Dr. Benjamin Etzold
Postdoctoral Researcher
Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies
Academic Profile
I am a social geographer, migration scholar and conflict researcher. At BCDSS, I will lead the project "Mobility, Violence and Asymmetrical Dependencies in Contemporary Labour Relations" (MoVAL) across 2024–25. MoVAL is a collaborative endeavour between the BCDSS and BICC (Bonn Centre for Conflict Studies)1, which aims to bring together normally separate fields of expertise, compare conceptual and methodological approaches, and to formulate new research ideas at the intersections of (forced) migration studies, peace and conflict studies and dependency and slavery studies. More precisely, the central objective is to conceptually and empirically explore the interrelations between (im)mobility, violence and labour precarity based on secondary literature, existing data, and two pilot studies. A particular focus will lie on livelihoods and employment relations that can currently be witnessed in conflict-affected settings in the Global South, and how these are shaped through human (im)mobility, systems of violence and coercion, and asymmetrical dependencies.
Over the past 17 years, I worked on people's livelihoods and vulnerabilities, trajectories of migration and displacement, experiences of violence, as well as informal labour and patterns of food security – predominantly in countries of the Global South. I studied Geography, Sociology, Political Sciences and Development Studies, and hold a PhD in Geography from the University of Bonn, which I obtained for a study of street food vendors' livelihoods and spatial strategies in Dhaka, Bangladesh (2012). Since 2016, I work as senior researcher at BICC, where I led or was part of several research projects at the intersection of forced migration studies and peace and conflict studies, most notably the EU-funded Horizon 2020 project 'Transnational Figurations of Displacement' (TRAFIG2) (see my staff page at BICC3).
I published two books – The Politics of Street Food. Contested Governance and Vulnerabilities in Dhaka's Field of Street Vending (2013) and Illegalisierte Migration in der Flüssigen Moderne. Migration aus Afrika und die europäische Grenzsicherungspolitik (2009) – and an edited volume – Environment, Migration and Adaptation. Evidence and Politics of Climate Change in Bangladesh (2015 with B. Mallick). My academic work has been published in Population, Space and Place; Geographica Helvetica; Erdkunde; Die Erde; Geographische Rundschau; Climate and Development; Migration and Development; Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies; Comparative Population Studies; International Quarterly for Asian Studies; International Migration; and in multiple books.
PhD Studies, University of Bonn, Department of Geography
Graduate Studies (Diplom) in Geography, Sociology and Politic Science, University of Bonn
Undergraduate Studies in Development Studies, Flinders University of South Australia, Australia
Undergraduate Studies in Geography, Sociology and Geology, University of Stuttgart
since 2016
Senior Researcher, BICC (Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies)
Guest Professorship, Institute for Geography, University Innsbruck, Austria
Interim Professorship, Institute of Geographical Sciences, Centre for Development Studies, Freie Universität Berlin
Guest Lecturer, University of Sussex, School of Global Studies
Consultant, UN University, Institute for Environment and Human Security, Bonn
Lecturer and Research Associate, Geography Department, University of Bonn
- Board member of IMISCOE's – the International Migration Research Network – Standing Committee on "Migration and Transnationalism" (MITRA4) (since 2022) https://www.imiscoe.org/research/standing-committees/migrant-transnationalism
- Member of the editors board of the book series "IMISCOE research series,"5 published with Springer (since 2022)
- Mobility, translocality and gendered violence: Everyday lives of Rohingya refugee women in the Bangladesh–Myanmar borderlands6, funded by UK International Development in the Cross-Border Conflict Evidence, Policy and Trends (XCEPT7) research programme, project leader; 02–10/2024
- Return and Belonging after Conflict-induced Displacement (RE-MIG8), funded by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), project leader; 2023
- Forced Migration and Refugee Studies – Networking and Knowledge Transfer (FFVT9), funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), team member in collaborative project with IMIS, University of Osnabrück; Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Nürnberg; German Institute of Development and Sustainability; 2022–23
- Food Security and Conflict Dynamics in northern Kenya (FooCo10), funded by Caritas Germany, team member; 2022–23
- Transnational Figurations of Displacement (TRAFIG2), funded by the EU under the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, principal investigator and scientific coordinator in collaborative project with 11 partners; 2019–2022
- Flucht: Forschung und Transfer (FFT11), funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), team member in collaborative project with IMIS, University of Osnabrück; 2016–2019
- "Where the Rain falls"12 – Climate Change, Hunger and Human Mobility, funded by the AXA Group and the MacArthur foundation, research project led by UNU-EHS and CARE International, lead author for Bangladesh case study; 2011–2012
- The Megaurban Food System of Dhaka (Bangladesh), funded by German Research Foundation (DFG) in the priority programme "Megacities-Megachallenges13: Informal Dynamics of Global Change," team member/PhD candidate; 2007–2010
- 2023. With M. Müller-Koné. "Intersecting (im)mobilities in the context of drought, hunger and conflict – Reflections inspired by research in Kenya." In International Migration 61(6): 345–348. Open access14
- 2023. With P. Themann. "'We are making it on ourselves' ‐ Infrastrukturen der (Im)Mobilität in Bosnien und Herzegowina." In Geographica Helvetica 78(4): 531–546. Open access15
- 2023. "Gewaltmigration." In Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium, edited by T. Scharrer et al., 309–314. Nomos.
- 2023. With B. Glorius. "Geographie." In Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium, edited by T. Scharrer et al., 97–105. Nomos.
- 2022. With S. Christ. "Family figurations in displacement: entangled mobilities of refugees towards Germany and beyond." In Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 48(18): 4419–4435. Open access16
- 2022. With A. M. Fechter. "Connectivity and Mobility beyond 'Limbo': Unpacking Social Constellations of Protracted Displacement." In Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 48(18): 4295–4312. Open access17
- 2022. With R. Lorenz. "Journeys of Violence: Trajectories of (Im-)Mobility and Migrants' Encounters with Violence in European Border Spaces." In Comparative Population Studies 47: 211–232. Open access18
- 2022. With K. Mielke. "Afghans' narrowing mobility options in Pakistan and the right to transnational living: a figurational perspective." In Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 48(18): 4347–4364. Open access19
- 2022. With S. Tobin et al. "Ambivalent entanglements: Syrian refugees' network relations and (im)mobilities in protracted displacement." In Onward Migration and Multi-sited Transnationalism: Complex Trajectories, Practices and Ties, edited by J. Ahrens and R. King, 99–119. Springer Cham. Open access20
- 2021. "Flucht und Vertreibung." In Humangeographie, edited by S. Schneider-Sliwa et al., 141–148. Westermann Verlag.
- 2020. "Fragmentierungen im Feld des Asyls. Alte Hürden und neue Hierarchien beim Arbeitsmarktzugang von Geflüchteten in Deutschland." In Fluchtmigration und Gesellschaft. Von Nutzenkalkülen, Solidarität und Exklusion, edited by K. Binner and K. Scherschel, 149–168.
- 2019. "Violence, Mobility and Labour Relations in Asia: Editorial." In International Quarterly for Asian Studies (IQAS) 50(1–2): 5–18. Open access21
- 2019. With H. Sterly and S. Peth. "Bangladesch. Beweggründe für Binnenmigration und translokale Lebensrealitäten." In Geographische Rundschau 3: 18–23.
- 2017. "Capitalising on Asylum – The Reconfiguration of Refugees' Access to Local Fields of Labour in Germany." In Refugee Review 3: 82–102.
- 2017. "Mobility, Space and Livelihood Trajectories. New Perspectives on Migration, Translocality and Place-making for Livelihood studies." In Livelihoods and Development – New Perspectives, edited by L. de Haan, 44–67. Brill. Access22
- 2016. With P. Sakdapolrak. "Socio-spatialities of vulnerability: towards a polymorphic perspective in vulnerability research." In DIE ERDE 147 (4): 234–251. Open access23
- 2016. "Migration, Informal Labour and (Trans)Local Productions of Urban Space – The Case of Dhaka's Street Food Vendors." In Population, Space and Place 22 (2): 170–184. Open access24
- 2016. With T. Afifi, A. Milan et al. "Human mobility in response to rainfall variability: opportunities for migration as a successful adaptation strategy in eight case studies." In Migration and Development 5 (2): 254–274. Access25
- 2015. As editor. With B. Mallick. Environment, Migration and Adaptation. Evidence and Politics of Climate Change in Bangladesh. (AHDPH) Dhaka.
- 2015. "Selling in Insecurity – Living with Violence: Eviction Drives against Street Vendors in Dhaka and the Informal Politics of Exploitation." In Street Vending in the Neoliberal City, edited by N. Ha and K. Graaf, 164–190. New York: Berghahn.
- 2014. With A. U. Ahmed, S. R. Hassan, and S. Neelormi. "Clouds gather in the sky, but no rain falls. Vulnerability to rainfall variability and food insecurity in Northern Bangladesh and its effects on migration." In Climate and Development 6 (1): 18–27.
- 2013. The Politics of Street Food. Contested Governance and Vulnerabilities in Dhaka's Field of Street Vending. Megacities and Global Change / Megastädte und globaler Wandel 13. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
- 2013. With M. Keck. "Resilience Refused - Wasted Potentials for Improving Food Security in Dhaka." In Erdkunde 67 (1): 75–91. Open access26
- 2013. With M. Keck, H.-G. Bohle, and W.-P. Zingel. "Food Security in Dhaka: Global Risks and Local Vulnerabilities." In Megacities, edited by F. Kraas et al., 59–73. Dordrecht: Springer.
- 2012. Et al. "Doing institutions. New trends in institutional theory and their relevance for development geography." Erdkunde 66 (3): 185–195.
- 2009. With M. Keck, H.-G. Bohle, and W.-P. Zingel. "Informality as agency. Negotiating food security in Dhaka." In Die Erde 1: 3–24.
- 2009. Illegalisierte Migration in der Flüssigen Moderne. Migration aus Afrika und die europäische Grenzsicherungspolitik. Berlin: WVB.
- https://bicc.de/
- https://trafig.eu/
- https://www.bicc.de/Staff/Benjamin-Etzold~s11687
- https://www.imiscoe.org/research/standing-committees/migrant-transnationalism
- https://www.springer.com/series/13502/books
- https://bicc.de/Projects/Mobility%20-%20translocality%20and%20gendered%20violence
- https://www.xcept-research.org/
- https://www.bicc.de/Projects/RE-MIG
- https://ffvt.net/
- https://www.bicc.de/Projects/FooCo
- https://flucht-forschung-transfer.de/
- https://migration.unu.edu/research/migration-and-environment/where-the-rain-falls.html#outline
- http://www.megacities-megachallenge.org/
- https://doi.org/10.1111/imig.13202
- https://doi.org/10.5194/gh-78-531-2023
- https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2022.2090160
- https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2022.2090153
- https://doi.org/10.12765/CPoS-2022-09
- https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2022.2090156
- https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-12503-4_5
- https://doi.org/10.11588/iqas.2019.1-2.10287
- https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004347182
- https://doi.org/10.12854/erde-147-21
- https://doi.org/10.1002/psp.1893
- https://doi.org/10.1080/21632324.2015.1022974
- https://doi.org/10.3112/erdkunde.2013.01.07