Imogen Herrad

Translator and Academic Editor

Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies
Room 2.006
Niebuhrstraße 5
D-53113 Bonn

© Barbara Frommann


  • Translation or language-editing, where applicable, of texts for all BCDSS publications (BCDSS Book Series "Dependency and Slavery Studies," Joseph C. Miller Memorial Lecture Series, Concept Papers, Working Papers).
  • Development and implementation of the BCDSS' Language Policy1

Imogen Herrad researches incidences of insubordination in classical Sparta, especially successful ones. She explores both the motivations for which Spartiates decided to break rules or disobey orders, and the reasons that caused the authorities not to punish them, despite Sparta's well-known reputation for discipline and obedience. 

Her other research interests include rule-breaking and deviance more widely, as well as gender and women's history, specifically women's work and economic activities.

M.A. History, University of Bonn, Germany

Honors Program, University of Bonn, Germany

B.A. History and Spanish, University of Bonn, Germany

Certificate in Teaching Adult Learners, City Literary Institute, London, UK (City & Guilds 7307 Stage 1)

M.A. degree course in English and German Literatures and Celtic Studies, University of Marburg (not taken)

since 2018
Translator and Academic Editor, BCDSS, University of Bonn, Germany

Teaching Assignments, Department for Ancient History, University of Bonn, Germany

Research Associate, Department for Ancient History, University of Bonn, Germany

  • 2025. "Language, Power and (In)Visibility. Reflections on Decolonizing Academic English." In Intentional Invisibilization in Modern Asian History: Concealing and Self-Concealed Agents, edited by Mònica Ginés-Blasi, 143–158. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. Open access2
  • 2024. The Rewards of Dependency and the Cost of Revolt: Sparta and the Perioikic Poleis. Joseph C. Miller Memorial Lectures Series 23. Berlin: EB Verlag. Open access3
  • 2020. "When is Revolt not Revolting? Rule-breaking and Revolt in Sparta in Plutarch's Lives." In Transgression und Devianz in der antiken Welt, edited by I. Herrad, L. Gilhaus, M. Meurer, and A. Pfeiffer, 75–92. Berlin.
  • 2020. As editor. With L. Gilhaus, M. Meurer, and A. Pfeiffer.Transgression und Devianz in der antiken Welt. Berlin.
  • 2012. Beyond the Pampas. In Search of Patagonia. Bridgend.
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