Prof. Dr. Birgit Münch


University of Bonn
Department of Art History1
Regina-Paces-Weg 1
D-53113 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 73 7732

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© Birgit Münch

Academic Profile

In her research project, Birgit Ulrike Münch explores prostitution as a central field of negotiation for urban modes of female dependency in the early modern period. The aim of the project is to re-adjust the network of different asymmetrical dependencies in the field of female occupations, in particular female prostitution, in Amsterdam in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, which were essentially shaped by the role of the metropolis in Dutch colonialism. The visualized forms of urban female dependency between prostitution, slavery, and domestic service are to be critically analyzed, as well as the allegedly self-determined work in the brothels. A major desideratum is research on prostitutes from the Amsterdam Black and Asian communities of formerly enslaved persons. How are the forms of dependency of, at least formally, no longer enslaved persons in Amsterdam to be defined? How does the servant relationship shape up for women from Amsterdam, from the colonies, for Black Jewish women, and for daughters of slaveholders?

1 book, 16 (co-)edited volumes, 67 academic articles,12 book reviews. 84 international and national lectures and presentations, 25 (co)-organized workshops and conferences, 11 ongoing doctorate supervisions, 12 completed doctorates as second supervisor; 19 Master and 34 Bachelor theses as supervisor/first reviewer.

Habilitation, University of Trier (Germany), Venia legendi in Art History

Ph.D. in Art History, LMU Munich and University of Trier (summa cum laude), Germany

M.A. in Art History, Medieval and Early Modern History, FU Berlin, Ruprecht Karls University of Heidelberg, Paris IV-La Sorbonne, France

since 2021
Vice Rector for International Affairs

since 2019
Co-Director of CERC (Centre Ernst Robert Curtius), Bonn University

since 2016
Professor for Art History, University of Bonn, Germany

Director of the Department of Art History

Substitute Professor, Chair for Medieval and Early Modern Art History,Technical University Dresden, Germany

Research Fellow, Oxford University, Oriel College, (Invitation by Prof. Dr. Lyndal Roper, Regius Chair, History Department)

Lecturer and Academic councilor, Trier University, Germany (including 18 months of parental leave)

Research Assistant, Trier University, Germany

Research Assistant, Bavarian State Office for Monument Conservation, Munich, Germany

Research Assistant, Heidelberg University, Germany t.

Senior Global Grant, University of St Andrews, joint nomination History and Art History

Award International Wolfgang-Ratjen-Price (Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich) for early career research in the field of graphic arts

Dissertation Award, Trier University

since 2020
Co-Director: Centre Ernst Robert Curtius (CERC), Bonn University, Germany
since 2019
Scientific Advisory Board Transdisciplinary Research Area 5, University of Excellence Strategy, Bonn University, Germany

since 2009
Board Member: Johannisburger Symposia for Art and Architecture

since 2007
Member of the Executive Board: ANKK (Association for Netherlandish Art and Cultural History), Member of  HNA, RSA, DVfK

since 2013
Member of the Executive Committee of the US-American Association FNA for Early Modern German Studies

Co-Founder and Board Member: Kunsthistorisches Forum Irsee, Organization of annual meetings and publications (7 volumes) on Artist and Society

Member of the Historisch Kulturwissenschaftliches Forschungszentrum (HKFZ) Trier, funded by the State Excellence Initiative Rhineland-Palatinate, Trier University, Germany

since 2021
Member Executive committee of the doctoral studies course AISTHESIS (Universities of Bern, Vienna, Stuttgart, Regensburg and Bonn)

since 2020
Member Scientific Advisory Board Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nuremberg

since 2020
 Co-Editor of Journal für Kunstgeschichte

since 2020
Member of the editorial committee of Art History. The Open Peer Reviewed Journal

since 2016
Referee for various research institutions (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen (FWO), Schweizer Nationalfond (SNF), Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation)

Research and Exhibition Project: Peter Paul Rubens and the Baroque in the North (Diocesan Museum Paderborn), Scientific board and catalogue author

  • Cooperation Project (Exhibition and Inventory Catalogue) LVR-Landesmuseum Bonn: The Dutch are back (2020–2022): BMBF
  • Cooperation Project MeWo mentoring programme for Women at the Centre d´Excellence Denis Mukwege (CEFM), Université Evangelique en Afrique (UEA), Democratic Republic of
  • Congo, Federal Foreign Office division fund (2021)
  • Research and Publication grants: Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, Fritz Thyssen Foundation, DFG, Gielen Leyendecker  Foundation, Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies, Toronto
  • Travel grants: Samuel H. Kress Foundation 2009–2011 and 2013, DAAD (2011, 2019) Zeit Stiftung Ebelin and Gerd Bucerius (2010–2011)
  • 2021. "Wo der Citoyen dem Dialog der Toten lauschen sollte: Alexandre Lenoirs Musée des Monument français und sein Öffentlichkeitskonzept." InTransformer le monument funéraire: Möglichkeitsräume künstlerischer Überbietung des französischen Monuments im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert, edited by B. Münch and W. Windorf. Paris.
  • 2020. "Soll ich bleiben, soll ich gehen? Antwerpen als kulturelles (Transfer)-Zentrum: Arbeitsbedingungen und Migrationsbewegungen flämischer Künstler." In Peter Paul Rubens und der Barock im Norden, edited by C. Stiegemann, 46–57. Kat. Ausst. Petersberg.
  • 2018. As editor. With A. Tacke and W. Augustyn. MATERIAL CULTURE: Präsenz und Sichtbarkeit von Künstlern, Zünften und Bruderschaften in der Vormoderne. [Presence and Visibility of Artists, Guilds and Brotherhoods in the Premodern Era]. artifex: Quellen und Studien zur Künstlersozialgeschichte. [Sources and Studies in the Social History of the Artist]. Petersberg.
  • 2018. "On the Existence of Confessional Typology in Lutheran Texts and Images." In Visual Typology in Early Modern Europe: Continuity and Expansion, edited by S. Perlove and D. Eichberger, 177–190. Turnhout.
  • 2017. With Martin Przybilski. "Ludwik Flecks Theorie vom Denkkollektiv und die historischen Kulturwissenschaften." In Zyklos – Jahrbuch für Theorie und Geschichte der Soziologie 3, 53–70. Wiesbaden.
  • 2015. "Genremalerei im Theoriediskurs und die 'Schwingungsweiten' der Gattung mit Blick auf die 'Melkmeid' des Lucas van Leyden." In Peiraikos‘Erbe: Die Genese der Genremalerei bis 1550, edited by B. Münch and J. Müller, 51–80. Wiesbaden.
  • 2015. "Körper und Karte: Historizität, Topographie und Vermessung medialer Wissensräume der Passion in der Frühen Neuzeit bei Christiaan van Adrichem." In Räume der Passion, edited by H. Aurenhammer and Daniela Bohde, 49–79. Bern.
  • 2014. "Saints in Inferno? Revisiting Dürer's Martyrdom of the 10.000." In Imago Exegetica: Visual Images as Exegetical Instruments, edited by W. Melion, 635–666. Leiden and Boston.
  • 2011. "Praying Against Pox: New Reflections on Albrecht Dürer's Jabach Altarpiece." In The Primacy of the Image in Northern European Art, 1400–1700. Essays in Honor of Larry Silver, edited by D. Cashion, H. Luttikhuizen, and A. West, 256–268. Leiden.
  • 2009. Geteiltes Leid: Die Passion Christi in Bildern und Texten der Konfessionalisierung: Von der Reformation bis zu den jesuitischen Großprojekten um 1600. Regensburg.
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