Prof. Dr. Rudolf Stichweh
Principal Investigator
Forum Internationale Wissenschaft1
Heussallee 18–24
D-53113 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 73 62994

Academic Profile
Among the research interests of Rudolf Stichweh are two closely related to asymmetric dependencies:
- He is working on a general sociological theory of inclusion and exclusion, especially with regard to the worldwide function systems of contemporary society. From this perspective, he will look to forms of indirect inclusion (inclusions mediated by other, more powerful persons who sponsor or patronize inclusion) and to forms of inclusion into society that begin with an act of exclusion (inclusion via monasteries, hospitals, institutions of penal law).
- Looking primarily at premodern societies, he does research on persons who are perceived as strangers but are then incorporated into social systems. This then defines role sets for the participation of strangers in society.
There are many variants and forms of dependency related to these variants: guest roles in traditional societies, adoption and enslavement of strangers as as consequence of war, privileging or discriminating strangers as institutionalizations of dependency, and marriage partners as dependent strangers.
10 books, 8 edited volumes, 234 papers and 23 reviews. Approximately 500 national and international lectures and presentations.
Habilitation in Sociology, Venia legendi for "Sociology," University of Bielefeld, Germany
Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Bielefeld, Germany
Diploma Studies in Sociology and Philosophy, Free University of Berlin and University of Bielefeld, Germany
since 2012
Professor for Theory of Modern Society, Forum Internationale Wissenschaft, University of Bonn, Germany
Professor for Sociological Theory and General Sociology at the Faculty of Cultural and Social Sciences, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
Professor for Sociological Theory, Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld, Germany
Research Associate Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt, Germany
Scholarship‚ Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, Germany
since 2015
Editor of "Global Studies and Theory of Society", book series of the Forum Internationale Wissenschaft, University of Bonn, Germany
since 2014
Member of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts
since 2009
Co-editor of the "Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte"
since 1995
Editor of the journal "Soziale Systeme: Zeitschrift für soziologische Theorie" [Social Systems: Journal of Sociological Theory]
Mercator Foundation: project entitled "Politics and Sociology of the Science System"
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF): three individual projects entitled "The Law of Humanitarian Intervention," "Semantics of Romantic Love in Japan," and "Knowledge Sociology of Economics"
DFG Research Training Group "World Concepts and Global Structural Patterns," main applicant and spokesperson
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): Graduate School of the Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld, main applicant and spokesperson
DFG project on Citizenship in Germany, France, England (in the cluster "The Space of the Political in History"), Faculty of History, University of Bielefeld, Germany
Volkswagen Foundation: individual project on "Friendship and Kinship" (in the program: Key Problems of the Humanities (together with Schuster et al.)
DFG individual project "Science in the Global Society"
The total sum of more than € 5 million.
- 2018. Wissenschaft, Universität, Professionen. Soziologische Analysen 2. Bielefeld: transcript.
- 2016. Inklusion und Exklusion. Studien zur Gesellschaftstheorie. 2nd edition. Sozialtheorie 1. Bielefeld: transcript.
- 2010. Der Fremde. Studien zu Soziologie und Sozialgeschichte. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
- 2000. Die Weltgesellschaft. Soziologische Analysen. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
- 1994. Wissenschaft, Universität, Professionen. Soziologische Analysen 1. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
- 1991. Der frühmoderne Staat und die europäische Universität. Zur Interaktion von Politik und Erziehungssystem im Prozeß ihrer Ausdifferenzierung (16.–18. Jahrhundert). Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
- 1991. Études sur la Genèse du Système Scientifique Modern. Opuscules 7. Lille: Presses Universitaires de Lille.
- 1988. With Renate Mayntz, Bernd Rosewitz, and Uwe Schimank. Differenzierung und Verselbständigung. Zur Entwicklung gesellschaftlicher Teilsysteme. Schriften des Max-Planck-Instituts für Gesellschaftsforschung, Köln 1. Frankfurt am Main: Campus.
- 1984. Zur Entstehung des modernen Systems wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen. Physik in Deutschland 1740–1890. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
- 1977. Ausdifferenzierung der Wissenschaft. Eine Analyse am deutschen Beispiel. Report Wissenschaftsforschung 8. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld.