Dr. Petra Linscheid
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology 1
Department for Christian Archaeology2
Genscherallee 2
53113 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 1805 9932

Academic Profile
Petra Linscheid investigates "textile dependencies" between Early Byzantium and the Franks. In the 5th–7th centuries AD Byzantium possessed materials, knowledge and technologies that were not available in the Latin West and which led to an imitation of Byzantine objects by the Franks. This asymmetrical dependency in technology and fashion is mirrored as well in textiles and dress. The project investigates, to what extent and in which regard the Frankish textile production depended on Byzantine textile technology and dress models.
The research bases on the surviving textile finds: textile remains from the Merovingian and Alemannic row cemeteries in Early Medieval central Europe are compared to textiles from the Early Byzantine eastern Mediterranean in technique and appearance.
This project draws attention to the dependency of technology and fashion on political power and political relations.
3 monographs, 40 academic articles (as single author), 8 co-edited volumes, entries in 8 exhibition catalogues, 11 reviews, 55 national and international presentations and lectures, 5 co-organized international conferences.
Ph.D. in Byzantine Studies, Free University Berlin
M.A. in Christian Archaeology, University of Bonn
since 2021
Research Associate Dep. of Christian Archaeology in the project "Kontextil"
Research Associate Dep. of Christian Archaeology
Research Associate Dep. of Christian Archaeology in the project "Roman and Merovingian textile finds in the LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn"
Research Associate Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe in the project "Early Byzantine textiles in the BLM"
Research Associate Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz in the project "Early Byzantine textiles in the RGZM"
Research Associate Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Museum für Byzantinische Kunst in the project "Late Antique to Early Islamic textiles in the MBK"
since 2010
LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn "Roman and Merovingian textile finds in the LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn"
since 2018
Römische-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz (now Leibniz Zentrum für Archäologie) "The textile archive of Hans-Jürgen Hundt"
since 2020
Archäologische Staatssammlung Munich "Textile finds from the Roman cemetery of Wehringen"
General Directorate for Cultural Heritage Rheinland-Pfalz "Merovingian textiles from Langenlonsheim"; "Iron Age textiles from Worms-Herrnsheim"
since 2023
Community Cluster „Archäologische Textilien“ in NFDI4objects
since 2020
EuroWeb – Europe through textiles, Cost Action – European Cooperation in Science and Technology
since 1999
Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Förderung Byzantinischer Studien
since 1996
Textiles from the Nile Valley study group
since 1990
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christliche Archäologie
Amorium excavation team
since 2021
Brigitte und Martin Krause Stiftung
De Groot Funds, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Historical-monuments support programme of Nordrhein-Westfalen
Graduate scholarship programme of Berlin
German Research Association
- 2023. With G. Godlewski and C. Fluck. "The dress ensemble of Naqlun cemetery C tomb 5." In Dress – continuity and change in Egypt in the 1st Millennium AD, edited by A. De Moor, C. Fluck, and P. Linscheid, 36–43. Veurne.
- 2023. "'Duplicated' fabrics and the multiple production of textiles." In Archaeological textiles in a museum. Egyptian fabrics from the 1st Millenium AD at the National Museum of Denmark (online exhibition), edited by M. Mossakowska-Gaubert, 17–24. Kopenhagen. Open access3
- 2023. With E. Nieveler. "Das Schwert - Symbol und Waffe." In Das Leben des Bodi – Eine Forschungsreiese ins frühe Mittelalter, Begleitband zur Ausstellung im LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn, edited by E. Nieveler, M. Schmauder, and Th. Valk, 102–107. Darmstadt.
- 2023. "The textile archive of Hans-Jürgen Hundt." In Interdisciplinary approaches to research of North and Central European archaeological textiles: The Proceedings of the North European Symposium for Archaeological textiles (23rd–26th August 2021 in Oulu), edited by S. Lipkin, E. Ruhl, and K. Wright, 333–347. Open access4
- 2021. "Hairnets with gold tube beads from the Roman Rhineland and their textile technique." In Crafting Textiles, edited by F. Pritchard, 73–84. Oxford.
- 2020. "Ganzseidene Tuniken aus spätantik-frühbyzantinischer Zeit." In Contextus. Festschrift für Sabine Schrenk, edited by S. De Blaauw, E. Enss, and P. Linscheid, 132–143 Münster.
- 2019. "Textiles." In History and culture of Byzantium (Brill's New Pauly), edited by F. Daim, 382–384. Leiden/Boston.
- 2018. "Grabsitten in Spätantike und frühem Christentum." In Spätantike und frühes Christentum. LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn – Blick in die Sammlung, edited by S. Schrenk and K. Vössing, 108–115. Bonn.
- 2017. "Ausgewählte Textilfunde aus dem merowingerzeitlichen Gräberfeld von Langenlonsheim." In Das frühmittelalterliche Reihengräberfeld von Langenlonsheim, Kreis Bad Kreuznach, edited by G. Zeller, 149–177. Mainz .
- 2017. Textilien. Spätantike und Byzanz. Bestandskatalog Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe Band II. Mainz.
- 2016. Die frühbyzantinischen Textilien des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums. RGZM-Kataloge Vor- und Frühgeschichtlicher Altertümer Band 48. Mainz.
- 2016. "Textilfunde aus der Merowingerzeit im LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn." In Reihengräber des frühen Mittelalters – nutzen wir doch die Quellenfülle, edited by U. Koch, R. Prien, and J. Drauschke, 123–136. Remshalden.
- 2015. With D. Bénazeth and A. De Moor. "Étoffes coptes bouclées et décorées de tapisseries : un groupe de couvertures des 5e–6e siècles, datées au radiocarbone." In La Revue des Musées de France - Revue du Louvre 3: 22–39.
- 2014. "Early Byzantine female headcoverings: Appearance and function." In Tiarae, diadems and headdresses in the Ancient Mediterranean. Cultures, Symbolism and technology, edited by C.A. Giner, J. Ortiz García, and M. Antón Peset, 243–253. Valencia.
- 2012. "Middle Byzantine Textile finds from Amorium." In Byzantine Small finds in archaeological contexts, edited by B. Böhlendorf-Arslan and A. Ricci, 343–350. Istanbul.
- 2011. "Textile Bodenfunde der römischen Kaiserzeit und der Merowingerzeit im Bestand des LVR-LandesMuseums Bonn." In Textilien in der Archäologie, edited by LVR-Amt für Bodendenkmalpflege im Rheinland, 69–79. Bonn.
- 2011. Frühbyzantinische textile Kopfbedeckungen. Typologie, Verbreitung, Chronologie und soziologischer Kontext nach Originalfunden. Wiesbaden.
- 2010. With K. Finneiser and M. Pehlivanian. Georg Schweinfurth - Pionier der Textilarchäologie und Afrikaforscher. Exhibition catalogue Skulpturensammlung und Museum für Byzantinische Kunst, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, 24.6.2010–19.6.2011. Berlin.
- 2003. "Textile Fragments from the Lower City, Trench AB and Trench LC5." In Amorium Reports II, Research Papers and Technical Reports, edited by C.S. Lightfoot, 185–192. Oxford.
- 2000. With C. Fluck and S. Merz. Textilien aus Ägypten. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Skulpturensammlung und Museum für Byzantinische Kunst, Bestandskataloge Band 1, Teil 1. Wiesbaden.
- https://www.iak.uni-bonn.de/de/iak
- https://www.christliche-archaeologie.uni-bonn.de/studium
- https://en.natmus.dk/museums-and-palaces/the-national-museum-of-denmark/exhibitions/classical-and-near-eastern-antiquities/archaeological-puzzles-in-a-museum/
- http://www.sarks.fi/masf/masf_12/masf_12.html