Prof. Dr. Christoph Antweiler
Principal Investigator
Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies (IOA)1
Department of Southeast Asian Studies2
Nassestraße 2
D-53113 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 73 9740

Academic Profile
Christoph Antweiler focuses on dependent economic and personal relations pertaining to work in Southeast Asia. Work relations, for example in Indonesia, tend to be subdivided into several steps involving several people between the customer and the contractor. If someone wants to build a house, he hires one individual as a contractor who then organizes the building team and large parts of the building planning and implementation. In doing this, he often uses relatives or people dependent on him or who owe him from earlier dependent relations. This creates a chain of patron-client relations often involving semi-free work relations.
14 monographs, 8 edited volumes, 115 academic papers. Circa 15 invited talks and lectures, 18 dissertations as main supervisor (since 2005).
Habilitation and Venia Legendi in General Cultural Anthropology
Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology
Diploma Studies in Geology and Palaeontology, University of Cologne, Germany
since 2008
Professor of Southeast Asian Studies, Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies, University of Bonn, Germany
Professor for Cultural Anthropology and Director of Institute, University of Trier, Germany
Research Associate, Institute of Cultural Anthropology, University of Cologne, Germany; two years as Managing Assistant
Professor C4 for Southeast Asia Studies, University of Passau, Germany
Lehrpreis Universität Bonn
Scholarship of the Thyssen Foundation for Postdoctoral Qualification (Habilitation)
Spokesperson of the DFG Cluster of Excellence "Gesellschaftliche Abhängigkeiten und soziale Netzwerke: Historische Forschungen und Gegenwartsanalysen zu Chancen und Risiken einer sozialen Beziehungsform" [Social Dependencies and Social Networks: Historical Research and Current Analysis on the Opportunities and Risks of a Social Form of Relationship], Universities of Mainz and Trier, Germany
since 2010
Member of the Advisory Board "Präsentationen der außereuropäischen Sammlungen im Humboldt-Forum" [Presentations of the Non-European Collections of the Humboldt Forum"], Humboldt-Forum], Berlin, Germany
Member of the Advisory Board "Hans-Kilian-Preises der Köhler-Stiftung" [Hans Kilian Prize of the Köhler Foundation]
Member of Academia Europaea, London, UK
Erasmus+ research and exchange project entitled "Fostering Multi-lateral Knowledge Networks of Transdisciplinary Studies to Tackle Global challenges" (2016–2019, approximately € 1 million)
- 2016. Our Common Denominator. Human Universals Revisited. New York: Berghahn.
- 2012. Inclusive Humanism. Anthropological Basics for a Realistic Cosmopolitanism. Reflections on (In) Humanity 4. Göttingen: V&R unipress.
- 2012. "Kulturwissenschaft jenseits modischer Extreme. Ethnologie als Kulturanthropologie." In Was ist Kulturwissenschaft? Zehn Antworten aus den 'Kleinen Fächern,' edited by Stephan Conermann, 47–91. Bielefeld: transcript.
- 2011. Mensch und Weltkultur. Für einen realistischen Kosmopolitismus im Zeitalter der Globalisierung / Being Human: Caught in the Web of Cultures – Humanism in the Age of Globalization. Bielefeld: transcript.
- 2011. "Interkulturalität in Südostasien – Migration als Motor der Genese von Kulturräumen." In Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Kulturwissenschaft. Grundbegriffe, Wissenschaftsdisziplinen, Kulturräume, edited by Christoph Barmeyer, Petia Genkova, and Jörg Scheffer, 499–518. Passau: Karl Stutz.
- 2009. Was ist den Menschen gemeinsam? Über Kultur und Kulturen. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
- 2007. Grundpositionen interkultureller Ethnologie. Interkulturelle Bibliothek 79. Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz.
- 2003. Ethnologie lesen. Ein Führer durch den Bücher-Dschungel. Arbeitsbücher – Kulturwissenschaft 1. Munster: LIT-Verlag.
- 2000. Urbane Rationalität. Eine stadtethnologische Studie zu Ujung Pandang (Makassar), Indonesien. Kölner ethnologische Mitteilungen 12. Berlin: Reimer.
- 1998. "Ethnologie als gesellschaftlich relevante Humanwissenschaft. Systematisierung praxisorientierter Richtungen und eine Position." In Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 123(2): 215–255.
since 2015
Revue d'histoire et philosophie religieuses