early-modern Asia, to mention only one example, is increasingly studied through the lens of European archives, and through European terms of what this slavery entailed, leaving aside the study of forms of exploitation and forced displacement that took place before, beside and beyond the European presence in Asia. What seems to be particularly missing in current discussions is an emic perspective from Asia; that is to say, a more granular and accurate view of the practices, norms and their evolutions, from existing vernacular sources (written, oral and material) and from the actor’s experiences, categories and worldviews. What also seems to be missing is a genuine accounting of Asian historiographies, as well as a proper assessment of the legacies and memories of these diverse phenomena in the contemporary societies of Asia.
New article by Pia Wiegmink36
In a Special Issue on Slavery and colonialism in German cultural memory
Romani Feminisms: Intersectionality in the Context of Dependencies37
Our next conference takes place in Niebuhrstr. 5, on September 10.
Congratulations to Magnus Goffin on the Publication of his Dissertation38
We are thrilled to congratulate BCDSS PhD Researcher Magnus Goffin on the publication of his dissertation!
New Publication by David B. Smith39
Congratulations to BCDSS PhD Researcher David B. Smith, whose chapter, "'This is my Story, this is my Song:' Queer Presbyterians, Provocative Questions, Practical Politics, and a Case for Church History in the Development of Theologies of Justice" will be published in the book Awake Emerging, and Connected: Meditations on Justice from a Missing Generation edited by Dr. Victoria Turner (Ripon College Cuddesdon) and published by SCM Press.
David Smith's partly autobiographical and theologically constructive piece reflects on the role of history and historiography in the development of theologies of justice. It does so by charting the way historical patterns of discernment shaped the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and its fifty-year struggle over the inclusion, ordination, and marriage of LGBTQIA+ Christians in that religious community.
Our Heartfelt Condolences40
It is with deep sadness that we learned of the passing of Professor Trevor Burnard, director of the Wilberforce Institute for the Study of Slavery and Emancipation at the University of Hull.
Out now: DEPENDENT, Issue 941
The online version of our most recent DEPENDENT issue is out! You can download it from our website (see below).The print copy will be available from the beginning of August.
Stellenangebot/Job Offer: SHK/WHF (IT)42
Das Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies sucht zum schnellstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine Studentische oder Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft zur Unterstützung im Bereich IT für 12–19 Std. pro Woche.
The Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies is looking for a student assistant (SHK, in the BA programme) or research assistant (WHF, in the MA programme) to support the IT sector for 12–19 hours per week as soon as possible.
Children, Dependency, and Emotions in the Early Modern World, 1500-1800: Archival and Visual Narratives43
Annual Event Series on Gender and Intersectionality
New Article by Dr. Josef Köstlbauer44
"Magdalena More's Complaint." In Journal of Moravian History
Maroon Ecologies, Maroon Imaginaries45
This workshop traces alternative Maroon worlds and worldviews along two specific lines of inquiry, ecology and imagination. Convening scholars from across disciplines (including geography, archaeology, anthropology, literary history and sound studies), we will probe the different environmental and cultural contexts of Marronage. Our goal is to engage with Marronage as an ecological, political and creative practice, underlining how Black ways of engaging with the environment provide a conceptual and practical reorientation to anthropogenic climate change.
THE EMPTY GRAVE: Film Screening & Discussion46
We are carrying on with the "WHO'S GOT THE POWER?" series in cooperation with Förderverein Filmkultur at Brotfabrik, Bonn!
Our second film this year, THE EMPTY GRAVE (original: 'DAS LEERE GRAB'), a German-Tanzanian co-production by Agnes Lisa Wegner and Cece Mlay, was launched at the Berlinale Film Festival earlier this year. It addresses the legacy of the German colonial rule in Tanzania: the search for the physical remains of family members, the intergenerational trauma, the quest for justice, the question of future coexistence.
Everyone is warmly welcome to join us for the post-screening talk and reception with drinks and fingerfood in the informal setting of Studio 5.
On the panel representing the BCDSS:
Mary Aderonke Afolabi-Adeolu, PhD ResearcherBoluwatife Akinro, PhD ResearcherDr. Mercy Mashingaidze, Postdoctoral Researcher & LecturerTIME: 4 July 202420:00: Screening21:30: Discussion/ReceptionLOCATION: Kino in der Brotfabrik, Kreuzstraße 16, 53225 BonnREGISTRATION: To help us plan, kindly register for the discussion/reception by 3 July (below).
New Article by David B. Smith47
Congratulations to PhD Researcher David B. Smith, whose article "'An Open Wound in the Body…' A 'Dependency Turn' in Ecumenical Discourse on Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery" has just been published in The Ecumenical Review.
New Website: World of Roman Bonn48
We are pleased to announce that our Tour of Roman Bonn now has its own website - the World of Roman Bonn!
World Day Against Child Labour49
June 12 marks the 'World Day Against Child Labor'. It aims to catalyze the growing global effort to eliminate child labor.
Roundtable Discussion: “The Visual Archives of Slavery: Legacies, Practices and Debates”50
Researchers at the BCDSS work with and on visual material in their research on slaveries and dependencies. In this roundtable, a curator, an artist, and several researchers from the BCDSS will talk about visuality and dependency.
New Book: RESIST! The Art of Resistance by Ricardo Márquez García together with N. Snoep, V. Marušić & L. Hauth51
By PhD Researcher Ricardo Márquez García together with Nanette Snoep, Vera Marušić and Lydia Hauth
Workshop: Exploring the Atlantic and Asian Dutch Empire and its Archives52
Organized by Eva Marie Lehner (BCDSS) and Hanna te Velde (IISH)
Identities in History - Guest Lecture by Prof. Kwame Anthony Appiah53
We are pleased to announce that the renowned philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah will give a guest lecture at the BCDSS on 27 June 2024 titled "Identities in History." Appiah's lecture will be based on his latest book The Lies That Bind: Rethinking Identity (2018).
Call for Papers54
Recent cataclysms in Eastern Europe prove glaringly just how important it is to continuously discuss and analyze asymmetrical dependencies in premodern inner Eurasian connecting spaces north and east of the great mountain ranges (e.g., Carpathians, Caucasus, Pamir, Tien Shan, Altai, etc.), now in large parts claimed by Russia.
The conference reaches beyond what is now Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia, encouraging scientific debates across regional and temporal disciplinary boundaries with area studies globally within the framework of the histories of entanglements and memory
Juneteenth Lecture by Charmaine A. Nelson55
The scholarship on transatlantic slavery has long benefited from the often-exhaustive data published in the fugitive slave archive. Ubiquitous throughout the transatlantic world, fugitive slave advertisements were commonly placed by enslavers seeking to recapture enslaved people who resisted through flight. Such notices commonly provided specific, invasive detail about an enslaved person’s body, dress, skills, languages, and even gestures and mannerisms. Although enslaved females standardly comprised a smaller percentage of runaways, nevertheless, the fugitive notices that do exist for female freedom seekers shed light on their lives and experiences. Through an examination of the fugitive slave archive and other sources, this lecture seeks to fill some of the scholarly gaps on the experiences of enslaved females of African descent in Canada. More specifically, it will offer some distinctions between the lives and experiences of enslaved females in slave minority (temperate) and slave majority (tropical) sites in the British transatlantic world.
New BCDSS Discussion Paper Out Now!56
The third BCDSS Discussion Paper on "Asymmetrical Dependencies and Intersectionality" has just been published.
The Discussion Papers are dedicated to discussing the theoretical side of "strong asymmetrical dependency." They serve as impulses for researchers in and beyond the BCDSS who intend to work with the new key concept of strong asymmetrical dependency.
Workshop: Why Words Matter in Academia: Challenges and obstacles, policies and solutions57
BCDSS' Translator & Academic Editor Imogen Herrad and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator Dima Al Munajed will host this workshop for the University of Bonn's Diversity Days 2024.
New Book of DSS Series Published by De Gruyter58
Narratives of Dependency: Textual Representations of Slavery, Captivity, and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies
Edited by Prof. Dr. Elke Brüggen and Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich. This book is part of the book series Dependency & Slavery Studies.
Dies Academicus: Case Studies in the History of Slavery and Abolition60
With Sara Eriksson, Sarah Zimmerman, and Natalie Joy, three of this year's BCDSS Fellows will present their personal research projects at the Dies Academicus on 15 May 2024.
"Journal of Global Slavery" Special Issue: Beyond Slavery and Freedom61
The newest issue of the Journal of Global Slavery includes the Special Issue “Beyond Slavery and Freedom?”, edited by BCDSS members Pia Wiegmink and Jutta Wimmler. The Special Issue demonstrates the variety of research done at the cluster. The Introduction is available as open access.
"Migration, Slavery and Commodification", Michael Zeuske's contribution to The Oxford Handbook of Commodity History62
Congratulations to Michael Zeuske, Principal Investigator at the BCDSS, who authored the chapter "Migration, Slavery and Commodification" in The Oxford Handbook of Commodity History!
Stellenangebot / Job Offer: SHK/WHF63
Im Rahmen des Projekts "Race and Freedom: Africans in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth on the Eve of Modernity", das seit Januar 2024 durch die DFG gefördert und am Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies (BCDSS) ansässig ist, suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine studentische (SHK) oder wissenschaftliche (WHF) Hilfskraft (m/w/d) für 20 Std im Monat.
As part of the project "Race and Freedom: Africans in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth on the Eve of Modernity", funded by the DFG since January 2024 and based at the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies (BCDSS), we are looking for a student assistant (SHK, in the BA programme) or research assistant (WHF, in the MA programme) (m/f/d) for 20 hours per month as soon as possible.
Sneak Preview: Screening & Discussion of five Festival Films64
Continuing our commitment to thought-provoking cinema and dialogue, we kick off our 2024 series with an exclusive preview of the Afrika Film Festival Köln, due this September. We are lucky to be able to feature a Screening & Discussion of five Festival films:
LIONS by Beru Tessema (2022)
OUSMANE by Jorge Camarotti (2021)
FLOWERS by Dumas Haddad (2022)
SÈT LAM by Vincent Fontano (2023)
Join us for our post-screening talk and get-together with BCDSS members:Malik Ade, Mary Aderonke Afolabi-Adeolu and Luvena Kopp (moderation)
International Workshop on "Contemporary Slavery and Asymmetrical Dependency in Nigeria"65
Together with Prof. Dr. Chioma Daisy Onyige and our partner institution from the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria, we host an international workshop on "Contemporary Slavery and Asymmetrical Dependency in Nigeria."
New Publication by Christian Laes66
Former BCDSS Fellow Prof. Dr. Christian Laes, University of Manchester, has published a new book on Disability and Healing in Greek and Roman Myth.
Book Discussion "Slavery and Dependency: Comparative Approaches in Global History."67
A roundtable with historians from France, Britain, Germany and the US.
Stellenangebot / Job Offer: Research Associate (65%)68
Am Lehrstuhl von Prof. Dr. Julia Hillner ist zum 1. Oktober 2024 die Stelle eines*r Wissenschaftliche*n Mitarbeiter*in (65%) zu besetzen. Die Stelle ist vom 1. Oktober 2024 bis zum 30. September 2028 befristet ausgeschrieben. Nach einem Jahr wird eine Zwischenevaluation durchgeführt. Bis zum 31. Januar 2026 ist die Stelle am Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies (BCDSS) angesiedelt, ab dem 1. Februar 2026 am Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften/Abteilung Alte Geschichte.
The Chair of Prof. Dr. Julia Hillner invites applications for the position of a Research Associate (65%). The position is for a fixed-term period from October 1, 2024 to September 30, 2028. An interim evaluation will be carried out after one year. Until January 31, 2026, the position is located at the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies (BCDSS), from February 1, 2026 at the Institute of Historical Sciences / Department of Ancient History.
Stellenangebot / Job Offer: SHK/WHF69
Für die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis (IISG) suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt und für ca. 19 Stunden die Woche eine studentische (SHK, im BA Studium) oder wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (WHF, im MA Studium) (m/w/d).
For our cooperation with the Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis (IISG) we are looking for a student assistant (SHK, in the BA programme) or research assistant (WHF, in the MA programme) (m/f/d) for approx. 19 hours per week as soon as possible.
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/new-publications
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/new-publications-by-klara-boyer-rossol
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/book-launch
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/the-matis-tattoo-celebration-90-film-screening
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/call-for-papers-heterarchies-and-power-dynamics-in-post-roman-europe-4th-10th-century-ad
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/new-volume-from-the-bcdss-book-series-dependency-and-slavery-studies-dss
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/california-a-slave-state-a-reading-discussion-with-jean-pfaelzer
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/labour-freedom-slavery
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/new-publication-in-the-series-dependency-slavery-studies
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/discussion-womens-agency-in-academia
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/call-for-papers-slaveries-and-human-remains
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/new-co-edited-special-issue
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/bcdss-hoodies-t-shirts-are-here
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/new-publication-dependent
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/new-article-by-jutta-wimmler
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/congratulations-to-prof-dr-pia-wiegmink
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/afro-latinidad-e-historia-de-las-esclavitudes
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/new-publication
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/punishment-labour-and-the-legitimation-of-power
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/enmeshed-entwined-fabrics-of-dependency-1
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/slavery-and-abolition-in-global-perspective
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/hypothesis-podcast-alexander-rothenberg-on-elite-slaves-and-professional-football
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/enmeshed-entwined-fabrics-of-dependency-launches-digitally
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/podcast-series-by-research-group-mutual-dependencies-and-normative-production-in-africa
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/film-screening-and-discussion
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/congratulations-to-christine-mae-sarito
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/resource-extractivism-and-environmental-in-justice
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/the-strong-assymmetrical-dependency-studies-reader-first-edition
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/guest-presentation-201cslaves-wanted-201d-wissens-und-techniktransfers-zwischen-karibik-und-westafrika-um-1700
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/guest-lecture-201ediese-vorgeblichen-weisen201c-der-afrikareisebericht-des-abbe-proyart-1776-als-aufklarungskritik
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/call-for-papers-workshop
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/enmeshed-entwined-fabrics-of-dependency
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/new-publication-by-reasearch-group-archdepth
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/lunch-talk-201cbeyond-slavery-and-freedom201d
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/outreach/news-bcdss/call-for-papers-2
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