The bi-annual BCDSS flagship print magazine is aimed at both laypeople with an interest in dependency and slavery related topics, as well as scholars of related disciplines. Contributions are drawn from across the cluster, including BCDSS professors, principal investigators, fellows, PhD and postdoctoral researchers, Masters students, as well as guest articles from partner organizations.
The magazine is available in print and online. To subscribe, send an email to: pr@dependency.uni-bonn.de
Dependent, Issue 10 (2024-2): Strong Asymmetrical Dependency in Asia
Table of contents:
Special Focus:
- For an “Asian” Perspective on Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies: Claude Chevaleyre
- Exploring Slave Trade in Asia (ESTA): Pascal Konings
- Metaphors of Exercising Power in China and Europe: Juliane Bienert, Manfred Eikelmann, Paul Fahr, Christian Schwermann, Anna Kristina Wand and Maren Veronika Ziegler-Bellenberg
- Dependencies in family structures and practices in Modern China: Claudia Jarzebowski interviewing Johanna Ransmeier
- Post-Imperial Dependencies in Tibetan Buddhist Literature: Lewis Doney
- A Journey from Negros Occidental, Philippines, to Korea and Back: Christine Mae Sarito
- Cementing and Changing Asymmetries in Mining in Indonesia: Kristina Großmann
- Ecological Dependencies in the Temple Architecture of South India: Julia Hegewald
- Gendered Violence and Dependencies in Rohingya Refugee Camps in Bangladesh: Benjamin Etzold, Anas Ansar
- Doing Dependency in South Asia? Looking beyond Eurocentrism and Historical Myth-Making: Nabhojeet Sen
- Social Stratification on the Island Communities of Lakshadweep, South India: Jahfar Shareef Pokkanali
Dependent, Issue 9 (2024-1): Gender and Intersectionality
Table of contents:
Special Focus:
- Asymmetrical Dependencies and Intersectionality: Kristina Großmann, Marion Gymnich, James Harland, Julia Hillner, Caroline Laske, Eva Lehner, Royce Mahawatte, Danitza Márquez, Lisa Phongsavath, Laurie Venters
- Segregation and Dependency: Lisa Hellman & Julia Hillner
- Gender and Otherness: Birgit Ulrike Münch
- Gender and Intersectionality Blurbs: Turkana Allahverdiyeva, Anas Ansar, Lewis Doney, Benjamin Etzold, Eva Marie Lehner, David B. Smith
Further Content:
- Field Research by Ayesha Hussain and Lucas Santos Souza (Italy, Ireland); David B. Smith (Malaysia)
- Conferences: Monumentality in Southern Central America (Dita Auziņa); International Women’s Day (Dima Al-Munajed, David B. Smith)
- Workshops: Intersections between Dependency and Slavery Studies and Peace and Conflict Studies (Benjamin Etzold); Why Words Matter in Academia (Dima Al-Munajed, Imogen Herrad)
- News: Our First PhD Graduates; New at the Cluster; New Web Pages (World of Roman Bonn and Mental Health & Wellbeing); Bonn – Melbourne Collaborative Project (Child Slaveries in the Early Modern World)
- Publications
- Upcoming Events
Dependent, Issue 8 (2023-2): Why international partnerships are key to the BCDSS
Table of contents:
- Special Focus: International Partnerships by Stephan Conermann, Mission to Cuba by Michael Zeuske
- From our International Partners: Paulo Terra, Daisy Onyige, Trevor Burnard
- Collaboration with the IISH: Cécile Jeblawei, Ulbe Bosma, Hanna te Velde, Eva Seuntjens
- Field Research by Taynã Tagliati (Brazil), Sinah Kloß (Suriname), David B. Smith (Fiji)
- News: New at the Cluster, Exhibition Curator Beatrix Hoffmann-Ihde, BCDSS new Language Policy (Imogen Heard), Thematic Focus 2023/24: Gender and Intersectionality (Research Area E), Reading and Discussion Series, New DFG-Funded Project by Dr. Vitali Byl
- Conferences and Workshops
- Publications
- Upcoming Events and Previews
Dependent, Issue 7 (2023-1): Labor History and Strong Asymmetrical Dependency
Table of contents:
- Special Focus: Interview with Marcel van der Linden, Labor History and Strong Asymmetrical Dependency
- Religious Perspectives on Labor History: David B. Smith
- Further Labor History Articles: Hermut Löhr, Lewis Doney, Carolina González Undurraga, Michael Zeuske, Alexa Voss, Philippe Kluge, Anas Ansar, Abu Faisal Md Khaled
- The BCDSS Workforce
- Field Research by Eva Marie Lehner (South Africa), Jennifer Leetsch (Scotland), Joseph Biggerstaff (Barbados), Paul Graf (Guatemala)
- News: New at the Cluster, Research Project Connecting Late Antiquities, Film Screenings & Discussions, BCDSS Blog, Euthenia Fellowship Program, Reading & Discussion Series, Exhibition & Film Review
- Publications
- Conferences & Workshops
- Upcoming Events & Previews
Dependent, Issue 6 (2022-2): Institutionalized Dependency in Ancient China
Table of contents:
- Special Focus: Christian Schwermann, Paul Fahr, Institutionalized Dependency: Ruling through Social Forms in Ancient China
- Ukraine: Martin Aust, Andrii Bovgyria
- News: New at the Cluster, Reading & Discussion Series, Frauenmuseum Exhibition, Diversity & Dependency, BCDSS Teaching resources on Ancient Slavery
- Field Research by Anas Ansar (Bangladesh), Danitza L. Márquez Ramírez (Peru), Tamia Viteri Toledo (Ecuador), Nolwenn Guedeau (Cyprus), Christina Mae Sarito (Korea)
- Publications
- Conferences & Workshops
- Upcoming Events & Previews
Dependent, Issue 5 (2022-1): Values, Norms, and Institutions
Table of contents:
- Rudolf Stichweh: Values, Norms and Institutions in the Study of Slavery and other Forms of Asymmetrical Dependency.
- Julia Hillner, Claudia Jarzebowski, Pia Wiegmink and Christoph Witzenrath: Get to know our Cluster Professors through their Objects
- New Cluster Members
- Julia Hegewald and Karina Linke: Student exhibition Asian Art as Mirror of Dependencies
- Field research reports by Michael Zeuske (Cuba), Ayesha Hussain (Italy) Paul Graf (Guatemala), Martin Bentz, Philippe Kluge, and Matthias Lang (Italy), Katja Girr, Ayesha Hussain (Turkey), Dita Auziņa (Belize)
- Annual Conference “Embodied Dependencies”
- Workshop on “Embodied Dependencies and Freedoms: Artistic Communities and Patronage in Asia”
- Conference “In the Grip of the Supernatural”
- Workshop on “Narratives of Dependency”

Dependent, Issue 4 (2021-2): Representations of Slaves in Ancient Mediterranean visual Art.
Table of Contents:
- Interview with Johannes Deißler, Mainz Academy of Science and Literature.

Dependent, Issue 3 (2021-1): Material Experience Makes Dependencies Real: A Resource Perspective
Table of Contents:
- Adrian Hermann: Documenting Exploitation in the German Meat Industry: What Does Asymmetrical Dependency Have to Do with Us?
- Christian Mader et. al.: Material Experience Makes Dependencies Real: A Resource Perspective
- Interview with the BCDSS Research Group Leaders: A Window on Our Research Perspectives
- Anas Ansar: Fieldwork at Home and Other Dilemmas: Visiting Refugee Camps in Bangladesh amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Jahfar Shareef Pokkanali: Dependency in Caste System
- Katja Girr, Ayesha Hussain, Sinah Kloß: BCDSS Researchers' Challenges and Coping Strategies in Times of Unprecedented Uncertainty

Dependent, Issue 2 (2020-2): Slavery Without Slaves?
Table of Contents:
- Martin J. Schermaier: Slavery Without Slaves? Law and the Legitimacy of Asymmetrical Dependencies
- Lisa Hellman: On the Political Dimension of Quarantine: A Look Back
- Lotte Pelckmans: Breaking the Silence? The Ongoing Legacies of Internal African Slavery in Mali
- Interview with the International Heinz Heinen Fellows: Our Motives for a Research Stay in Germany
- Michael Zeuske: The Long, Unfinished Search for the Humboldt House in Havana and the History of Slavery Research
- Mariana Armond Dias Paes, Juelma Matos Ñgala and Maysa Espíndola Souza: The Cluster Goes to Africa
- Dita Auziņa: Digital Methods for Safeguarding World Heritage
- Dita Auziņa: Preliminary Archaeological Fieldwork in the Miskito Coast, Nicaragua
- Prof. Dr. Winfried Schmitz: In Memoriam Heinz Heinen
- Prof. Dr. Richard B. Allen: In Memoriam Joseph C. Miller

Dependent, Issue 1 (2020-1): Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies are a Human Phenomenon
Table of Contents:
- Konrad Vössing: Why Does Our Cluster of Excellence Need Academic Communications?
- Stephan Conermann: "Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies" Are a Humna Phenomenon
- Interview with Matthias Lang, BCDH: The Digital Transformation Process Is an Opportunity for the Humanities
- Julia A. B. Hegewald: Extreme Forms of Dependency Mirrored in the Art and Architecture of Karnataka, South India
- Malik Ade: Masquerade Festival in a Nigerian Town

- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/images/pdf-files/cluster-magazin/dependent_24-2-9_web_doppels.pdf
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/images/pdf-files/cluster-magazin/dependent_24-6_web_ds.pdf
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/images/pdf-files/cluster-magazin/dependent_23-2_14_web.pdf
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/images/cluster-magazin-dependent/dependent_23-2_fin.pdf
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/images/pdf-files/cluster-magazin/dependent_23-1_doppelseitig_final.pdf
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/images/outreach/dependent_22-2_12_rz_doppels.pdf
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/images/pdf-files/cluster-magazin/dependent_22-1_7_web_ds.pdf
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/images/pdf-files/cluster-magazin/dependent_21-2_3_web_ds.pdf
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/images/pdf-files/cluster-magazin/dependent_21-1_web.pdf
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/images/pdf-files/cluster-magazin/dependent_aug2020_web.pdf
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/images/pdf-files/cluster-magazin/dependent_feb2020_web.pdf