The workshop seeks to explore the potential as well as the limits of textual sources within approaches to a (comparative) analysis of these structures. ...
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In the early 1930s, the Japanese military established a system of brothels, called "comfort stations", for the use of its soldiers and recruited tens of ...
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During the winter semester 2021/2022 and the summer semester 2022, a lectures series organized by the Centre for Religion and Society (ZERG) and the Bonn ...
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My work addresses a persistent problem in African history: the deep history of slavery in the Lower Congo region. While historians acknowledge the importance ...
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Interested in "Structures of Dependency in the Comprehensive Treatise on Universal Peace"? Then join us at our new lectures series on. During the winter ...
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Interested in "Creating Dependency by Means of its Overcoming: A Case Study from the Rise of Tibetan Buddhism"? Then join us at our new lectures series. ...
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Interested in "Simple but Sacral: Tracing the Sinaitic He-tribe and the Origin of ‘our’ Alphabet 4000 Years ago"? Then join us at our new lectures series. ...
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Interested in "The Servant and the Servants of God in the Old Testament"? Then join us at our new lectures series. During the winter semester 2021/2022 and the ...
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In theological and historical research, Christian talk of the "slave of God" has so far been understood as a metaphor. Although it was oriented towards the ...
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