Prof. Dr. Chioma Daisy Onyige
Senior Fellow
Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies
January 2025 – December 2025
University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Academic Profile
Dr Chioma Daisy Onyige is a Sociologist by training and a multidisciplinary researcher by choice. She is Professor of Sociology (Criminology) at the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Her research includes gender and crime, environmental sociology, Gender and climate change, and cognate issues such as conflict and peace building. Her current research is on contemporary slavery where she focuses on human trafficking and smuggling of women and children.
Fellow, Global South Scholar, Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland
Fellow, Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU, Munich, Germany
Fellow, Africa Science Leadership Programme (ASLP), University of Pretoria, South Africa
Commonwealth Fellow, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Fellow, Kate Hamburger Kolleg "Law as Culture" Center for Advanced studies, University of Bonn, Germany
Asymmetric dependency and agency in the gendered nature of slavery in crime and punishment in Ogba customary law of Nigeria
The research on the gendered nature of slavery in crime and punishment in Ogba customary law deals with asymmetrical dependencies and agency in the process of crime and punishment. The study attempts to explain the asymmetric dependency between the victim who becomes a slave because of an accidental death (manslaughter) done by a kinsman, and the slave owner or master, who is given the slave as an act of restorative justice in the customary law. This research seeks to examine the jurisprudence of crime and punishment in traditional Ogba society. It considers the following questions: what constitutes a crime in a traditional Ogba society? What types of punishment can attach to the commissions of crimes? What are the aims of these punishments? What role does slavery play in restorative justice in traditional Ogba society? Why are female slaves the preferred slaves in retributive justice in a traditional Ogba society? And what are the implication of these Ogba customary criminal law in the light of the prevailing Nigerian legal system? (Linkage to Research Area C "Institutions, Norms and Practices"). Attempts to these questions and more would showcase the intricate and complex nature of traditional Ogba legal system in general and its criminal justice system in particular. Interwoven with religion, morality and spirituality, law, both divine and human, is aimed at a total integration of the entire aspect of human life, and the slave is in the center of this legal complexity that is still prevalent today.
Monographs and Edited Volumes
- 2018. Introduction to the Sociology of Deviant Behaviour, 2nd edition. Port Harcourt: University of Port Harcourt Press.
- 2016. As editor. With Stephen A. Okodudu. Nigeria Peoples and Culture. School of General Studies (GES). Port Harcourt: University of Port Harcourt Press.
- 2011. As editor. With Stephen A. Okodudu. Pan African Social Science Review Journal (Issues in Gender and Development). London: Posag International Publishers.
- 2009. With J. D. Atemie and A. Anyanabia. The Relevance of urban ethnicity for the analysis of urban social structures: the Ibadan and Port Harcourt examples. Monograph Series No. 1. Social Sciences Research Network, UNIPORT.
Chapters in Books
- 2020. With Clinton Mene. "Law: It’s meaning, Nature and role in Nigeria." In Law and Society in Nigeria: An introduction, edited by Destiny Eze Agwanwo. Abuja: Aboki Publishers.
- 2015. With Modestus Onyeaghalaji. "Rethinking Police Ethics for Socio-Political Order." In A political Economy of policing in Nigeria, edited by Destiny Eze Agwanwo. Abuja: Aboki Publishers.
- 2011. With J. D. Atemie. "Informal productive forces and class conflict: An examination of urban socio-economic changes in Nigeria." In The changing Nigerian society, edited by Kinikanwo Azunda Anele and Jokull Johannesson. Corby: Oxford Academic Publishing.
- 2011. With J. D. Atemie. "Community Relation and Development." In The changing Nigerian society, edited by Kinikanwo Azunda Anele and Jokull Johannesson. Corby: Oxford Academic Publishing.
- 2010. "The growing problem of female-headed households in rural Nigeria: A consequence of HIV/AIDS pandemic." In The Changing faces of rural Nigeria: Change and Continuity, edited by Edet M. Abasiekong.
International Articles
- 2020. With Elisabeth Nsirim. "The Use of Plea Bargaining in Reduction of Economic and Financial crimes in Nigeria." In International Journal of Recent Scientific Research (IJRSR) 11(4): 38055–38065.
- 2019. With Emmanuel Nlemchukwu. "Strategic Approaches to Eliminate Electoral and Political Violence in Nigeria." In American Strategic Research Journal For Engineering, Technology, and Science (ASRJETS) 54(1): 173–184.
- 2014. "A letter to my father." In Beyond Doom and Gloom: An Environmental Exploration through letters, Rachel Carson Center Perspectives journal 6.
- 2011. "The problems of administration of justice on female offenders in Nigeria." In African Journal of Criminology and Justice Studies 4(2). 2011.
- 2011. "Feminist theorizing of the role of women in conflict and development in the Niger Delta. Gender and Development in Africa." In Issues in Gender and Development. Pan African Social Science Review Journal.
- 2010. "Female migration and development in Nigeria." In Culture and Development International Journal of Africa (ICACD) 1(1).
- 2010. "Knowledge and Beliefs about HIV/AIDS among male and female students in Nigerian Universities." Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology 1(1): 121–131.
National Journal Articles
- 2018. "Globalization, Poverty, and Human Trafficking in Nigeria." In Port Harcourt Journal of Social Sciences 8(1).
- 2017. "Women, indigenous knowledge and climate change in Nigeria." In Osun Sociological review 4(1 & 2).
- 2016. "Traditional versus Modern Methods of Crime Control." In Jos Journal of Social Issues 9(1).
- 2010. "Women and Politics in Nigeria." In Pan African Social Science Review 11.
- 2009. "Gender and Climate Change: A study of rural farming households adaptation to Climate change in the Niger Delta region." In Pan African Social Science Review 10(1).
- 2009. "Gender inequality and women’s susceptibility to HIV/AIDS." In Journal of International Gender Studies (JIGS) 4(1).
- 2008. With J. D. Atemie, J.D and J. S. Akikibofori. "Cultural Impact on Fertility: a Comparative Analysis of Polygamy and Religion in Ahiazu, Ezinahitte and Aboh in Mbaise." In Nigerian Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 16(1).