Prof. Dr. Jan Dietrich


Faculty of Protestant Theology1
Department for Old Testament Studies1
Room 2.099
Am Hof 1
D-53113 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 73 4851

Jan Dietrich
© Jan Dietrich

Academic Profile

In his research, Jan Dietrich focuses on the history of ideas of autonomy, liberty, and freedom and how they have emerged out of and developed within contexts of dependencies in ancient Israel and the ancient Near East.

Habilitation, Old Testament Studies, Dr. theol. habil., University of Leipzig, Germany

Doctorate, Old Testament Studies, Dr. theol. (s.c.l.), University of Leipzig, Germany

State examination in Protestant Theology, History, and Pedagogy, University of Tübingen, Germany

Undergraduate and graduate studies in Protestant Theology, History, Philosophy, Pedagogy and Ancient Languages in Tübingen, Germany, and Cambridge, UK

since 2020
Professor of Literary and Religious History of the Old Testament, University of Bonn, Germany

Professor of Old Testament (Individual Employment), Aarhus University, Denmark

Professor of Old Testament, Aarhus University, Denmark

Director of the Research Program at the Department of Theology, Aarhus University, Denmark

Director of Ph.D.-Studies for Theology, Philosophy and History of Ideas, Aarhus University, Denmark

Associate Professor of Old Testament, Aarhus University, Denmark

Research Fellow, Institute of Old Testament Studies, Faculty of Theology, University of Leipzig, Germany

Research Assistant, Institute of Old Testament Studies, Faculty of Theology, University of Leipzig, Germany

since 2023

Krisen in der Antike: Deutungen und Umgangsweisen (together with Christian Blumenthal und Christian Hornung) 

Measuring Value and Accommodating the Gods: Abstracting from the Material in Ancient Cultures; Independent Research Fund Denmark

The Origins of Second Order Thinking, Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation Fund

Travel grant for lecture tours, John Templeton Foundation

John Templeton Award for Theological Promise, Research Center for In­ter­na­tio­nal and Inter­dis­ciplinary Theology at Heidelberg University, Germany, and the John Templeton Foundation, USA

Preis für Antike Rechtsgeschichte, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Philosophy and History at Innsbruck University, Austria

  • 07.10.2022: University of Bonn, Germany: "Freedom and Liberation in Ancient Israel and Ancient Greece - a typological comparison." Paper at the BCDSS-conference Freedom and Liberation in Mediterranean Antiquity.
  • 14.05.2022: University of Bonn, Germany: "Human Dependencies on Gods and the Emergence of Human Agency in the ancient Mediterranean." Paper at the BCDSS-conference Divine and Human Dependencies in the Ancient Near East and the Old Testament.
  • 12.10.2021: University of Bonn, Germany: "Freedom and Dependency in Ancient Israel and the Ancient Near East." Paper in the BCDSS lecture series Control, Coercion, and Constraint. The Role of Religion in Overcoming and Creating Structures of Dependency.


  • Forthcoming. With Christian Blumenthal und Christian Hornung. Krisen in der Antike: Deutungen und Umgangsweisen.
  • Forthcoming. Forms of Freedom within Dependency Structures: How Ideas of Freedom Emerged in Ancient Israel. The Bible and the Humanities. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • 2022. Hebräisches Denken. Denkgeschichte und Denkweisen des Alten Testaments. BThSt 191. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
  • 2017. Der Tod von eigener Hand. Studien zum Suizid im Alten Testament, Alten Ägypten und Alten Orient. Oriental Religions in Antiquity 19. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
  • 2010. Kollektive Schuld und Haftung. Religions- und rechtsgeschichtliche Studien zum Sündenkuhritus des Deuteronomiums und zu verwandten Texten. Oriental Religions in Antiquity 4. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.


Articles and Book Chapters

  • Forthcoming. "Freedom and Liberation in Ancient Israel and Ancient Greece: a typological comparison." In Freedom and Liberation in Mediterranean Antiquity, edited by Hermut Löhr and Carla Weitensteiner. Dependency and Slavery Studies. Berlin/New York.

  • Forthcoming. "Freedom and Dependency in Ancient Israel and the Ancient Near East." In Control, Coercion, and Constraint. The Role of Religion in Overcoming and Creating Structures of Dependency, edited by Wolfram Kinzig. Dependency and Slavery Studies. Berlin/New York.

  • 2019. "Liberty, Freedom, and Autonomy in the Ancient World: A General Introduction and Comparison." In Research on Israel and Aram. Autonomy, Independence and Related Issues. Proceedings of the First Annual RIAB Center Conference, Leipzig, June 2016, edited by A. Berlejung and A. Maeir, 3–22. Research on Israel and Aram in Biblical Times 1 / Oriental Religions in Antiquity 34. Tübingen. 

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