Susana Macías Pascua

PhD Researcher

Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies
Room 2.009
Niebuhrstraße 5
D-53113 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 73 62469

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Michael Zeuske1, Prof. Dr. Stephan Conermann2Prof. Dr. Béla Bodó3

Member of 
Susana Macias Pascua.jpg
© Barbara Frommann

Academic Profile

My research examines early modern Spain, specifically the many entanglements that connect religion, the law, economic-political institutions, and social interactions in historical relation to the Romani collective Kale (Spanish gitanos). It focuses on two issues: the conflicting relation between royal decrees intended at limiting their mobility and regulating their social and economic life, and the Kale's "refractory resistance" to the law's assimilationist purpose. In addition to analyzing forms of coercion, confronting semantics of power, and the degree of permeation into existing forms of social and individual comportment, this research aims to compose patterns of dependency and reciprocity among Iberian early modern society and reconstruct a history of the gitanos' daily experience beyond the unrelenting image of the outcast.

since 2020                 
Ph.D. in Early Modern History, Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies, University of Bonn, Germany

M.A. in History, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom

Pg. Diploma in "Globalization and Regionalization: Culture, Nationalism and History of the Present," UNED, Spain

Pg. Diploma in "Postmodern Culture and Pragmatic Rationality," UNED, Spain

Five-Year Degree in Philosophy, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

since 2020           
Research Associate in Research Area A Semantics – Lexical Fields – Narratives, University of Bonn, Germany

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