Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter


Abteilung für Medienwissenschaften
Universität Bonn
Lennéstraße 1
D-53113 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 73 4746
Jens Schröter
© Jens Schröter

Academic Profile

My work in the cluster is on "Infrastructures of Dependency." For more information, see here2

Otherwise I’m interested in
  • Theories and histories of digital media
  • Theories and histories of photography
  • Three-dimensional images
  • (Meta) media theories and economic theories / money as a medium
  • Future media and media of the future: 3D printing / holography / artificial intelligence / quantum computing / simulation
  • Audio media and auditory culture
  • Mushroom studies / interspecies and exo-media

Habilitation, University of Siegen: "3D. Zur Geschichte, Theorie, Funktion und Ästhetik des technisch-transplanen Bildes in Europa und den USA im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert"

PhD "Leit-Bilder. Die gesellschaftliche Programmierung der universellen Maschine am Beispiel Netz und virtuelle Realität"

SS 2023–SS 2024
Director, Institute IX, University of Bonn

WS 2020/2021
Head of Department, Media Studies, University of Bonn

SS 2021

WS 2019/2020
Head of Department, Media Studies, University of Bonn

WS 2018/2019–SS 2019
Director, Institute IX, University of Bonn

SS 2016
Head of Department, Media Studies, University of Bonn

April 2015
Chair for Media Studies, University of Bonn

October 2008–SS 2009 and SS 2013–SS 2014
Head of Department, Media Studies, University of Siegen

since May 2008
Professor "Theory and Practice of Multimedial Systems," University of Siegen

since 2002
Scientific Research Assistant, Research Collegue 615 "Media Upheavals," University of Siegen, Project B7: "Virtualization of Sculpture"

since January 1999
Scientific Assistant at the Dept. for Art and Design Studies, Chair for the Theory and History of Photography, University Essen

December 2023
SGRIP-Fellowship at the IIT Kharagpur, India

7 October 2023
Prize of the Society for Interdisciplinary Image Science for the best essay (for "On Eurocentrism in the Concept of the Image")

WS 2022/2023–WS 2026/2027
PI, together with Anna Echterhölter, Wien, Andreas Sudmann, Bochum and Alexander Waibel, KIT Karlsruhe/Carnegie Mellon VW-Main Grant "How is Artificial Intelligence Changing Science?"3 

SS 2022–SS 2023
PI, together with Christoph Ernst, TRA 4-Project, "Visualizations of the Corona Pandemic"

WS 2021/2022
Fellowship, Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS), Project: "Futures of the Internet"

SS 2020–WS2021/2022
PI, together with Anna Echterhölter, Wien, Andreas Sudmann, Bochum and Alexander Waibel, KIT Karlsruhe/Carnegie Mellon VW-Planning Grant "How is Artificial Intelligence Changing Science?"3

WS 2018–2024
Speaker of the VW-Project "Society after Money. A Simulation"4

SS 2018–2021
PI (together with Prof. Dr. Anja Stöffler, Mainz), DFG-Project: "Van Gogh TV. Documentation and  Analysis of their Heritage"5

WS 2017
Fellowship, IKKM, Weimar, Project: "Media of Abstraction"

SS 2017
Fellowship IFK, Vienna, Project: "Disorder and the Three-dimensional Image"

Januar 2016–2018
Speaker of the VW-Project "Society after Money. A Dialogue"

WS 2014/2015
Fellowship at the Research Centre "Media Cultures of Computer Simulation" at the Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Project: "Politics of Computer Simulation"

March/April 2014
John-Von-Neumann-Fellowship at the University of Szeged, Hungary, Project: "Cultures of Holography"

Funding of the Börsenverein des deutschen Buchhandels, "Geisteswissenschaften International" for the translation of my book "3D" into Englisch

Since October 2010
Head of Research Project (together with Prof. Engell, Weimar): "Television Series as Reflection and Projection of Media Change"

October 2008–October 2012
Head of Graduate School "Locating Media/Situierte Medien," Siegen

  • 2021. With Christoph Ernst. Media Futures: Theory and Aesthetics. Palgrave.
  • 2019. Medien und Ökonomie Eine Einführung. Medienwissenschaft Kompakt. Bayreuth: Springer.
  • 2019. [as part of the project "Die Gesellschaft nach dem Geld" / "Project Society after Money"]. Society after Money. A Dialogue. New York et al.: Bloomsbury.
  • 2019. With Phillip Mirowski. In Search of Media: Money and Markets, edited and with a preface by Armin Beverungen. Lüneburg: Meson / University of Minnesota Press.
  • 2014. 3D. History, Theory and Aesthetics of the Technical-transplane Image. New York et al.: Bloomsbury.


For a complete publication list, see here 6

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