Welcome to the BCDSS Management Team

We are here to help and to facilitate all central activities of the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies. You will find our areas of responsibilities below. If you are ever unsure as to whom to contact, just contact any of us! 

Managing Director

Overall responsibility for all administrative processes,
finances and personnel matters. 
Avatar Bischoff

Jeannine Bischoff

Managing Director

Deputy Managing Director

Deputy of Jeannine Bischoff and Head of Research
and Study.
Avatar Dusend

Sarah Dusend

Head of Research and Study & Deputy Managing Director

Project Assistant

Responsible for implementation of administrative
processes (personnel, finances, procurement, onboarding).
First port of call for general queries.  
Avatar Uhl

Wencke Uhl

Project Assistant

Team Assistant

‎Assistance with BCDSS finances.
Administrative support to Cluster Professors
Claudia Jarzebowski and Pia Wiegmink.
Avatar Kuhnert

Martina Kuhnert

Team Assistant

Team Assistant

Administrative support to Cluster Professors Julia Hillner
and Christoph Witzenrath, the events coordinator,
and the e-teaching coordinator.
Avatar Lehmberg

Astrid Lehmberg

Events Team Assistant

Research and Study

Head of Research and Study

Overall responsibility for the BCDSS master
programs, the doctoral program and the international fellowship programs (Heinz Heinen Fellowships and
Bonn-Yale-Anton-Wilhelm-Amo Fellowships).
Avatar Dusend

Sarah Dusend

Head of Research and Study & Deputy Managing Director

PhD Coordinator

Coordination of the BCDSS PhD program. 
Avatar Hartmann

Laura Hartmann

PhD Coordinator & Press and PR Coordinator


E-Teaching Coordinator

Responsible for all aspects of digital teaching and
learning, including Basis and eCampus, as well as the
coordination of the MA e-teaching modules.
Avatar El-Menshawy

Yasmin El-Menshawy

E-Teaching Coordinator

Digital Tools Coordinator

Responsible for corporate design of the e-teaching
modules and creation of digital tools.
Avatar Gläser

Alina Gläser

Digital Tools Coordinator

Press & PR

Please address all PRESS & PR queries to:


Press and PR Manager

Overall responsibility for Press & Public Relations
operations, strategic communication, outreach projects.
Avatar Jeblawei

Cécile Jeblawei

Press and PR Manager

Press and PR Coordinator

Responsible for website and social media
coordination, general quality control. 
Avatar Hartmann

Laura Hartmann

PhD Coordinator & Press and PR Coordinator

Further Press & PR Team Members

Maintenance of the BCDSS website and the Cluster's five social media channels: YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Bluesky, and LinkedIn.

Avatar Berrío Domínguez

Daniela Berrío Domínguez

Student Assistant

Avatar Coric

Azemina Coric

Student Assistant

Avatar Duman

Buğra N. Duman

Student Assistant

Avatar Waldmann

Niniane Waldmann

Student Assistant


Event Coordinator

Responsible for the operational coordination of all 
BCDSS events from planning to implementation, incl.
the weekly Joseph C. Miller Memorial Lecture.
Avatar Hörber

Jan Hörber

Event Coordinator

Editing and Publishing

Translator & Academic Editor

Translation/review of texts for BCDSS publications
(BCDSS Book Series "Dependency and Slavery Studies",  Joseph C. Miller Memorial Lecture Series, 
Concept Paper, Working Paper).
Avatar Herrad

Imogen Herrad

Translator and Academic Editor

Language Editor

Editing of texts for BCDSS publications (BCDSS Book
Series "Dependency and Slavery Studies", Joseph C.
Miller Memorial Lecture Series, Concept Paper, 
Working Paper).
Avatar Abaño

Kathryn Abaño

Language Editor

Publications Manager 

Coordination of all BCDSS publications (BCDSS Book Series "Dependency and Slavery Studies", Joseph C. Miller Memorial Lecture Series, Concept Paper, Working Paper).
Avatar Albrecht

Dr. Janico Albrecht

Publications Manager


Exhibition Curator

Coordination of content, realization and implementation
of the cluster exhibition (2024/2025), planned as an
outreach project for the general public.
Avatar Hoffmann-Ihde

Dr. Beatrix Hoffmann-Ihde

Exhibition Curator

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator

Developing and Implementing diversity, equality and
antidiscrimination policies and procedures at the
cluster, developing and implementing the cluster’s
Diversity Certificate.
Avatar Al Munajed

Dima Al Munajed

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator

Student Assistants

Coordination of Library of Ancient Slavery.

Avatar Coric

Azemina Coric

Student Assistant

Support of Management and Researchers.

Avatar Elias

Silvia Elias

Student Assistant

Support of the MA Team.
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Klaudia İnanç

Student Assistant

IT support and IT administration.
Avatar Jayasinghe

Danuja Jayasinghe

Student Assistant

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