Maja E. Keller (née Baum)
PhD Researcher
Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery StudiesRoom 0.200
Heussallee 18–24
D-53113 Bonn
+49 228 73 62940
- Research Area D - Labor and Spatiality3
- Research Area C - Institutions, Norms, and Practices4
- Research Area E - Gender (and Intersectionality)5
PhD Representative // Office hours: Wednesdays (open door policy), room 2.009

Research Profile
Medical Treatment of Slaves in the Roman Empire
My research project focuses on the asymmetrical dependency between slaveholder and slave in connection with medical care during the Roman Imperial period. The decision of the slaveholder to spend money and resources to supply the subordinate with necessary caregiving was influenced by several motives and circumstances. On the one hand economic calculations affected the master’s actions (losing manpower through illness led to extensive financial losses), on the other hand, contemporary normative expectations towards the family father (pater familias) forced him to provide for appropriate care and supply. Throughout this project, medical care should be considered from a holistic point of view, i.e. from prophylaxis to accommodation in case of incapacity to work. Furthermore, medicine offers an unique approach for dependency studies, as it is based on a multifaceted two-person relationship, which, however, must not be considered in isolation, but in a broader context due to various influencing factors. Since the focus lies particularly on the group of working-slaves my project will be mainly affiliated to Research Area D (Labour and Spatiality).
since 2021
PhD studies in Ancient History, Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies, University of Bonn
M.A. in History (profile: general History), University of Bonn
B.A. (Teaching Degree) in History and Latin, University of Cologne
PhD Representative, Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies, University of Bonn
Deputy PhD Representative, Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies, University of Bonn
since 2021
Research Assistant at Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies, Germany
Member of the Student Body of the Faculty "History" at University of Cologne
09/10 2024
Workshop "Institutionelle Machttrukturen und daraus hervorgehende Lösungswege damals und heute", Organisation and Paper Anklageschrift P.Oxy I 37: Pesouris gegen Saraeus. Kindesentführung in Oxyrhynchos?, University of Bonn, Germany, September 30 - October 1
15th Celtic Conference in Cardiff, Panel "Medicine, Science and Enslavement", Paper What do the doctors say? - Medical literature on slave health care, Cardiff University, UK, July 9-12
- 2023. "'Saving People - Hunting Gods' - Adaptionen antiker Mythologien in Supernatural." In Antikenrezeption im Horror, edited by Michael Kleu, 424–465. Essen: Oldib.
- 2022. With Konrad Vössing and Peter Geiss. Antike Sklaverei. Materialien, Interpretationen und didaktische Anregungen für den Geschichtsunterricht.
- 2020. "Was macht ein blauer Bär in der Antike? Antikenrezeption in Walter Moers‘ Die 13 ½ Leben des Käpt’n Blaubär." In Antikenrezeption in der Fantasy, edited by Michael Kleu, 216–238. Essen: Oldib.