Stanislav Mohylnyi
PhD Researcher
Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies
Room 3.019
Niebuhrstraße 5
D-53113 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 73 62572
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Witzenrath2

Academic Profile
The Factors of Subjugation: Creating Bonded Relationships in the Hetmanate and Sloboda Ukraine at the End of the Seventeenth and in the Eighteenth Centuries
In my project I intend to research the social history of the Hetmanate in the eithgeenth century through the prism of social status and attempts at its changes by means of social subjugation. Attention is to be given to variegated factors that shaped social standing in the Hetmanate, such as grassroots level relationships, institutional framework and the policies of the Russian empire towards the Hetmanate.
since 2019
Ph.D. in Eastern European Studies, University of Bonn, Germany
M.A. in Comparative History, Central European University, Hungary
B.A. in History, National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy," Ukraine
Research Associate in the Project NEPOSTRANS: Negotiating Post-imperial transitions, Institute of Political History, Hungary
2023. "Zaporozhian Bandits and the Cultures of Violence in the Middle of the Eighteenth Century." In Transottoman Biographies, 16th–20th c., edited by Denise Klein and Anna Vlachopoulou, 139–176. Göttingen: V&R unipress.
2018. "Review: Andriy Zayarnyuk. Framing the Ukrainian Peasantry in Habsburg Galicia, 1846−1914." In Ukraїns'kii іstorichnii zhurnal (Ukrainian Historical Journal) 3: 211–218.
2018. "Review: Johannes Remy. Brothers or Enemies: The Ukrainian National Movement and Russia from the 1840s to the 1870s." In Ab Imperio 1: 389–391.
2016. "Kiїv u karikaturakh 1907–1912 rr.: obrazi modernogo mіsta." [Kyiv in Caricature from 1907 to 1912: Portraits of a Modern City]. In Zhivuchi v modernomu mіstі: Kyiv kіntsia 19 – seredini 20 stolіt', edited by O. Betlity, K. Dysa, and O. Martynyk, 124–147. Kiyv: Duh i Litera.