Laura Hartmann  

PhD Coordinator & Press and PR Coordinator

Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies
Room 2.018
Niebuhrstraße 5
D-53113 Bonn
 +49 228 73 62483

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© Barbara Frommann


PhD Coordinator
  • Organization and implementation of Individual Meetings, PhD Research Colloquia, and First-Year Presentations
  • Organization and implementation of info events
  • Development, organization, and promotion of PhD seminars
  • Contact person for questions and problems regarding the PhD program
Press and PR Coordinator
  • Responsible for website and social media coordination
  • General quality control

since 2023 
Press and PR Coordinator at the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies

since 2022
PhD Coordinator at the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies

Fellowship Coordinator at the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies

Museum Guide, RömerWelt Rheinbrohl

Research Assistant, Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies, University of Bonn

Personal Tutor, Studienkreis, Sinzig

Internship, Literaturhaus Bonn

Board Member, Bonn Group for Eighteenth-Century Studies (BGECS), University of Bonn

Internship, RömerWelt Rheinbrohl

PhD in English and American Literatures and Cultures, University of Bonn

M.A. in English Literatures and Cultures, University of Bonn

Study Abroad, English Language and Literature, University of Sheffield

B.A. in English Studies and Romance Studies, University of Bonn

Mental Health First Aid, Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit, Mannheim

Foundations of Project Management, Coventry University

Paedagogics, Laudius Akademie für Fernstudien, Straelen

Museum Education, Bundesakademie für kulturelle Bildung, Wolfenbüttel

  • 2024. With Bahar Bayraktaroğlu, Joseph Biggerstaff, Mariana Kelly da Costa Rezende, and Amalia S. Levi. "Scholarly Sparks: Insights from the PhD Seminar in Leiden 2024." In BCDSS Blog
  • 2023. With Ayesha Hussain and David B. Smith. "Writing Studies of Slavery, Servitude, and Extreme Dependency in Community: Reflections on the 2023 Bonn/Leiden/Hull PhD Seminar." In BCDSS Blog
  • 2017. "The Black Dog and the Boggart: Fantastic Beasts in Joanne K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and Where to Find Them in Mythology and Traditional Folklore." In "Harry – yer a wizard": Exploring J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter Universe, edited by Marion Gymnich, Hanne Birk, and Denise Burkhard, 41–50. Baden-Baden: Tectum, 2017. 
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