Prof. Birke Häcker, M.A. D.Phil. (Oxford), Dr. jur. h.c. (Stockholm)
Institute of International and Comparative Private Law1
Faculty of Law and Political Science, Department of Law2
Adenauerallee 24–42
D-53113 Bonn, Germany
Phone (direct): +49 228 31 7981
Phone (secretariat): +49 228 73 9170
Personal Website (Institute of International and Comparative Private Law)3

Academic Profile
- German, English and European Private Law (esp. Contract, Tort, Unjust(ified) Enrichment, Property Law and Succession)
- Comparative Law (esp. "Civil Law – Common Law" and "Comparative Common Law")
- Legal History (esp. European Legal History as well as Common Law History and Evolution)
Second German State Examination in Law, Munich
D.Phil. in Law, University of Oxford
First German State Examination in Law, Cologne
Final Honours School in Jurisprudence, University of Oxford
since 2023
Schlegel Chair in Civil Law, Common Law and Comparative Law and Director of the Institute of International and Comparative Private Law, University of Bonn
Director of the Institute of European and Comparative Law, University of Oxford
Statutory Chair in Comparative Law, University of Oxford, and Professorial Fellow, Brasenose College, Oxford
Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance, Munich
since 2023
Member of the Executive Board of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)
Awarded Honorary Doctorate, University of Stockholm
since 2021
Elected Member of the Academia Europaea
since 2019
Honorary Bencher, Honorary Society of Lincoln's Inn, London
since 2016
Member of the British and Irish Society of Legal Scholars (SLS)
Therese von Bayern Prize 2015, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
since 2011
Fellow of the European Law Institute (ELI), Brussels/Vienna
since 2007
Member of the German Association of Comparative Law (Gesellschaft für Rechtsvergleichung e.V.)
Fellowship by Examination ('Prize Fellowship'), All Souls College, Oxford
- 2022. "Privatrechtliche Freiheit und Gleichheit im Zeitalter der Kodifikation: Entwicklungen im englischen Common Law und auf dem europäischen Kontinent." In Freiheit und Gleichheit im Privatrecht, edited by M. Gebauer and S. Huber, 29–61. Mohr Siebeck.
- 2022. "Individual and Social Dimensions of Freedom and Liberty." In How Much Freedom Must We Forgo To Be Free?, edited by C. M. Flick, 159–187. Convoco! Editions.
- 2022. "Causa und Consideration: Ein historischer Dialog." In Causa contractus. Auf der Suche nach den Bedingungen der Wirksamkeit des vertraglichen Willens / Alla ricerca delle condizioni dell'efficacia della volontà contrattuale / À la recherche des conditions de l'éfficacité de la volonté contractuelle, edited by G. Albers, F. P. Patti, and D. Perrouin-Verbe, 323–369. Mohr Siebeck.
- 2019. "'All Souls College v Codrington' (1720): Money, Books, and the Interpretation of Wills – A Testamentary Drama in Three Acts." In Landmark Cases in Succession Law, edited by B. Sloan, 11–32. Hart Publishing.
- 2019. "'Substance Over Form': Has the Pendulum Swung Too Far?" In Form and Substance in the Law of Obligations, edited by A. Robertson and J. Goudkamp, 35–69. Hart Publishing.
- 2018. "The Impact of Illegality and Immorality on Contract and Restitution from a Civilian Angle." In Illegality after 'Patel v Mirza,' edited by S. Green and A. Bogg, 331–370. Hart Publishing.
- 2015. "Divergence and Convergence in the Common Law – Lessons from the Ius Commune." In Law Quarterly Review (LQR) 131: 424–453.
- 2013. "Public Law Restitutionary Claims: The German Perspective." In Restitution of Overpaid Tax, edited by S. Elliott, B. Häcker, and C. Mitchell, 239–271. Hart Publishing.
- 2009. Consequences of Impaired Consent Transfers: A Structural Comparison of English and German Law. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen. Republished by Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2013.