Prof. Dr. Kristina Großmann

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© Kristina Grossmann

Academic Profile

Kristina Großmann's main research focus is on human-environmental relationships, sustainability, asymmetrical dependencies and categories of differentiation such as gender, ethnicity and religion in Southeast Asia with a focus on Indonesia.

since 2024
c/oEnvironments. Conflictive human-environmental relationships, indigeneity and sustainability in Aceh and Kalimantan, Indonesia, funded by the DFG

since 2022
Working Group "Alternative Sustainabilities. Between local contexts und global measures," funded by the DFG

since 2021
SpEAking – Language skills as key in contemporary research: diverse, sustainable, international and digital. Funded by the University Bonn

since 2020
New Environmentalisms and Global Change in Southeast Asia. Funded by the University of Bonn (Bonn Global Collaboration Fund)

since 2015            
Plurale Ökologien im Widerstreit: Ethnologische Perspektiven auf Südostasien. Member of the academic network (applicant: Prof. Dr. Guido Sprenger) funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)

Recalibrating Zoonoses. Human-wildlife relations and participative mitigation strategies in Southeast Asia (WildZoonSEA). Funded by the University of Bonn (Bonn Global Collaboration Fund)

Reconfiguring Power and Indigenous Politics in Post-Goldmining. Together with Frau Ajarani Mangkujati Djandam, funded by the University of Bonn (Argelander Scholarship)

Alternative Sustainabilities in Southeast Asia. Imaginaries and practices of sustainable human-environmental relationships. Together with Prof. Dr. Semiarto Aji Purwanto, funded by the University of Bonn (Bonn SDG fellowship)

FuturEN. Governance, Identities and Future along Categories of Differentiation. The Case of Coal Mining in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the program Kleine Fächer – große Potenziale

OpenSOA? Partizipation, Transparenz, offene Daten und Soziale Medien in Südostasien. Workshop funded by the Stiftung Umwelt und Entwicklung Nordrhein-Westfalen in cooperation with the Forum International Wissenschaft (FIW), Bonn

Kalimantan Contested: In Search for Development (InDSearch). Environmental Transformations, Ethnicity and Gender in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Initiation of international collaboration, co-application together with Prof. Dr. Martina Padmanabhan (University of Passau), funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)

Kulturelle und Politische Transformationen in Aceh, Indonesien, nach dem Tsunami. Research assistant in the project (applicant: Prof. Dr. Susanne Schröter, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main), funded by the Germany Research Foundation (DFG)

Habilitation with the thesis "Conflicting Ecologies and Categories of Differentiation in Southeast Asia and South Asia" at the University of Passau

Dissertation with the thesis "Handlungsräume muslimischer Aktivistinnen: Nach der Einführung der Syariat Islam und dem Tsunami in Aceh, Indonesien" (magna cum laude) in Anthropology at the Goethe University Frankfurt

since 2020
Professor for Anthropology of Southeast Asia at the University of Bonn

Project leader of the research project "FuturEN. Governance, Identities and Future along Categories of Differentiation. The Case of Coal Mining in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia" at the University of Passau (BMBF)

Assistant Professor (Akademische Rätin) at the Chair of Comparative Development and Cultural Studies with Focus Southeast Asia, University Passau, Germany

Early career researcher at the bilateral Germany Joint Research Co-operation Scheme with the Australian National University (ANU), Canberra and the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Research assistant for the research project "Cultural and Political Transformation in Aceh, Indonesia, after the Tsunami" (DFG) at the Department of Anthropology, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Research assistant at the Aceh Research Training Institute, University Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

  • Karl-Heinz-Pollok-Gedächtnispreis des Neuburger Gesprächskreises Wissenschaft und Praxis an der Universität Passau e.V. for the Habilitation with the title Conflicting Ecologies and Categories of Differentiation in Southeast Asia and South Asia 
  • 2024. "Patronage Networks and the Hope for a Better Future: Coal Mining in Indonesia." In The Political Economy of Extractivism. Global Perspectives on the Seduction of Rent, edited by Hannes Warnecke-Berger and Jan Ickler, 123–136. Routledge. Access3
  • 2023. As editor. With T. Duile, M. Haug, and G. Sprenger. Plural Ecologies in Southeast Asia: Hierarchies, Conflicts, and Coexistence. London & New York: Routledge.
  • 2023. As editor. With Andriani Nangoy, Timo Duile, and Christoph Antweiler. Übersetzung als kulturelle Begegnung. Eine Festschrift für Berthold Damshäuser. Berlin: Regiospectra. 
  • 2023. "Conflicting Notions of Land in Indonesia." In Society & Natural Resources. Access4
  • 2023. "'Kamu kreatif sekali!': Eine Konversation über haptischen Spracherwerb." In Übersetzung als kulturelle Begegnung. Eine Festschrift für Berthold Damshäuser, edited by Andriani Nangoy, Timo Duile, Kristina Großmann, and Christoph Antweiler, 31–34. Berlin: Regiospectra.  
  • 2023. "Negotiating Plural Ecologies of Adat Land in Indonesia." In Plural Ecologies in Southeast Asia: Hierarchies, Conflicts, and Coexistence, edited by T. Duile, K. Großmann, M.  Haug, and G. Sprenger, 98–111. London & New York: Routledge. 
  • 2022. "Multi-layered reflexivity in participative research on mining in Indonesia: positionality, preconceptions and roles." In Anthropology in Action 29(3): 40–47. Open access5
  • 2021. Human–Environment Relations and Politics in Indonesia. London: Routledge
  • 2020. With Michaela Haug and Timo Kaartinen. "Frontiers and Temporality." In Paideuma. 
  • 2020. "Conflicting ecologies in Indonesia." In Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, JRAI.
  • 2020. With Nicole Weydmann. "Corona in Indonesian and German Cartoons: Contested Medical Pluralism, Distrust in the State and Radicalization in Times of Crisis." In Philogie im Netz, PhiN.
  • 2019. "'Dayak Wake Up' – Land, Indigeneity, and Conflicting Ecologies in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia." In Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 175(1): 1–28.
  • 2019. "Genderverhältnisse." In Land- und Rohstoffkonflikte. Ein kritisches Handbuch, edited by Jan Brunner, Louisa Prause, Anna Dobelmann, and Sarah Kirst, 103–108. Transcript-Verlag.
  • 2018. With Guido Sprenger. "Introduction: Plural ecologies in Southeast Asia." In SOJOURN Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia 33(2): ix–xxi.
  • 2018. "Conflicting ecologies in a 'failed' gaharu nursery program in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia." In SOJOURN Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia 33(2): 319–340.
  • 2018. With Michaela Haug. "Gender and environmental change: Recent debates and new perspectives in Anthropological research." In Antropologia 5(1): 7–21.
  • 2018. With Guido Sprenger. "Plural Ecologies in Southeast Asia." In SOJOURN
  • 2018. With Sascha Helbardt. "Gewaltkonflikte in Südostasien." In Südostasien. Gesellschaften, Räume und Entwicklung, edited by Peter Feldbauer, Karl Husa, and Rüdiger Korff, 55–69. Wien: New Academic Press.
  • 2018. With Dagmar Hellmann-Rajanayagam, Sascha Helbardt, and Holger Warnk. "Religionen in Südostasien: Säkularisierung und Fundamentalismus. Religion als (nationale) Selbstvergewisserung." In Südostasien. Gesellschaften, Räume und Entwicklung, edited by Peter Feldbauer, Karl Husa, and Rüdiger Korff, 292–313. Wien: New Academic Press.
  • 2018. With Dagmar Hellmann-Rajanayagam. "Gender in Südostasien." In Südostasien. Gesellschaften, Räume und Entwicklung, edited by Peter Feldbauer, Karl Husa, and Rüdiger Korff, 314–329. Wien: New Academic Press.
  • 2017. With Martina Padmanabhan and Afiff Suraya. "Gender, Ethnicity and Environmental Transformations in Indonesia and Beyond." In Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies (ASEAS). Open access6
  • 2017. As editor. südostasien zum Thema OPENsoutheastASIA. Daten, Netzwerke, Zivilgesellschaft. Open access7 
  • 2017. "Social media and the successful anti-mining campaign in Banka, Sulawesi, Indonesia." In Journal of Contemporary Asia 48(5): 835–854.
  • 2017. "Gaharu King – Family Queen: material gendered political ecology of the eaglewood boom in Kalimantan, Indonesia." In The Journal of Peasant Studies 44(6): 1275–1292. 
  • 2017. With Martina Padmanabhan and Katharina von Braun. "Contested development in Indonesia: Rethinking ethnicity and gender in mining." In Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies (ASEAS) 10(1): 11–28.
  • 2017. With Martina Padmanabhan and Suraya Afiff. "Gender, ethnicity, and environmental transformations in Indonesia and beyond." In Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies (ASEAS) 10(1): 1–10.
  • 2017. "Exclusions in inclusive programs: State-sponsored sustainable development initiatives amongst the Kurichya in Kerala, India. Suma T.R." In Agriculture and Human Values. Journal of the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society 34 (4): 995–1006.
  • 2017. "Scharia in Aceh: Building back better. Einführung, Auswirkungen und Handlungsräume muslimischer Frauenaktivistinnen." In Watch Indonesia!, 173–188.
  • 2017. "The (Ir)Relevance of Ethnicity among the Punan Murung and Bakumpai in Central Kalimantan." In Change and Continuity in Dayak Societies, edited by Arenz Cathrin, Michaela Haug, Stefan Seitz, and Oliver Venz, 141–162. Springer.
  • 2015. "Women’s rights activists and the drafting process of the Islamic Criminal Law Code (Qanun Jinayat)." In Islam and the limits of the state: Reconfigurations of practice, community and authority in contemporary Aceh, edited by Feener Michael, David Kloos, and Annemarie Samuels, 87–117. Leiden: Brill.
  • 2015. As editor. With Gunnar Stange and Rolf Jordan. Handbuch Indones. Angermünde: Horlemann.
  • 2015. "Gesellschaft in Indonesien: Kontinuität und Wandel." In Handbuch Indonesien, edited by Gunnar Stange, Rolf Jordan, and Kristina Großmann, 111–131. Angermünde: Horlemann. 
  • 2015. With Novia Tirta Rahayu Tijaja. "Bergbau: Ein hoher Preis für 'Entwicklung.'" In Handbuch Indonesien, edited by Gunnar Stange, Rolf Jordan, and Kristina Großmann, 379–385. Angermünde: Horlemann. 
  • 2015. With Mechthild von Vacano. "Umkämpfte Gendernormen Findeisen Genia." In Handbuch Indonesien, edited by Gunnar Stange, Rolf Jordan, and Kristina Großmann, 143–151. Angermünde: Horlemann.
  • 2014. "Muslim female activists and sharia in Indonesia: scopes of acting in national and international perspectives." In Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs (RIMA) 48(1): 95–125. 
  • 2014. "Contested Unity in Diversity: Indonesia." In Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures. Muslim Women and Violent Political Protest, edited by Suad Joseph. Brill Online. Access8
  • 2013. Gender, Islam, Aktivismus: Handlungsräume muslimischer Aktvistinnen nach dem Tsunami in Aceh, Indonesien. Berlin: regiospectra.
  • 2013. As editor. With Genia Findeisen. Gewalt gegen Frauen in Südostasien und China. Rechtslage, Umgang, Lösungsansätze Together. Berlin: regiospectra.
  • As editor. 2010. With Genia Findeisen and Nicole Weydmann. Herausforderungen für Indonesiens Demokratie - Bilanz und Perspektiven Together. Berlin: regiospectra.
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