Dr. Kirsten Maria Schäfers
University of Bonn
Faculty of Catholic Theology1
Department of Old Testament Studies2
Personal Website 3
Rabinstr. 8
D-53111 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 73 7847
Representative Research Area A: Semantics – Lexical Fields – Narratives4
- Research Area A: Semantics – Lexical Fields – Narratives5 (Main Affiliation)
Research Area C: Institutions, Norms, and Practices6 (Secondary Affiliation)
Dependency from God, Gods, and the Divine (together with U. Berges8)
Theory of Divine-Human Dependencies

Academic Profile
My research is based in the field of Hebrew Bible Studies and engages with asymmetrical dependencies from two angles.
1) "(Inter-)Dependency? Human-Divine Relationships in the Hebrew Bible"
I analyze constructions of dependency in human-divine relationships in the textual corpus of the Hebrew Bible. For my second book, I am particularly interested in the limitations of divine agency within the framework of human-divine relationships and interactions. In the Hebrew Bible, I focus especially on the prophetic Book of Hosea, which contains extensive divine speeches that try to explain the ups and downs in the relationship between YHWH and Israel from a divine perspective. My research combines socio-historical, religious-historical, narratological, and biblical-theological perspectives. The results will be contextualized using textual evidence from the ANE.
2) "Priestly Leadership, Coercive Restraints of Membership, and Apostasy"
This part of my research aims at understanding the institutionalized consequences of dependencies from god, gods, and the divine. In the Pentateuch, priestly claims of leadership culminate in the figure of Phinehas the priest in the Book of Numbers, ch. 25. Phinehas’ actions are exemplary for promoting coercive and violent restrictions to membership, sanctioned by the priest himself. Based on the results of my previous research on Num 25, I analyze the restrictive and total concepts of membership and apostasy resp. that come along with institutionalized dependency constructions in the Hebrew Bible.
Further research interests:
- Pentateuch (Genesis and Numbers)
- The Book of the Twelve (Hosea)
- Textual history and textual criticism, esp. of the Book of Numbers (Qumran, Samaritan Pentateuch, Septuagint, Peshitta, Targumim)
- Exegetical methods and theory of science
- Authority, leadership and legitimization in the Old Testament
Dr. theol., Old Testament Studies at the Faculty of Catholic Theology, Ruhr University, Bochum. Doctoral dissertation: "Non-Linearität, Varianz und Verdichtung als Kennzeichen von Textentstehung und -tradition. Paradigmatische Erkundungen im Grenzland von Num 25" (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christian Frevel)
M.A. in Medieval and Modern History at the University of Bonn
Dipl. theol. in Catholic Theology at the University of Bonn
since 2022
Tenured lecturer (Akademische Rätin a.Z.) at the Department of Old Testament Studies, Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Bonn
Lectureship for "Einleitung in das Alte Testament" at the Department of Catholic Theology, University of Wuppertal
Research associate (WMA) at the Department of Old Testament Studies, Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Bonn
Research associate (WMA) in the MERCUR project: "Traditions- und Redaktionsprozesse im Buch Numeri und ihr Zusammenhang mit der Entstehung des Pentateuch" (Prof. Dr. C. Frevel) at the Chair for Old Testament Studies, Faculty of Catholic Theology, Ruhr University, Bochum
Research assistant (WHK) in the DFG project "Theologisches Wörterbuch zu den Qumrantexten" at the Universities of Bonn and Siegen/Freiburg (Prof. Dr. H.-J. Fabry and Prof. Dr. U. Dahmen)
Argelander Conference Grant
Argelander Starter-Kit Grant for the project "Mapping Variant Textuality. Towards a Textual History of the Book of Numbers": € 27,000
Project funding for the eLearning project "Altes Testament" from the program "Gemeinsam für mehr Qualität in Studium und Lehre (QSL)" at the University of Bonn (Federal program "Qualitätspakt Lehre"): € 22,752
Doctoral grant: Wilhelm und Günter Esser-Stiftung
Doctoral scholarship: Bischöfliche Studienförderung des Cusanuswerkes
Student scholarship: Bischöfliche Studienförderung des Cusanuswerkes
Projekt: "Mapping Variant Textuality. Towards a Textual History of the Book of Numbers" 9(Argelander Starter-Kit Grant: € 27,000)
eLearning-Projekt "Altes Testament" (€ 11,376 from the programme "Gemeinsam für mehr Qualität in Studium und Lehre (QSL)" of the University of Bonn (Bund-Länder-Programm Qualitätspakt Lehre)
eLearning-Projekt "Altes Testament" (€ 11,376 from the programme "Gemeinsam für mehr Qualität in Studium und Lehre (QSL)" of the University of Bonn (Bund-Länder-Programm Qualitätspakt Lehre)
- Non-Linearität, Varianz und Verdichtung als Kennzeichen von Textentstehung und ‑tradition. Paradigmatische Erkundungen im Grenzland von Num 25 (under review for publication).
Edited volumes
- Forthcoming. As editor. With Reinhard Müller. Von Textbeobachtungen zu Entstehungsmodellen in der Pentateuchkritik. Untersuchungen zu Gen 20–22. FAT. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
- Forthcoming. "Zur Eigenart der LXX-Manuskripte der b-Gruppe in der Genesis: Spezielle Lesarten, exegetische Textplus/-minus und Berührungen mit der samaritanischen Texttradition." TC 29.
- Forthcoming. With R. Müller. "Gen 21,8-21: Synopse und Kommentierung." In Vom Text zum Entstehungsmodell in der Pentateuchkritik: Untersuchungen zu Gen 20–22, edited by Reinhard Müller and Kirsten M. Schäfers. FAT. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
- Forthcoming. With R. Müller. "Gen 21,8–21: Diskussion des Befundes." In Vom Text zum Entstehungsmodell in der Pentateuchkritik: Untersuchungen zu Gen 20–22, edited by Reinhard Müller and Kirsten M. Schäfers. FAT. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
- Forthcoming. "4QNumb LXX vs. MT SP: Evidence for Non-Linear Processes in the Textual Development of the Book of Numbers from a Neglected Variant Pattern." In Urtext – Fluidity – Textual Convergence? The Quest for the Texts of the Hebrew Bible, edited by Jean-Sébastien Rey and Stefan Schorch. CBET. Louvain: Peeters.
- 2021. "Verwickelte Textgeschichte. Neue Erkenntnisse zum Verhältnis von Qumran und Samaritanus." In Welt und Umwelt der Bibel 2: 37–38.
- 2020. "Vom Dienst und seinen Ordnungen: Kompetenzabgrenzung als (über‑)lebensnotwendige Maßnahme in den priesterlichen Ordnungen des Pentateuch." In Wer entscheidet, wer was entscheidet? Zum Reformbedarf kirchlicher Führungspraxis, edited by Matthias Sellmann and Benedikt Jürgens, 71–90. QD 312. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder.
- 2018. "'... and the LORD's Anger was Kindled against Israel' (Num 25:3) – Who’s in Charge and Who’s to Blame?: Punishment, Intercession, and Leadership-Related Competences in Num 25.” In Debating Authority: Concepts of Leadership in the Pentateuch and the Former Prophets, edited by Katharina Pyschny and Sarah Schulz, 132–158. BZAW 507. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter.
- 2016. "Art. רשׁע – Frevel." In Theologisches Wörterbuch zu den Qumrantexten, vol. III, edited by Heinz-Josef Fabry and Ulrich Dahmen, 722–741. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
- 2013. "Art. יצא – ausziehen." In Theologisches Wörterbuch zu den Qumrantexten, vol. II, edited by Heinz-Josef Fabry and Ulrich Dahmen, 215–231. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
- 2011. "Art. בוא – kommen." In Theologisches Wörterbuch zu den Qumrantexten, vol. I, edited by Heinz-Josef Fabry and Ulrich Dahmen, 379–407. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
- 2010. "Towards a Theology of Qumran: The ‘Theological Dictionary of the Qumran Texts’ (Theologisches Wörterbuch zu den Qumranschriften, ThWQ)." In Journal of Ancient Judaism 1: 322–328.
- Conceptionalizing Divine-Human Dependencies in Prophetic Speech. Evidence for an Implicit Theory of Metaphor in the Book of Hosea – paper at the International Meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association of America (CBA), Omaha, NE (USA), 22.–25.07.2023.
- What is Love? – in the Old Testament – response to the Annemarie-Schimmel-Lecture 2023 by H.R.H. Prinz Ghazi bin Muhammad bin Talal, University of Bonn, 12.06.2023.
- The Two-Kitab Hypothesis from an Old Testament Perspective – response to the paper of Mohsen Goudarzi at the CTSI conference "Lasting Legacy of the Prophets. Theology of Prophecy in Dialogue. A Jewish-Christian-Muslim Encounter," University of Bonn/Siegburg, 06.02.2023.
- "Ambiguitäten – Identitäten – Sinnentwürfe" aus alttestamentlicher Perspektive. Ein programmatischer Beitrag am Beispiel von Num 25 – lecture in the lecture series "Ambiguitäten – Identitäten – Sinnentwürfe" at the Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Bonn, Germany, 21.11.2022.
- Feuer mit Feuer bekämpfen? Zum Verhältnis von menschlichem und göttlichem Eifer in Num 25 – honorary lecture at the Faculty of Catholic Theology, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, 04.11.2022.
- Needy Gods and Divine Agency in the OT/HB and in the ANE – paper at the BCDSS workshop "Divine and Human Dependencies in the Ancient Near East and the Old Testament,"10 University of Bonn, Germany, 13.–14.05.2022. Conference report11
- (Inter-)Dependency? Considerations on Aspects of Dependency in YHWH's Relation to Israel in the Book of Hosea – paper at the Annual Meeting of the SBL (Society of Biblical Literature) 2021, San Antonio, TX (USA), 20.–23.11.2021.
- Vom Dienst und seinen Ordnungen. Kompetenzabgrenzung als (über‑)lebens-notwendige Maßnahme in den priesterlichen Ordnungen des Pentateuch – paper at the conference "Führen und Entscheiden in der Katholischen Kirche. Ein Experten-Workshop der Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultät der Ruhr Universität Bochum," Bochum, Germany, 11.–12.04.2019.
- Interzession als "Ambiguitätsmanagement." Konzeptionen des göttlichen Zorns und seiner Bewältigung in Num 25 – 2nd part of a collaborative paper "Ambiguitäten im Gottesbild JHWHs" together with Prof. Dr. U. Berges at the symposium "Existenzfrage Gott. Zum Status der Gottrede in Theologie, Kirche und Gesellschaft," Bonn, Germany, 01.12.2017.
- https://www.ktf.uni-bonn.de/
- https://www.ktf.uni-bonn.de/faecher/altes-testament
- https://www.ktf.uni-bonn.de/faecher/altes-testament/personen/kirsten-schaefers
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/research/research-areas/research-area-a-semantics-lexical-fields-2013-narratives
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/research/research-areas/research-areas
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/research/research-areas/research-area-c-institutions-norms-and-practices
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/research/working-groups
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en/about-us/people/principal-investigators/ulrich-berges
- https://www.ktf.uni-bonn.de/faecher/altes-testament/forschung/laufende-drittmittelprojekte/mapping-variant-textuality
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/images/pdf-files/program-events/programme-divine-and-human-dependencies_final.pdf
- https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/images/pdf-files/schaefers_wichmann-konferenzbericht-dependent_22-2_11_doppels.pdf