Nabhojeet Sen
PhD Researcher
Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies
Adenauerallee 18–22
D-53113 Bonn
Member of
- Research Area D - Labor and Spatiality1
- Research Group Punishment, Labor and Dependency2

Academic Profile
Punishment and Labor Regime: The Indian Subcontinent, 1750s–1870s
My Research looks the multiple entanglements between punishment and labour in early modern and colonial India. My project looks at this along three interrelated axis: (1) punishment of labourers, (2) labour as punishment and punitive pluralism and simultaneously looks at (3) multiple relations that emerged because of this: convict transportation, corporal and capital punishment, incarceration (penal reform), forced labour on public works and their connection with other forms of coerced labour.
By locating these at the time when the Indian subcontinent was undergoing wide range economic and social transformations and dislocations caused by the advent of colonial rule, my research questions twin liberal paradigms of labour and punishment: that multiple labour relations were replaced by wage labour and incarceration came to replace the different punitive experiences along with the march to capitalism and modernity.
since 2019
Ph.D. in History, University of Bonn, Germany
M.Phil. in History, Ambedkar University Delhi, India
B.A. and M.A. in History, University of Delhi, India
since 2019
Research Associate in Research Group Punishment, Labor and Dependency, University of Bonn, Germany
Research Associate in the book project Hindu Nationalism in India: The 20th Century Journey, Vinay Sitapati, Ashoka University (Sonepat)
Research Associate in the Oral History Division (OHD), Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, New Delhi, India
Member of the Working Group Free and Unfree Labour of the European Labour History Network (ELHN)
- 2019. "Book Review, Victor Bailey: The Rise and Fall of the Rehabilitative Ideal, 1895–970." In International Review of Social History 64(3): 557–559.