Navigating (Gendered) Power Relations in Academia


A Workshop offered by Diversity, Equity and Inclusion under Theme A ‘Developing Safe & Inclusive Spaces’


Intersectional Positionalities & Vulnerabilities, Personal & Professional Limits, (Self-)Reflection & Empowerment - within academic contexts


Description and Content: 

The prospect of working in social sciences is a thrilling endeavor and fulfills many young researchers with excitement and anticipation. The deeper they get involved in academic structures and their realities the more they learn about the politics at play: As any other professional setting, academia is imbued by power relations which also entails potential transgressions and abuse of power. It is therefore valuable - especially for early-career researchers - to reflect upon intersectional power dynamics, (their) different positionalities based on social dimensions such as gender, race and class (amongst others) and the way they unfold in academic contexts.

In this workshop we will do so by not only opening a space for (self-)reflection and exchange, touching upon topics such as vulnerability, personal and professional limits a.o. - but also proposing meaningful insights into how to mutually empower each other in order to consciously navigate academic spaces.

Date and Time

18 June 2024
9:00 - 16:00 (lunch break 12:00 - 13:00)
In person

Location: The lounge at Niebuhrstr. 5

Target Group

All BCDSS members.




Kindly register by sending an email to

Credit Points

1 CP for PhDs

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