Mission Statement:
The survival of the environment depends on our values, attitudes, and behavior while our own existence depends on the environment.

The Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies is committed to raising a sustainable and environmentally-friendly behavior.
By implementing a sustainability strategy we can make a contribution to a better climate. We also aim to spread an awareness of sustainability.
Our sustainability strategy is continually being adapted and developed. We are always open to new ideas or suggestions. So far we have worked out guidelines for in-house conferences, workshops and conferences abroad and for the office. (We look forward to implementing the guidelines for abroad as soon as this becomes possible again.)
In order to be more effective, the BCDSS decided to cooperate with student organizations of the UoB by forming the “Netzwerk Nachhaltigkeit” (sustainability network). Linking up all sustainability initiatives enables us to formulate common goals and to implement our strategy more successfully. Because climate change is affecting all of us, cooperation is key.
Researchers of the BCDSS have come together with the idea of linking the research fields of sustainability and dependency in the spirit of our mission statement. Highlighting the interaction of sustainability and dependency means finding answers to global questions such as climate change and inequality.” In a first step, we will invite researchers who already work on sustainability/responsibility/modern slavery to the BCDSS lecture series.