Jeannine Bischoff
Managing Director
Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies
Room 2.018
Niebuhrstraße 5
D-53113 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 73 62444

- Overall responsibility for and consultation regarding all administrative processes, finances and personnel matters
- BCDSS management team lead
- Internal and external representation of the BCDSS
- Communication and coordination with the University of Bonn’s Rectorate and Central Administration
- Communication and coordination with the German Research Foundation and other third-party funding organizations
- Maintenance of the BCDSS' international network
- Consultation for third-party funding applications
- Planning and execution of the following committee meetings: BCDSS Board, BCDSS Steering Committee, BCDSS General Assembly, BCDSS International Advisory Board
- Distribution of Information internally and externally
Jeannine Bischoff currently focuses her research on Tibetan administrative documents concerning the rural communities that were attached Kundeling monastery, in Central Tibet, before 1959. The peasants living on these estates had a serf-like legal status binding them to Kundeling monastery.
3 edited volumes, 5 scientific papers, 25 national and international lectures and presentations.
M.A. History and Culture of the Region China, Mongolia, Tibet, University of Bonn, Germany
Study Abroad, Tibet University, Lhasa, China
B.A. Asian Studies, University of Bonn, Germany
since 2018
Managing Director of the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies
Research Associate, University of Bonn, Germany
Coordinator of the Bonn International Graduate School – Oriental and Asian Studies
Research Associate, University of Bonn, Germany
Organizational Psychology, University of Canterbury (Online Micro Master Program)
Positive Psychology, University of Pennsylvania (Online Micro Master Program)
10-More-In Female Leadership Program
Strategic Change Management, University of Glasgow (Online Micro Master Program)
Certification as Mediator and Conflict Manager, INeKo, University of Cologne
since 2016
Member of the European Labour History Network
since 2016
Member of the DFG/ANR project "Social Status in the Tibetan World"
since 2016
Member of the ERC Project "The Tibetan Army of the Dalai Lamas, 1642–1959"
since 2012
Member of the International Seminar of Young Tibetologists
Member of the German Tibetan Cultural Society
- Sustainability Representative of the Faculty of Arts
- Member of the University of Bonn Daycare Committee
- Member of Advisory Board for Research Management of the Human Resource Development Department
2023. As editor. With S. Conermann and Marion Gymnich. Naming, Defining, Phrasing Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies. A Textual Approach. Dependency and Slavery Studies 8. Berlin/Boston.
2022. As editor. With S. Conermann. Slavery and Other Forms of Asymmetrical Dependencies: Semantics and Lexical Fields. Dependency and Slavery Studies 1. Berlin/Boston.
2018. As editor. With A. Travers. Commerce and Communities: Social Status and Political Status and the Exchange of Goods in Tibetan Societies (Mid 17th to mid 20th centuries). Berlin.
2017. "Sklaverei auf dem Dach der Welt? Zur Anwendbarkeit des Begriffes auf tibetische Bauern und Viehzüchter." In Sklaverei in der Vormoderne. Beispiele aus außereuropäischen Gesellschaften, edited by Stephan Conermann. Dhau. Jahrbuch für außereuropäische Geschichte. Saarbrücken.
2016. With Franz Xaver Erhard, Lewis Doney, Jörg Heimbel, and Emilia Sulek. Ancient Currents, New Traditions: Papers Presented at the Fourth International Seminar of Young Tibetologists. RET 37. Paris.
2016. With S. Mullard. Social Regulation: Case Studies from Tibetan History. Leiden.
2016. "'Completely, Voluntarily and Unalterably?' – Values and Social Regulation among Central Tibetan mi ser during the Ganden Phodrang Period." In Social Regulation: Case Studies from Tibetan History, edited by J. Bischoff and S. Mullard, 151–180. Leiden.
2013. "Right There But Still Unnoticed: Information on dGa’ ldan pho brang mi ser from Archival Material published in German(y)." In Tibetans who escaped the Historian’s Net. Studies in the Social History of Tibetan Societies, edited by Ch. Ramble, P. Schwieger, and A. Travers, 9–26 Kathmandu.