Dr. Dennis Mario Beck


Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology 
Department for Classical Archaeology
Am Hofgarten 21–6
D-53113 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 73 7739

Dennis M. Beck
© Dennis M. Beck

Academic Profile

Dennis Mario Beck studies different forms of dependency in the archaeological data and literary sources in the Punic, Greek and Roman world in the entire Antiquity. His research mainly deals with the ancient economy and network systems, based on several forms of personal and institutional dependencies, in extracting, dealing and trading of resources, in particular stones. Research into the exploitation and operation of ancient quarries, e.g. the marble quarries in Simitthus/Chimtou (Tunisia) and Luni (Italy), taking into account various socially hierarchically structured networks of different social groups regarding their collaboration and interaction. The different actors in economic processes working together in networks of exploitation, trade, and completion as well as the methodological framework for investigating these actors, for example by showing production chains, are two of his current research topics.

Monographs (one in preparation), 12 articles, 2 reviews. 18 national and 8 international lectures, 2 Bachelor theses as second review.

Ph.D. in Classical Archaeology, Free University of Berlin, Germany

Magister Artium (M.A.) in Classical Archaeology, Archaeology of the Roman Provinces and Religious Studies, University of Munich (LMU), "Sapienza," University of Rome, Italy, and the University of Cambridge, UK

since 2019
Assistant Professor (Akademischer Rat), Department of Classical Archaeology, University of Bonn, Germany          

Research Assistant, Department of Classical Archaeology, University Bonn, Germany

since 2023
Member elected of the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities1

since 2020
TRA 5: Past Worlds and Modern Questions. Cultures Across Time and Space, University of Bonn, Germany

since 2015
Member of Berliner Antike Kolleg

since 2014
Member of the TransArea Network Africa (TANA) of the German Archaeological Institute

since 2019
Joint excavation project "Die Nekropole von Monte Abatone in Cerveteri," Department Classical Archaeology, University of Bonn, Germany, University of Campania "L. Vanvitelli" Naples and University of Tuscia Viterbo, Italy

since 2015
Joint excavation project "Urban area and surroundings of a Roman metropolis: Meninx/Djerba," University of Munich (LMU) and the National Heritage Institute Tunis2

since 2012
Joint excavation project "Simitthus/Chimtou, Tunisia," German Archaeological Institute3 and the
National Heritage Institute Tunis4

One-year travel grant, German Archaeological Institute3

PhD scholarship in Classical Archaeology, Free University of Berlin, Cluster of Excellence TOPOI5, Berliner Antike Kolleg6, member of BerGSAS


  • 2024. Marmor Numidicum. Gewinnung, Verarbeitung und Distribution eines antiken Buntmarmors. Simitthus 6. Wiesbaden.
  • 2023. Systems of dependent labour in Roman imperial quarries. The Chaîne Opératoire as a Method for Identifying Dependencies. Joseph C. Miller Memorial Lecture Series 19. Berlin. 


Articles and Book Chapters

  • 2023. "Die procuratores marmorum Numidicorum als kaiserliche Funktionäre und städtische Euergeten." In RM 129.
  • 2023. "Marmor Numidicum and Urban Boom. A Comparative Study of Roman Hispania and Roman Africa from the 1 st to 3 rd century AD." In Explaining the Urban Boom. A comparison of regional city development in the Roman provinces of North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula, edited by J. Lehmann and P. Scheding, 8–42. Iberia Archeologica 22. Tübingen. 
  • 2022. "The quarries." In Studies on the urban history of Meninx (Djerba). The Meninx Archaeological Project 2015–2019, edited by S. Ritter and S. Ben Tahar, 197–202. Archäologische Forschungen 43. Berlin.
  •  2022. "Die 'Boom'-Provinz des Römischen Reiches? Die Africa Proconsularis und ihre kulturelle und ökonomische Entwicklung." In Zwischen Dionysos und Christus. Bild und Tafelgeschirr im römischen Nordafrika, edited by M. Flecker, 25–46. Kiel. 
  • 2022. With F. Gilotta, V. Carafa, G. Morpurgo, C. Rizzo, A. Cirafici, A. Avella, P. Argenziano, T. Patriziano, M. Micozzi, F. Galiffa, L. Lucchetti, M. Bentz, F. Birkner, C. Briesack, P. Kluge, M. Lang, A. Coen, M. Zinni. "Researches at the Monte Abatone necropolis (Cerveteri)." In Archeologica e calcolatori 33(2): 135–152.
  • 2021. "Use, Aesthetics and Semantics of Coloured Marble Columns in the Western Mediterranean during the Late Republic and Early Roman Empire:" In Materiality in Roman Art and Architecture. Aesthetics, Semantics and Function, edited by A. Haug, A. Hielscher, and T. Lauritsen, 95–112. Decorative Principles in Late Republican and Early Imperial Italy (Décor) 3. Kiel.
  •  2020. "Die Dii Mauri: Nordafrikanische Lokalgottheiten in ihrer archäologischen und epigraphischen Überlieferung." In Jahrbuch des deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 135: 237–280. 
  • 2019. "Die Wiederverwendung von Marmor in Pompeji: Importmarmore in den Laden- und Schanktheken: Eine Neubewertung der Forschungsthesen." In Wirtschaft und Wiederverwendung: Beiträge zur antiken Ökonomie, edited by P. Reinard, Ch. Rollinger, and Ch. Schäfer, 105–127. Scripta Mercaturae-Beihefte. Beiträge zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte. Gutenberg. 
  • 2018. With S. Cuy, Ph. Gerth, and W. Schmidle. "Sculptures in the Semantic Web Using Semantic Technologies for the Deep Integration of Research Items in ARIADNE." In Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, edited by M. Matsumoto and E. Uleberg, 33–44. CAA 2016 – Oceans of data Oslo. 
  • 2016. With W. Bebermeier, I. Gerlach, T. Klein, D. Knitter, K. Kohlmeyer, J. Krause, D. Marzoli, J. Meister, B. Müller-Neuhof, C. Näser, Ph. von Rummel, D. Sack, S. G. Schmid, B. Schütt, and U. Wulf-Rheidt. "Ancient Colonization of Marginal Habitats: A Comparative Analysis of Case Studies from the Old World." In Space and Knowledge: Topoi Research Group Articles. eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, edited by G. Graßhoff, M. Meyer. Special Issue 6: 1–44. 


Project Reports

  • 2022/23. With M. Bentz, F. Birkner, Ch. Briesack, V. Carafa, A. Coen, F. Galiffa, F. Gilotta, L. Lucchetti, M. Micozzi,  and C. Rizzo. "Die Monte Abatone-Nekropole von Cerveteri. Vorbericht zur Grabungskampagne 2021." In KuBa 11/12: 76–92.
  • 2019/20. With M. Bentz, F. Birkner, Ch. Briesack, V. Carafa, A. Coen, F. Galiffa, F. Gilotta, L. Lucchetti, M. Micozzi, and C. Rizzo. "Die Monte Abatone-Nekropole von Cerveteri. Vorbericht zur Grabungskampagne 2019." In KuBa 9/10: 59–68.
  • 2019. With Ph. von Rummel, S. Ardeleanu, M. Chaouali, and H. Möller. " Simitthus / Chimtou, Tunesien. Die Arbeiten der Jahre 2016 bis 2018." In eForschungsberichte: 197–205.
  • 2016. With Ph. von Rummel, U. Wulf-Rheidt, S. Ardeleanu, M. Chaouali, J. Goischke, H. Möller, and P. Scheding. "Simitthus / Chimtou. Die Arbeiten der Jahre 2014 und 2015." In eForschungsberichte: 2, 99–109.
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