Prof. Dr. Wolfram Kinzig
Principal Investigator
Faculty of Protestant Theology1
Department of Church History2
Am Hof 1
D-53113 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 73 7331

Academic Profile
In his research Wolfram Kinzig focuses on agents, dependants and structures of dependency in the late-antique and early medieval Church in the Latin west (including North Africa). In particular, he is interested in:
- Authority and resistance among clergy
- Doctrinal norms and their implementation
- Ethical norms and their implementation
- Church as social space
- The Church, jurisdiction, and secular governance
- The Church as economical agent
In these areas particular attention is given to the following agents and dependants: (1) bishops; (2) priests; (3) offices administering the Church’s economic resources such as deacons; (4) the role of women within the Church hierarchy; (5) the laity both as agents and dependants.
8 books (1 in 2 vols., 1 in 4 vols.), 12 edited volumes, 95 academic papers, 55 reviews; numerous national and international lectures and presentations; 10 completed and 3 ongoing doctorates as first and second supervisor; 2 completed and 2 ongoing habilitations as mentor.
Habilitation and Venia legendi in Church history, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Ph.D., University of Heidelberg (Germany), Christ Church, Oxford, (UK), Trinity College, Cambridge (UK)
Church and teaching diploma studies in Protestant theology and Latin, University of Heidelberg (Germany) and Université de Lausanne (Switzerland)
since 1996
Professor for Church History, University of Bonn, Germany
Senior Research Fellow, King’s College, Cambridge, UK
Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge, UK
since 2010
Member of the German-French Graduate School of the Franco-German University (Bonn – Strassburg – Berne – Brussels – Luxembourg – Liège) "Foule et intégration dans les sociétés antiques"
since 2008
Founding member of the Theologisches Forum (with Rainer Kampling and Susanne Talabardon), funded by the Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart and
the Evangelische Akademie, Berlin
since 2005
Founding member and spokesperson of the Zentrum für Religion und Gesellschaft [Centre for Religion and Society], University of Bonn, Germany
since 2005
Member of the Bonn-Oxford research group with Günter Bader, John Barton, Oliver Davies, Paul Fiddes, Jochen Flebbe, Morwenna Ludlow, Charlotte Methuen, Michael Meyer-Blanck, Robert Morgan, Cornelia Richter, Jochen Schmidt, and Michael Wolter, partly funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Member of the Special Research Area (SFB) 534 "Judentum – Christentum: Konstituierung und Differenzierung in Antike und Gegenwart", funded by the DFG
Member of the international research group "Cyril of Alexandria, Against Julian" together with Gerlinde Huber-Rebenich, Stefan Rebenich (Berne), Christoph Riedweg (Zurich), Adolf Martin Ritter (Heidelberg), and Markus Vinzent (King's College, London), supported by the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and funded by the DFG and the Swiss National Foundation (SNF)
Member of the research project "The Rise, Triumph, and Fall of Early Christianity", together with Catherine Hezser, Keith Hopkins, Seth R. Schwartz, Markus Vinzent, King's College, Cambridge
- German Research Foundation (DFG; 9 successful applications including Heisenberg Fellowship 1992-1996; SFB 534 – see above)
- Franco-German University (DFH)
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
- VW Foundation (Volkswagenstiftung; Opus Magnum Award 2014-2016)
- Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (EKD)
- 2021. The Persecution of Christians in Antiquity, Waco, Texas. (in print).
- 2021. Neue Texte und Studien zu den antiken und frühmittelalterlichen Glaubensbekenntnissen, Bd. II: Das Glaubensbekenntnis von Konstantinopel (381).
Herkunft, Geltung und Rezeption. Berlin: De Gruyter. (in print) - 2019. Christenverfolgung in der Alten Kirche. Beck Wissen 2898. München: C.H. Beck.
- 2018. Das Apostolische Glaubensbekenntnis. Leistung und Grenzen eines christlichen Funda mentaltextes. Hans-Lietzmann-Vorlesungen 17. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
- 2017. Neue Texte und Studien zu den antiken und frühmittelalterlichen Glaubensbekenntnissen. Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte 132. Berlin: De Gruyter.
- 2017. Faith in Formulae. A Collection of Early Christian Creeds and Creed-Related Texts. 4 Vol. Oxford Early Christian Texts. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- 2017. "Monarchianismus und Monarchie. Überlegungen zum Zusammenhang zwischen Theologie und Politik im 2. und 3. Jahrhundert." In Monarchische Herrschaft im Altertum, edited by Stefan Rebenich, 451–473. Berlin: De Gruyter.
- 2016. "Herrschaft und Bekenntnis. Überlegungen zur imperialen Normierung des christlichen Glaubens in der Spätantike." Historische Zeitschrift 303: 621–642.
- 2015. "Einleitung." In Kyrill von Alexandrien I – Gegen Julian, Teil 1: Buch I–V, edited by Christoph Riedweg, LXIV–LXXXII, CIX–CLXXV. Berlin: De Gruyter.
- 2003. "Wirtschaft/Wirtschaftsethik, V. Kirchengeschichtlich, V/1. Alte Kirche." In Theologische Realenzyklopädie 36, edited by Gerhard Müller, 147–153. Berlin: De Gruyter.
- 2002. With Martin Wallraff. "Das Christentum des dritten Jahrhunderts zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit." In Das Christentum I. Von den Anfängen bis zur Konstantinischen Wende, edited by Dieter Zeller, 331–388. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
- 1999. With Markus Vinzent. "Recent Research on the Origin of the Creed." Journal of Theological Studies 50: 535–559.
- 1998. "Römisches Recht und Unrecht in der Predigt der Alten Kirche." In Recht, Macht, Gerechtigkeit, edited by Joachim Mehlhausen, 407–437. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus.
- 1993. "'Trample upon me...' The Sophists Asterius and Hecebolius – Turncoats in the Fourth Century A.D." In Christian Faith and Greek Philosophy in Late Antiquity. Essays in Tribute to George Christopher Stead, edited by Lionel R. Wickham and Caroline P. Bammel, 92–111. Leiden: Brill.