Prof. Dr. Hermut Löhr


Faculty of Protestant Theology1
Department for New Testament Studies2
An der Schlosskirche 2–4
D-53113 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 73 7661

Hermut Löhr
© Friederike Nordholt

Academic Profile

Divine Dependency in Ancient Judaism and Emerging Christianity
The project seeks to investigate the relation between experiences, perceptions and imaginations of asymmetrical relationsships between two or more agents (individual or groups) and the description of the relationship between God and human beings in the sources of ancient Judaism and emerging Christianity. Names such as that of the "slave" or "servant of God," of the "son," and of the "children" of God, more generally of widespread family metaphors, or of (royal) anointed ones, some of the names of gods such as kyrios or despotês, or the structures of client-patron or power-powerlessness relationships are prominent examples of this.

So far, scholarship has been particularly interested in the contextual involvement and the traditional history of such designations and ideas, but has shown little or no interest in their relations to contemporary experiences and discourses of social interdependence, their implications and explicates as well as gender differences implied in these relations. The project seeks to fill in this remarkable gap.

Habilitation in Protestant Theology/New Testament, University of Bonn, Germany

Dr. theol., University of Bonn, Germany

Doctoral student, University of Strasbourg, France

Undergraduate and graduate studies in Protestant Theology, History et al. at the Universities of Bonn, Tübingen, and Heidelberg, Germany

since 2017   
Professor for New Testament Studies/Ancient Judaism, University of Bonn, Germany

Professor for New Testament Studies, University of Münster, Germany

Professor for New Testament Studies, University of Jena, Germany

Interim Professor for New Testament Studies at the universities of Duisburg and Bonn, Germany

Hebrews, Philippians, Early Jewish and Christian Prayer, Apostolic Fathers (esp. 1Clem, Herm, Ignatian letters), The Archaeology of Jewish-Christian Morality in Antiquity, History of Early Christianity, 1–3 John, Wrath of God in Early Christianity (dissertation project by Paul Becker)

since 2019     
Studien zu Judentum und Christentum3 (SJC), Paderborn/Leiden: Schöningh/Brill

since 2018      
Ökumenischer Taschenbuchkommentar zum Neuen Testament4 (ÖTK), Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus

since 2014      
Revue d'histoire et philosophie religieuses5 (RHPhR), Strasbourg

since 2008       
Forschungen zur Literatur und Religion des Alten und Neuen Testaments 6(FRLANT), Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen

since 2008        
Themen der Theologie7, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck

Area Editor Pauline Epistles for EBR, Berlin et al.: de Gruyter

New Testament Studies8, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

  • 2021. "Von der Religion zur Philosophie? Überlegungen zu Selbstdarstellungen des frühesten Christentums und ihren 'Wandlungen.'" In Wandel als Thema religiöser Selbstdeutung. Perspektiven aus Judentum, Christentum und Islam , 61–64. Quaestiones disputatae 310. Freiburg: Herder.
  • 2019. "The 'Two Aeons': Remarks on an Early Christian Concept of the World and Its Implications and Explications." In Aux commencements – Création et temporalité dans la Bible et dans son contexte culturel. Collected Essays on Creation and Temporality in Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical Texts (=BZAR 24), edited by S. Ramond et al., 101–110. Wiesbaden.
  • 2019. "Die Geburt des Autors aus der Überlieferung der Texte: Überlegungen zum Phänomen der Pseudepigraphie in Quellen des entstehenden Christentums." In Autor und Autorität: Historische, systematische und praktische Perspektiven, edited by U. Heil, A. Klein, and A. Schellenberg, 57–71. Wiener Jahrbuch für Theologie 12. Wien.
  • 2018. "The Early Christian Household Codes in the Light of Epigraphic Evidence." In Epigraphical Evidence Illustrating Paul's Letter to the Colossians, edited by J. Verheyden et al, 199–215. WUNT 411. Tübingen.
  • 2018. "Der Messias als Richter: Zur Entstehung und Bedeutung einer Aussage im zweiten Artikel des Credos in den Anfängen des christlichen Glaubens." In Die Rede von Jesus Christus als Glaubensaussage, edited by J. Herzer et al., 457–477. Tübingen.
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