Research Group Leaders

Avatar Hambloch

Dr. Caroline Hambloch

Leader of Research Group "Local Labor Struggles in Global Value Chains" (DFG Emmy Noether Junior Research Group Leader)
Avatar Kloß

Dr. Sinah Kloß

Leader of Research Group "Marking Power: Embodied Dependencies, Haptic Regimes and Body Modification"
Avatar Mader

Dr. Christian Mader

Leader of Research Group "The Archaeology of Dependency (ArchDepth): Resources, Power and Status Differentiation"
Avatar Sirotti

Dr. Raquel R. Sirotti

Leader of Research Group "Mutual Dependencies and Normative Production in Africa"
Avatar Wimmler

Dr. Jutta Wimmler

Leader of Research Group "The Concept of Slavery in African History"
Avatar Winnebeck

Dr. Julia Winnebeck

Leader of Research Group "Structures of Dependency in the Late Antique and Early Medieval Western Church"
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