Prof. Dr. Karin Peters
Institute for Classical and Romance Philology
Rabinstraße 8
D-53111 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 73 82027
Academic Profile
Textual Production and Material Circulation of the European Myth of the "Feeling Subject" in Latin America
The project investigates the eighteenth-century European universalist myth of "feeling" and how it was employed to cement SADs. It assumes that the promotion of virtuous demeanor could justify exploitation on different levels during the so-called "second conquest" (Pratt 1992). In Latin American Studies, however, investigations often positivize references to French literature in the "foundational fictions" of the Americas (Sommer 1993, Hahn 2017), dismissing the continuing asymmetry they involve. This project will therefore bring to the fore the importance of SADs that are entangled with the transnational history and political uses of sentimentalism.
This project aims to understand how sentimental narratives of European origin were adapted in Latin American literature that cement SADs between men and women and, or European and non-European subjects, how the non-literary voices of speakers in SADs can be excavated from alternative archives and contrasted with literary discourses about sentiment, and how praxeologies of sentimental SADs were used to redefine gender roles and social politics within the newly created national communities in Latin America.
PhD in Literary Studies, Doctoral Program 'ProLit', University of Munich, Germany
MA in Comparative Literature, Spanish and Intercultural Communication, University of
Munich, Germany, and Venice International University, Venice, Italy
since 2023
Professor of Romance Literary and Cultural Studies with emphasis on the Iberoromania, University of Bonn, Germany
Habilitation/Venia legendi
Research Assistant, Institute for Romance Studies, University of Mainz, Germany
Research Assistant (substitute), Institute for Comparative Literature, University of Munich, Germany
- Transnational literary history of the Spanish Siglo de Oro
- The European myth of the emotional subject: resonance - economy - export
- Bucolic pathos in the Siglo de Oro
- Ruler figures: affect politics and masculinity
- Argentine literature (fantasy, contemporary novel)
- Georges Bataille and the modern sociology of sacrifice
- Stagings of authorship in the 20th century
- Roland Barthes
- Network 'Comic literacies. Cultural Techniques of the Comic' (KWI Essen)
- Demographic crises and the end of bucolicism in Spain
since 2024
Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Bonn
since 2023
Associate Member, DFG Graduate School 2291 'Gegenwart/Literatur. History, theory and praxeology of a relationship,' Bonn
- 2023. Con terrible y fïero desear. Bukolisches Pathos in Spanien (1492–1559). Brill.
- 2022. "Caillois, lecteur de Balzac: Zum Mythos männlicher Energie." In Bürgerschrecken! Antibürgerliche Ästhetiken und Diskurse in der Romania (1870–1939), edited by T. Hiergeist and B. Loy, 321–331. Metzler.
- 2022. "Europäische Schäferromane (Der spanische Hirtenroman zwischen Ideal und Desillusionierung/Aristokratisches Ethos im französischen Hirtenroman)." In Handbuch Idylle. Traditionen – Verfahren – Theorien, edited by J. Gerstner, J. Ch. Heller, and Ch. Schmitt, 81–86. Metzler.
- 2022. "Neue Ritter von der traurigen Gestalt: Caballeros insomnes (2013) vs. The Expanse (2015–2022)." In Prekäre Männlichkeiten. Klassenkämpfe, soziale Ungleichheit und Abstiegsnarrative, edited by G. Schuhen, M. Schröer, and L. Henk, 337–358. transcript.
- 2020. "El feo monstruo de la ley: Justicia imposible y masculinidad trágica en El castigo sin venganza." In "Que todo lo feo es malo / y bueno todo lo Hermoso." Aproximaciones a la estética de lo feo en Lope de Vega, edited by C. Jacobi and G. Gómez Sánchez Ferrer, 151–171. LIT.
- 2018. "Im Teufelskreis des Affekts: (An-)ökonomische Zirkulationsstrukturen in Paul et Virginie und seinen Bearbeitungen für die Oper." In Der Affekt der Ökonomie. Eine andere Poetik der Moderne von Rousseau bis Rancière, edited by G. Hindemith and D.
Stöferle, 191-224. DeGruyter. - 2017. "De la Arcadia a Castilla: Juan de la Encina y la transformación 'patemática' de la égloga." In Bucólica y elegia erótica entre la Antigüedad y el Barroco, edited by I.M. Weiss and A. Álvarez Hernández, 203–229. Königshausen & Neumann.
- 2016. "Paris – Pampa, Non-Stop: Inszenierungen der 'literarischen Weltrepublik' bei Alan Pauls und Sylvia Iparraguirre." In Komparatistische Blicke auf Lateinamerika und Europa, edited by S. Seiler and M. Kopf, 149–169. Winter.
- 2016. "Der 'theatrale Grund' der Autorität. Rechtsgewalt und phobische Männlichkeit bei Lope de Vega." In Geschichte(n) von Macht und Ohnmacht. Männlichkeit und Gewalt, edited by G. Schuhen and U. Fenske, 99–130. transcript.
- 2016. As editor. With N. Aresti and J. Brühne. ¿La España invertebrada? Masculinidad
y nación a comienzos del siglo XX. Comares. - 2015. "Arcadia goes Overseas. Pastoral and Planetary Consciousness in Paul et Virginie (1788)." In Globalizing Literary Genres. Literature, History, Modernity, edited by J. Habjan and F. Imlinger, 90–109. Routledge.
- 2015. As editor. With J. Brühne. In (Ge)Schlechter Gesellschaft? Politische Konstruktionen von Männlichkeit in der Romania. transcript.
- 2015. As editor. With C. Sauter. Allegorien des Liebens. Liebe – Literatur – Lesen. Königshausen & Neumann.
- 2014. "Der Strukturalismus entdeckt den barocken Exzess: Barthes und die sinnliche Transmigration der Zeichen bei Arcimboldo." In Kodikas/Code – Ars Semeiotica
37(3–4): 335–347. - 2014. "Der Lukrezia-Effekt. Homosoziale Gesellschaft und politische Mythologie in Lope de Vegas Fuente Ovejuna." In PhiN – Philologie im Netz 67: 69–94.
- 2013. Der gespenstische Souverän. Opfer und Autorschaft im 20. Jahrhundert. Fink.
- 2012. As editor. With A. Oster. Jenseits der Zeichen. Roland Barthes und die Widerspenstigkeit des Realen. Fink.
- 2012. "Die Sprache des Zwerchfells: Semiologie des Körpers und barockes Lachen bei Molière." In Jenseits der Zeichen. Roland Barthes und die Widerspenstigkeit des Realen, edited by A. Oster and K. Peters, 245–269. Fink.